
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Corrupted Guild - [ Chapter - 24 ]

So then Nari started restraining all of the people who suddenly appeared along side Pru who is enhancing the restraints with his magic and the blue fire which started to burn the people in the restraints.

Kameko jumped through the wall charging forward at and incredible speed then immediately jumped back with a speed even faster than before then sliced the heads off the people who tried to kill them.

The rest of the people were now scared and tried to take Rei hostage but then his eyes started burning a blue flame as with his sword and then he just sliced the people who went near him and the cuts left some blue fire.

They were screaming in pain as the fire started devouring them leaving nothing behind not even their ashes and then the Guild Master was now sweating and said, "H-Hey! It was just a joke! I-I'll give you whatever you want.".

Nari already knew there were authorities that they could call for but they needed proof so then she went closer to the Guild Master then said, "If you don't want to die along side your subordinates, give us proof of your evil deeds.".

Then suddenly he jumped up saying, "It's in the floor over there! It's one where you can pull the wooden flooring! There are the records, cash, papers, everything you need to show that we are evil! Don't kill me!".

So then after that Nari went to the authorities as Kameko and the twins were watching over the Guild Master to make sure he doesn't escape and then she started showing the authorities the proof she got.

After seeing everything the authorities immediately went to catch the Guild Master with heavily armed guards and stuff but after going inside they just found Kameko sharpening his sword while the twins were playing around.

As the Guild Master was still in the restraints and she said, "We captured him already, just take him away." and so they did and they also arrested all of the people who were a part of their corruption from the documents.

They thanked Nari and Kameko for capturing them and for putting a stop to their evil deeds but Nari and Kameko had no clue at all what the Guild Master was actually doing so they didn't mind it at all.

Then after that one of the guards and they looked like they were an even higher rank than the otherd and then he said, "Baron Vischutes thanks you for your deeds and wishes that you clear the rest of their little group.".

He then continued and said, "You will be greatly rewarded for you deeds and you'll be given a chance to meat the Baron face to face." then after that they immediately left and both Nari and Kameko were annoyed.

Since the baron sounded absolutely terrible if his definition of great reward was just meeting him face to face but it just sounded like more work for them but they were still curious to what other rewards he would give them.

So Nari and Kameko decided to accept the request and so then Nari needed to get the reports they got again from the guards so she quickly went to them and after that they were quickly given the papers and stuff.

After being given all the information they needed and then Nari stsrted trying to figure out all of their location and bases and after a while of flipping through the reports they have a lot of bases in the city.

Then after reading through it she realized that it would definitely take a while for them to clear every corrupted Guild Base in the city so they hoped that what the baron was offering them was definitely worth the work.

They started heading off to the other villages in the city to clear them from any corruption and Nari brought Rei while Kameko brought Pru so that both of them would have all aspects covered when they are fighting.

Nari and Kameko divided the list of the places they needed to clear the corrupted guilds of and then after doing that both of them started heading towards their listed targets along side one of the twins.

So then Nari and Rei were clearing each place with incredible speed thanks to Nari learning more advance spells as she bought some more books before and learned a distance teleportation spell.

And they were able to clear their list in just less than three days but Kameko and Pru on the other hand went over three days since Pru only had short distance teleportation it was faster for Kameko to run.

Then after all of that they now had a meeting with the baron and Kameko was really excited but Nari was still reading the books that she bought from before and learned a lot more things in magic.

After going to the baron's mansion they were treated like guests and like Nari and Kameko knew the baron's eho was absolutely huge and then he said, "Welcome Hunters to my humble abode! I know it's an honor to meet me.".

And after that Nari had enough of this little cunt and so she then used the spell silence on him and then she went up to him and said, "I am stronger than most mages in the royal kingdom and him over there is stronger than most swordsmans.".

She said as she pointed at Kameko and then she continued and said, "Now you have the ability to speak highly of yourself when we can have a higher position than you whenever we want so just give us our reward.".

Then the guards started appearing around them saying, "Release the baron!", she scoffed and then said, "I did nothing to him, I only used the spell silence and did nothing wrong." she said as she backed off.