
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Dungeon Boss - [ Chapter - 21 ]

Then suddenly numbers appeared around the twins and Kameko and Kameko was just swinging the new sword and he was extremely happy even though he doesn't know what it does or what it is.

Nari was very surprised when she saw Kameko's rating it was a 100% Pureness Level and then she also checked the twins and both of them were just above 90% so Kameko was more pure than the two children.

So Nari giggled and Kameko saw this and he asked, "What's so funny?", Nari wiped away her tears from laughing and then said, "Were you sheltered or something as a child, you need to be 100% pure to hold the sword.".

Kameko when he heard this put the sword down and then said, "I wasn't sheltered." as he started blushing but the twins kept running around the sword so Kameko had to pick it up or one of them might get hurt.

And then he said, "Yeah, I was sheltered a bit.", Nari laughed and after that they then continued looking around the hidden space looking if there was anything there and after a while they only found two other items.

The two items were actually items connected to one another and it was a ring which allows for the two wearers to teleport to each other if they add in just a bit of mana into their ring.

So Nari decided that the twins would use this since there would be a lot more uses if they had this ability and so Nari took the rings and then gave them to Rei and Pru and then they tried it out.

Pru started flowing his mana into the ring and then suddenly light blue smoke appeared and then he disappeared into the smoke and another light blue smoke appeared behind Rei and then Pru appeared out of the smoke.

Then the twins started playing around with the ability then Nari told them to stop playing around and they just looked at her for a bit and as she looked away, they started playing with it again.

Nari laughed and just left them be since they will get tired of it eventually then after that they went back into the actual dungeon and then they continued exploring the dungeon and they went to the lowest levels of the dungeon.

It wasn't explored a lot so there were still loads of loot that they could take inside of it but it's the level where the dungeon boss roams around in so they might get attacked by it out of nowhere.

And all the monsters inside of the lowest levels have the strongest monsters in the dungeons and most of them would be variants as well so Nari, Kameko and the twins had to be really careful on that level.

So after heading down to the lowest level they met some dragon knights which were the evolution of dragon newts, they were incredibly strong and now has some magic resistance to their scales as well.

But still Nari started blasting magic alongside Pru and Kameko charged in with his new sword and then a yellow aura started surrounding Kamekonand the sword and then he just took one swing.

Then suddenly a huge yellow aura appeared in the shape of the slash that Kameko made and killed everything it hit and Kameko was in awe at it's strength and was really happy that he got it.

Rei was sitting back and choosing what sword he wanted to use and after a while he chose the the sword with the nature attribute then he went up to the dragon knights and then did a slash as well.

A lot of the dragon knights were now tangled in roots that came from the sword and then Rei activated her flames on her sword then all of the roots started burning and the now the dragon knights that were traped were now being killed.

After seeing all of then use swords Nari decided to try out the magic sword she got so then she added all the enchantments spells that she knew onto herself then took out the sword from the dimensional fracture.

Since it was a magic sword Nari tried using magic with the sword and so she used the spell "Devour" which would drain the life energy of the caster's enemies by only 10% and give 5% of the life energy to the caster.

So then Nari swung the sword at multiple dragon knights and then a black hole appeared it was tiny but it started devouring thr dragon knights whole, Nari was immediately surprised by this and checked the description of the sword.

It's description was that it increases user's mana by 3x, deducts mana usage by 50% and it increases all casted spells' strength by 250% and so Nari just saw the powered up version of Devour usin gthe sword.

Nari instantly loved the sword since it was perfect for her but she didn't like it was a sword and she wanted to turn it into a wand instead and while looking through it's descriptions it actually had a transformation ability.

So then Nari activated it and turned it into a wand and then it did and she was extremely happy now, Nari then started multi casting multiple spells and their magic circles were bigger and the magic itself was even bigger.

Thanks to all of their new stuff they killed all of the dragon knights pretty easily and Nari collected all of their corpses, armour and weapons to sell them into the guild and then they checked around if they had any loot.

And after checking they had two items that suited the twins and the first one was a ring the increased the strength of fire and so they gave it to Pru and the other sword was called, "Dragon Flames" and they gave it to Rei.

Then after that they continued exploring the floor carefully and they just stumbled upon some dragon knights and other similar monsters from time to time but their numbers wasn't as big as the firsy group they saw.

So it was pretty easy for them to handle all of the monsters and then after another while of exploring they found a dragon wandering around the floor and then they immediately hid from it's sight.

Then Nari used her appraisal spell to check the dragon's description and stats and after checking, it was actually the boss of the dungeon so Nari told them this and told them to be careful.

So then Nari was telling them the information of the boss that she was able to read but then suddenly then they saw a burst of fire beside them and then they saw that the dragon noticed them.