
I ‘slept it off’

Bill's POV

I woke up with a bit of a hangover, and pine tree in my hand.....wait what?!!! Is he Okay? He wiggled in my hand, so he was alive. I gently placed him on the bed, I hope I didn't try to do.....that~ with him. He was to young for that!

He woke up in about five minutes, then I asked him questions about what I did. "What did I do to you Pine tree?" I asked him in my most worried tone. "You only cuddled me for a few minutes, called me cute,kissed me like, thirty times, and forcibly cuddled me while you slept it off." He responded. I gave a sigh of relief.

Dipper's POV

Bill seemed really worried about me. He cuddled me for about two hours, kissed me a few times and murmured soft apology's to me. "I'm so sorry," He said. "I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt."

He nuzzled me gently. Then spoke again. "I'm going back to gravity falls today to make a deal with Gideon, again. Do you want to come? He won't see you." I nodded,I was desperate for a change. He pulled out a really thin thread, and attached it to this collar I just realized was there. He slipped me in his pocket and we then teleported to gravity falls.