
To the revelation of my power

A story of a girl who finds light in darkness and finding her TRUE SELF

wonder_fly · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 4

In that she saw the person who locked her inside the classroom. It was none other than her step sister Dravika. She was shocked and wanted to ask her sister why she locked her but she hesitated and decided not to ask her. She messaged Bravahnu saying "Thank you for giving me the pendrive and if possible can I meet you at school entrance tomorrow". On the other side Bravahnu saw the message with a broad smile on his face. He texted her back saying "Ok". On next day near the school entrance she was waiting for him. He arrived on a bicycle and they had a conversation. Sapakshmi requested him not to tell anyone one about the incident and asked him to forget it.

He with a smile replied to her "okay then as you wish". They chatted for a while. He offered her a ride to school. They arrived at the school gate. She said " Thank you gentle man for giving me a ride ". They both agreed to treat each other to a meal if they meet again.

There she met krysty on her way to classroom. She asked her "Who's the guy that dropped you just now". He is just a friend I met him two days ago. Ohh so what's his name. His name is Bravahnu. Oh my how did you come to meet him. What's the matter krysty. you really don't know. Ok gossip queen just tell me.. okay.

In the senior campus they say that After the sweaty summer the class is filled with oily faces but then like a cool breeze a fresh face came and his name is Bravahnu. He is basically a lady killer. One eye contact from him is like a heaven for every girl and to think you even rode on a same bicycle with him i'm really jealous. There's a rumor that he is from a big family but don't know for sure. Even the principal didn't dare to talk to him rudely. okay..ok let's go to class before we're late. Mmm..