
To the revelation of my power

A story of a girl who finds light in darkness and finding her TRUE SELF

wonder_fly · Fantasy
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7 Chs

step sister

As Sapakshmi was waiting for her father at home along with her grandma Tania to celebrate her 10th birthday. Her father came out of car but not alone. He came with a woman and a young girl. He entered the house together with them and introduced them as his wife kayla and child Dravika from now on. Tony brought sapakshmi a cake and indrouced them has her mother and sister. He explained to Tania that Kayla is married before and had a daughter but now she was divorced.

He said she will be a good mother to sapakshmi. And said "I know mother even if I hate her I promised sonia that I will care of her I will take responsibility to her untill the end"

Sapakshmi and Dravika are going to school together. They were soo close at first but it changed gradually. Even if they are at the same age Sapakshmi has always been better than Dravika in all aspects. She was always praised by her mother and teachers which made Dravika's heart filled with anger and hatred. She spread rumours in school about Sapakshmi killing her mother.....