
Forward! Into the dark

The stone doors close behind the travelers as they stare down this long sloping hallway. It is covered in shadow with just a slight hint of light coming from the far end. Evangeline looks around cautiously checking for traps before continuing forward. When satisfied there was not any immediate danger, she kicked Duinhir in his furry backside to nudge him forward.

Duinhir let out a low bear growl as he realized Evangeline's intent to make him venture forward. Without much more protest, Duinhir in his bear form, tried to squeeze down the narrowing hallway. A few feet in his backside began to scrape against the side of the walls. The door was still quite a bit away. He growled again as he realized he just was not going to fit.

The bear stands up on his hind legs. He begins to transform back into his blue skinned self. Once the fur fades away, Duinhir is face to face with his companions once again. Without time to think about it any further, Ander runs past both Evangeline and Duinhir down the long hallway. He stops briefly as he stares at the door.

Footsteps can be heard on the other side of the large stone door. A slight trickle of water came from the ceiling. Ander, without hesitation, turned to his travel mates.

"On a scale of one to ten, how mad would you guys be if I just kicked open this door and announced myself boldly?" he bravely asked.

"I think I'll let you have this one." Evangeline replied stepping back into the shadows off to the side of the door.

Ander, proud as could be, gave it his best go. He threw his hands out and kicked the door. His face contorts as he stubs his toe against the door. He hops backward stunned that it didn't work.

"There has got to be a latch or something to open this door." Evangeline pointed out.

"No, No, I've got this I'll just kick it with my other foot!" Ander replied hopefully.

With as much force as he could muster, Ander kicks at the door with his other foot. He hops up and down in agony, as he feels like his toe broke against the stone. The voices behind the door stopped to listen as they heard the second thud against the door. Realizing that there is no lock or switch, Ander gives the door a shove and it gives effortlessly.

The three look at each other in confusion. But quickly turn their attention back to the room at hand. Inside, three creatures look up from their position and stare them down fiercely. The first they see is a dark elf, blood is dripping from his lips as he is clothed in all black with a sword at his hip. The next, a female demon her horns poking out from her hair and a pointed tail protrudes from behind her. A black bird sits on her shoulder. The third is a dark figure in all metal armor, the only thing you can see is his glowing eyes in the pitch blackness of its face.

When Ander realizes that it is a lich, he backs up into his companions, "Wrong room, wrong room, wrong room." He belts out.

The realization came all too late. The three creatures inside the room had already spotted them. Their only choice was to continue forward or turn around and run.