
Chapter Four

When sixth grade came, Breanna and Naysa were separated. They went to two different middle schools, but they tried their best to spend their free time together. Breanna met a girl named Maya who was taller than her. For once, she wasn't the tallest kid in school. Maya also had her last name and it made her feel like maybe they were meant to be friends. As the school year passed, their friendship dwindled and once again she was reminded that nothing good ever lasts. By the end of the year, Breanna got news that she didn't want to hear. Her parents had promised when they moved the prior summer that they wouldn't move again for a long time. Her parents called her and her brothers into their room and told them that they were moving to Washington State. Over 2,000 miles away. The first thing that she thought of was her friend Naysa. It brought tears to her eyes to think that she would probably never see her again and that their friendship would disappear. It caused her to be angry at her parents for taking away the one real friend she had, but she didn't say anything. Her mother then said something that burned into her mind. "My biggest fear is that something will happen to me and you and your brother will have never gotten along. That you will go your separate ways and not where each other are in the world."

Breanna and her family moved to Washington State when the summer came. They drove up from Georgia, seeing plenty of places on the way. Breanna always loved road trips, but the farther they went, the farther she got from how her life was. In a way she felt lucky to be able to see things a lot of people don't, but she still knew she would miss how her life used to be. When they got into Washington, their Jeep broke down. It left them on the side of a thin road that looked out over the mountain. Her mother called a friend to help them start the car and as they waited, they looked around. They were told to stay in the grass because of passing cars, but Keegan being curious, he got too close to the car as a semi-truck passed. Tangela grabbed Keegan's arm as I also tried to, air tugging on both of us as it passed. Keegan went back to the grass and Breanna stayed next to him to make sure he didn't go anywhere. After a few minutes, Tangela was yelling at Paul. Later on she gathered that he didn't put the jumper cables on correctly and risked whoever was touching the Jeep to be electrocuted. I knew that we were all tired and mistakes happened.

Their first house in Washington was nice. It was orange and brown like a pumpkin, though. Through the front door was the dining room with a large dark brown table. You could see the stairs and the upstairs from the dining room. Through the little hall and to the right was the kitchen. To the left was the living room, half bathroom, and door to the garage. Straight back were the back doors made of glass and in the back yard, there was a hot tub, gazebo, and there were blackberry bushes. If you went back to the hall and turned left slightly, there were the stairs. They went up, turned, then went up again. Upstairs there was what seemed like an indoor balcony to the far right, straight ahead was the master bedroom with green walls, and to the right were the bathroom and two bedrooms. One was pink and the other was purple. After a few days, Paul had to go back to Georgia. He didn't come back for two months, but we were still happy. Breanna adjusted to her new life slowly, afraid to actually like it.