
Chapter Three

Breanna's childhood was pretty happy. Her family moved every year which let her see many places as she grew up. It was rare that they would stay in one place more than a year, but it didn't bother her as long as she could keep her friends. Breanna was a sensitive and emotional girl and was shy and awkward often which made making friends hard. In fifth grade, she met a girl named Naysa. Naysa was new and came to her school after the year had started. They became friends quickly and is the one friend Breanna still has. During this year, Breanna was in the Aladdin play that her school held, she was in the after school choir with Naysa, and was learning how unfair the world really was. Breanna got in her first "fight" this year, but all it was, was a confrontation. She had been pushed into another girl and the girl responded with clawing her in the face. Breanna's parents had taught her how to defend herself and in knowing this, Breanna knew she could at least pin the girl down. She didn't do anything though. The girl tried to get her to fight, but Breanna decided it was best to not do anything more. Her mother was furious though. Breanna had five deep scratches from her forehead to her chin. It didn't bother her as much as it bothered her mother.

Breanna began to spend time out of school with her friend Naysa. They grew closer and became sisters. Even though they don't speak much now, Breanna still thinks about her. Breanna and Naysa were like twin flames. They liked a lot of the same things, played the same games, and Breanna even tried to understand Christianity so that there was another thing that they both shared. Breanna wasn't raised religious and was free to believe whatever she wanted. It didn't put a lot of stress on her and she liked having that freedom, but Naysa was religious and Breanna wanted to understand.

By the end of fifth grade, Breanna wanted to make her parents proud of her. It became an obsession. Breanna did her best to pull in good grades, to be respectful to everyone, and to be the perfect daughter. That was hard for her because Breanna didn't understand math and history. She started writing stories after a project she had to do in English. She really enjoyed writing the stories that played in her mind and still writes throughout her life. Breanna wanted to do something that would make her parents say "That's my daughter", but nothing she seemed to do would tell her that her parents were proud of her.