
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Transmigration - [ Chapter - 1 ]

There was a girl named Nari, she was just a normal highschool student and she was the top of her class but she usually like reading manga and watching anime but she mostly liked the genre "Fantasy".

But for Nari she couldn't easily juggle what she wants and what her parents want, her parents think of manga and anime as childish things that need to be left in the past so a person can grow to be even better.

So Nari wanted to prove them wrong by staying as the top of her class while taking care of what she enjoyed in the process but of coures it takes a toll on people and it gets harder and harder as you grow up.

You can't always hold on to things in the past but Nari was just to stubborn to let go even if her parents wants her to let go of her love for manga and anime and grow to be a better person.

They noticed that what she was doing to prove them wrong was taking a huge toll on her since it looks like she hasn't even rested properly but as she said she was still top of her class while keeping what she loves.

So then her parents kept telling her she could stop proving her point and they won't judge her anymore but she continued to do it since she thought they were just saying that because they want her to fail.

The fatigue was getting to her and she wasn't in her right mind anymore even though she already proved her point, in her mind she still needed to do a lot more so her body just kept getting more tired the longer she did this.

Her classmates and teachers called her parents telling them she should rest properly but they couldn't do anything about it since she was just doing what they asked and they couldn't get mad at her for that.

So one day during school, she was walking in the hallway and she was memorizing all of the stuff she needed for her next class but then her sight started becoming more blurry and blurry.

Her body suddenly became heavy and she felt like she couldn't even stand anymore then she collapsed on the floor and she kept hearing people shout, "Someone collapsed! Call for help!", she just heard the cries for her own help.

She was now on the ground and couldn't even move and her sight was disappearing slowly and she started seeing a light but she was quickly rushed to the hospital but sadly her fatigue was too much for the hospital to save her.

Her parents were deeply sorry for pushing her like that, they knew how hard she was working for it and they thought at one point she would maybe stop that silly act of hers and go back to her normal life.

But they never realized it would end up like this even though the staff weren't able to save her, they were able to help her to regain her into a sane mind and so her friends and family said their goodbye to her.

Then after all of that her parents asked for some time alone with their only daughter and child and so all the other people left and so the parents said their goodbye to their child qt the same time.

"We're sorry, Nari.", as the mother collapsed kneeling towards her daughter who was on the hospital bed, she cried while doing so and her father was staring at her trying to make it look like he wasn't that sad.

Nari who hadn't responded to the other goodbyes moved her head and said, "It's okay." as a tear dripped from her right eye and she lifted her right arm as high as she could and looked at them then said, "Don't cry anymore.".

But then suddenly the she closed her eyes again, her hand fell down as if her life left her body and you could only hear the monitor's noise saying that "She Died", her parents burst into tears.

Her father rushing as he kept calling for help and her mother still crying on her body and she could see all of this in the air as she fooated away like a spirit and she looked up and saw the light as it blinded her eyes.

Nari accepted her fate as she saw the light but then she opened her eyes again and so she looked around confused as she thought she had already died and she saw that she was in a strange forest.

Even after looking around she doesn't even recognize the place one bit so she tried moving around but then she stumbled, she was confused and then she noticed she didn't have a human body anymore.

She was in a body of a little frog, she thought the forest was just big but she just realized she was just small, she just stood there in shock hoping that this was all just a bad dream and she kept trying to wake herself up.

But she soon quickly realized that her new life wasn't a bad dream and it was just reality giving her a punch in the face, she couldn't believe it, she was reincarnated as a frog and she was completely powerless.

She tried shouting calling out if there was a system, "System! System activate! SYSTEM!" but of course no system ever appeared before her and she was just there alone and she soon saw that there was no good side of her reincarnation.

But then she suddenly heard a young boy shouting a spell like there was magic and then so she came to take a look to what the boy was doing and the boy was just shouting for no reason since nothing was happening.

She laughed thinking kids will be kids but she wondered why his clothes looked like they were from the manga and anime she used to watch and read but then he shouted again, "Fire Ball." a small little fire ball appeared out of his hands.

So she soon quickly realized she wasn't just reincarnated as a frog, she was transmigrated to another world and then she realized there coule be magic that could turn her into a human.

Then so Nari quickly realized of the possibilities in her new life, even if she was a frog, it doesn't mean she was powerless and she knows if there is magic there should be monsters and she might even be able to become a high level monster.


Author: 『Hello Guys, I hope you guys are going to enjoy this brandnew series because this is a completely new territory for me, this series is having a FL (Female Lead) if you guys have read the chapter and there will be a little bit of romance 🌹so add it to your library if you enjoy that and thanks again for reading!』

Editor: 『😎 I don't even work that much anymore』