
Well, It's Guarded

Taer Elladorn, located in the desert was not the most welcoming of places. Winds blew the sands into huge dunes making the trek through a tedious and tiring one. Evangeline, Duinhir, and Ander walked on through the desert in search of the fabled door of the desert.

Ander had spent the entire morning talking about his life's mission of Tax evasion. He seemed to have an endless supply of energy that sustained both his walking and talking ability.

"Taxation is theft. I believe that completely. Should one attempt to collect taxes from me, they will have a short-lived career as a tax collector." He explained further before suddenly coming to a stop.

Before them stood what appeared to be a human in full armor. He stood before a large set of stone doors. Sand had begun to build up covering his feet giving the appearance that he had not moved in some time. Evangeline nudged Duinhir forward, not wanting to be the first to approach. He took the hint and cautiously made his way forward.

Ander strolls forward without a care and says boldly, "Ah yes, hello friend!"

"Have you come to stop the master?" The knight asked in a deep voice.

"That depends, is the master going to attempt to collect taxes from me? If not, I'm fine" Ander replied seriously.

Evangeline and Duinhir shot Ander a sideways glance, part from surprise, the other disbelief. The knight turned to Duinhir and Evangeline, asking the question again. Evangeline shook her head refusing to answer without more information.

"Who is this master of yours?" Duinhir asked after much contemplation.

"My master is the long-lost king of the humans; Long dead and risen by Abaddon. I serve my master and my master serves Abaddon, therefor I am in service to both." The knight replied.

A long pause followed before the knight continued, "Regardless of why you are here, you have stumbled upon this sacred place and therefor I must dispose of you."

Evangeline, with an unamused look on her face, draws her scimitar and swings it at the knight, with all of her strength. The knight raised his sword and instantly blocked. Her blade grazed off the armor as the knight laughed.

"You are indeed strong little one. But not strong enough."

The knight retaliated with his sword. He struck her with such force that it knocked her to the ground. The blood rushed free from her shoulder as the wound had opened up under the slashing force. Stunned, Evangeline looked up at the towering armor-clad man as her green blood sprayed everywhere.

"Damn," Duinhir muttered.

"Just in case we die, it's been great guys." Ander said without confidence.

Duinhir raced to Evangeline's side and placed a hand on her. He began to chant in a strange language as his hand began to glow. Her wound began to heal up leaving just a thin line of blood on her shoulder. He then grabbed her by the hand and dragged her out of the reach of the knight's sword. Once she is clear, he begins to transform.

Duinhir drops down on all fours. Fur begins to sprout across his entire body. His nose elongates as he lets out a growl. The growl becomes a roar as the bear emerges from Duinhir's flesh.

"A druid I see," the knight sounds as if he is smiling, "It's been quite some time since I got to kill one of your kind."

Ander takes a deep breath. He puts on a smile and raises an eye to the knight. Confused as to the intent, the knight looks at him curiously. Ander chants a few words.

"Why don't you and I have a drink later after I finish with these two." The knight laughs

"But I kinda like these two, they don't try to charge me taxes." He replied with a pout.

He frowns, "The king would not like this but I will let them live and just say I saw nothing."

"I knew when I met you we'd be fantastic friends!" Ander boasted, continuing with his charm. "You just have that great friendly aura about you."

The knight steps to the side and the great stone doors open. Evangeline and Duinhir the bear pass through them quickly just in case the charm doesn���t hold. Ander strolls more casually in through the door before turning back to the knight with one more smile.

"I'll be sure to catch those drinks with you later, my dude." He said throwing the knight a thumbs up.

The knight nods and resumes his position in front of the door. As the doors close between them Evangeline looks at Ander with complete disbelief.

"I can't believe you pulled that off." Evangeline stated.

"It's just my charm." Ander shrugged. "I wasn't sure I wanted to be up-close and personal with him after what happened to you."

"I'm not sure you're not up-close in other ways now." Evangeline pointed out.

"True." Ander replied with a chuckle, "I'm sure it'll wear off long before we get back an he wont be so happy to see us on the way out."

Duinhir the bear looked at each of them listening to the conversation. He shook his furry head agreeing to the disbelief of the situation before turning back to view the task at hand. Evangeline and Ander followed his gaze down the long sloping hallway. It ended at another stone door that was closed and in no way did it appear any more welcoming.