
A Little History

Breanna never saw herself as normal. Even at a young age she believed that there was something different about her. It started at the age of six. She was walking with her mother to pick her little brother up from daycare and they passed a Willow Tree in the middle of a concrete lot. She asked her mother if she could go under it and her mother said yes. Tangela waited at the edge of the lot while the little girl went to the tree. She felt strange as she approached the tree. When she went under it, she looked up through the branches. She found it beautiful, but her mind became fuzzy. It was as if she were seeing everything through someone else's eyes. After this day, she began seeing things that didn't make sense. Dark figures that disappeared when she looked at them. She became afraid of the night because the figures were easier to see when the lights were out. This didn't change as she got older. She began to see colors when she looked at people and was able to tell what kind of person someone was just by looking at them.

As Breanna aged, she began to understand what being an empath meant, she stopped being afraid of seeing things that others couldn't, her ability to help others grew, and every time she saw someone who had died, it didn't scare her. When Breanna turned fourteen, she met her second personality. His name was Vincent and she began to think that she was Bigender. She didn't really understand who Vincent was or why he was there. She had his memories, his emotions, and his knowledge. She thought that maybe she was going crazy and was afraid of being rejected by her friends and family even more. By age fifteen, she met her third personality. Her name was Madison and she was characterized as the mean personality. Since Breanna believed in Spirits, Breanna theorized that her other personalities were Spirits that linked with her and so Breanna tried her best to accept them and protect them. If they were a part of her, it would be wrong to outcast them, right?

On top of being able to see Spirits and people who have died, being able to feel what other people feel, seeing auras, having depression and anxiety, and having other personalities, Breanna was still trying to find herself. Life was still spiraling out of control and she was trying her best to get it to stop. How does someone like Breanna live a normal life?