
To the revelation of my power

A story of a girl who finds light in darkness and finding her TRUE SELF

wonder_fly · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 5

After class as Sapakshmi was going to the rooftop her grandma called her to tell there will be a party at home and make sure to come. And she was on the roof top of school. She sat down and was listening to songs. she didn't observe that there is another person on the rooftop. when she was about to get up she heard a sound of rock. There is a shadow behind her. She was startled. At that moment a voice came saying "Oh we meet again".It was none other than Bravahnu. She took a sigh out of relief and said " Yeah what a coincidence...." So what are you doing here Sam. what. Since we are familiar with each can i call you sam. Oh yeah sure then I will call you Han. Mmm. I'm here to get some air as it was suffocating down there. So what about you Han. Me? Will you believe me if say I too came here to get some air? They looked in to each other eyes and laughed..

So since we are friends can you tell me about you sam. Well there is nothing to say When I was a child my mom died and then my father began to avoid me. Maybe he also belived that I killed her.After my grandma rised me. Even if we live in the same house my father an i seldom see each other. When I was 10 my father married another woman and brought her home along with her child. Even as my step-mom she is so gentle with me and treated me like her child. And my step-sister we were time at first but no matter what we can never be blood related.

She always find fault with me I thought she was just childish but only after you gave me pendrive I know that she really hate me. Sam are you telling me that girl is your sister omg I can't believe it. How can she be cruel with you. Hmph...