
Stop! Thief!

Bartholomew slept on the corner of the pillow. Ander stretched, yawned, and reached for his jacket causing Bartholomew to open his little eyes. He scurried up Ander's arm and sat comfortably on his shoulder.

"We had better start our travels my friend, before anyone comes to recognize us here." Ander spoke as he gathered the remainder of his things.

Ander and Bartholomew made their way down the stairs. It was early enough yet that a crowd had yet to gather for breakfast. He made his way out the front door stretching his arms high above his head as he looked around in the early morning sun. Ander turned to see two guards pinning up a new poster. As they backed away, he saw his face again. The guards looked up from the poster back to him, and then back to the poster.

"Well, shit." Ander said as he quickened his pace to get away.

"Hey you! Stop right there." They called out

Ander took off in a run across the square. Looking back, he failed to notice that he carried himself and Bartholomew right into the open arms of a third guard. He hit the man's chest with a solid thud, being stopped in his tracks. The guard seized him as the other two caught up. He struggled against the hold whimpering the whole way.

"You're wanted for crimes against the lord and lady." The guard stated.

"You've got the wrong guy! I'd never defy the laws of the land!" Ander countered.

His charm failed this time, leaving him at the mercy of the guards as they dragged him to the edge of the square. He tried again.

"Oh please, you've got the wrong guy!" he said as they continued to drag him away to the view of the gathering crowd. "I would never evade my taxes!"


Evangeline was first out the door of the inn that morning. The commotion already begun before she seemingly walked into the middle of it. Duinhir right behind her, they stopped in the square watching the events unfold. As the guards dragged the man away he protested loudly. Evangeline looked to Duinhir, not sure of what was happening.

"We've got to help that poor man!" she stated as she made her way through the crowd.

"Eva, wait! You have no idea what you're getting into." Duinhir called after her.

Evangeline failed to hear the warning. She stormed up to the guards and drew her sword doing her best to look threatening.

"Unhand him." She stated. "Now."

"Oh thank you!" Ander cried out.

"Stay out of it elf." The guard said as he pushed past her.

Evangeline took a swing with her sword hitting one guard in the arm that held Ander. It pinged off the mans metal armor not leaving even a scratch but it was enough to get the first guard to release his hold. As the guard drew his own sword, Duinhir cursed. He pushed his way through the crowd and raised his hand shouting.

"Hold!" the guard with the sword drawn froze in place.

Ander took the opportunity to pull himself free of the second guard. He took one swift kick in between the man's legs dropping him to the ground.

"I suggest you run." Duinhir shouted.

"This way!" Ander grabbed Evangeline by the hand and dragged her off toward the northern gate.

Duinhir released his concentration on the guard he held in place and took off in a quick sprint behind the other two. They reached the gate before the gate guards had an opportunity to respond to the commotion happening behind them. They raced onward putting the town of Orrinshire far behind them. Ander was the first to slow down once he was certain they would not be following. He had done just this thing for so long, he could absolutely predict how much effort would go into their search.

"I thank you both." Ander said as he stopped to catch his breath.

"You're welcome. Are you alright?" Evangeline replied kindly.

"Are you serious right now?" Duinhir countered. "You just aided a criminal escape."

"I'll have you know I'm not a criminal!" Ander countered. "They're the criminals and should have to suffer my wrath. Taxation is theft!"

"My name is Evangeline, this grumpy fish face is Duinhir. Pleasure to meet you." She said introducing them properly.

"I'm Ander and this is my friend Bartholomew. Where are you two headed?" he asked.

"We're looking for the great disturbance that will destroy all of our worlds." Evangeline offered.

"Oh, then you seek the lair of the order. From what I hear they intend to raise the god Abbadon and bring an end to all things." Ander replied.

"That just might be the evil we're seeking then." Evangeline said hopeful.

"And how would you know this?" Duinhir asked skeptical.

"Well, I'm a bard, I tend to hear things." Ander countered.

"So it would seem. And where would we find this lair?" Duinhir asked.

"We're headed that way now. I suggest we make camp tonight and get some rest before we get there by mid afternoon tomorrow. I heard many have failed already." Ander said.

"There's a small caravan plot about halfway between here and there we can stock up on some supplies and get rest." Ander added.

"Have you been there before Ander?" Evangeline asked as she began walking again.

"I may have passed it by a time or two." He replied.

"Ok then," Duinhir replied picking up the pace. "Onward."

The two companions became three as they forward marched into the unknown adventures that awaited on the horizon.

Writing is going to be a bit longer in-between chapters now. I apologize for any delay and hope you all continue to enjoy this story as it moves forward!

JR_Ganskecreators' thoughts