
Random Memories

The last girl's day that Breanna and Tangela had is one of Breanna's favorite days. They had planned to go see Divergent, a book she would later read in two days after being grounded. They decided to stop at a place called Roses, which was a very fancy looking restaurant with tall cakes and amazing smelling food. They didn't know what they would want so they ordered two plates of curly fries. Breanna had never had curly fries and this day made her love them. They sat and ate the fries with ranch and talked like they were long lost friends. Breanna had a tendency to study her mother. She believed the woman that gave birth to her was beautiful and perfect. Breanna loved how her nails were shaped, how her teeth were perfectly straight and with, and how her eyes were always full of light no matter what was going on.

They talked, giggled, and ate. By the time they realized they should get going, the sun was setting. Breanna doesn't remember being at the movies, but she will always cherish this memory.