
To the revelation of my power

A story of a girl who finds light in darkness and finding her TRUE SELF

wonder_fly · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 3

All of her classmates in class have been laughing at her and giving her a hard time. Even if she was having a hard time with the help of her friends chris and krysty she was not affected. They have been supporting her and standing by her. After exams sapakshmi ranked 1st and Dravika ranked 2nd in class which made Dravika more furious. After the school ends Sapakshmi is alone in class packing her books. Dravika locked her in the classroom. She was shouting "Help anyone there I'm locked here please help". It was raining outside and thunder sounds can be heard which made her even more scared.

A boy who was passing through the door to go home heard someone calling for help. He unlocked the door lock and rescued her. He gave her water to drink and introduced himself as Bravahnu. He offered her a ride and dropped her at her house. After she entered the house her father scolded her badly for not returning home untill late night without listening to her explanation.

Next day as she was at the school entrance Bravahnu called her name out. He gave her a pendrive and also his name card saying " call me if you need amy help". After school she want straight to her home and opened the pendrive to see what's inside....