
Drunk bill

Dipper's POV

Well, Bill's friends are over and it's not fun.... At least not for me. They are partying together to celebrate Bill's birthday late. The music is loud, so it hurts my ears, and occasionally Bill's friends take me out of my cage and hide me for Bill to find and get mad. Bill eventually put me in his room on his dresser. "Stay in here Pine tree." He said. "It's going to get weird."

I looked around, it was a nice room. Yellow, gold,black and red filled the room. I read my journal again, yes I had it when I fell through the portal, Bill let me keep it, to make me feel better. He didn't even look through it, because I didn't want him to. I, strangely, am fine with being here...... I wonder what Bill's doing.

Bill's POV

Now that Pine tree couldn't get hurt I could let my friends have more fun. It worked until the time punch came out.... that stuff gets you really ultra drunk. I hope after I drink pine tree will be ok. Well I'm gonna get drunk!!!! Sorry Pine tree!

Dipper's POV

A few minutes after midnight Bill's friends left and Bill came stumbling into his room.... his eye landed immediately on my cage. "PINE TREE!!!!" He yelled happily. "Ummmm, hi?." I said, what was wrong? He scooped me out of my cage and cuddled me. "Oh Pine tree,

You're so cute!" He said. "I'm not cute! I'm manly!" I yelled upset. Bill shook his head and happily sated. "NO!!!! You're cute!!!!! Cute,cute cute cute cute cute cute!!!!!" Okay he's drunk.

"Pine tree!!!!!" Bill whined happily. "You're going to keep me company tonight!" I was shocked! What was he implying? He snuggled me closer for an answer.

He was wearing a yellow suit. And black pants and gloves like always. He laid down on his bed, covered himself with the blanket and pulled me under the blanket. "Bill," I yelled. "What the hey?"

He giggled and put me near his face. He snuggled me close to it. Then he smothered me with kisses. He then set me on his chest, I tried to scramble away but Bill grabbed me again. "No," he said " Pine tree~ don't go! I'm lonely- stay with me?" I shook my head no. Bill giggled again. "No?" He asked. "You sure?" I nodded.

He chuckled evilly for a second then said. "Well,I guess I'll just make you stay." He proceeded to pull me under the covers and pulls his head under too. "There," He said eagerly. "Now you will stay! Good night Pine tree!" As soon as he said that his hand wrapped around me and held me close like a stuffed animal.