
Chapter 9: Zeltar: prisoner 2349

Hi, my name is Zeltar, and I have been a prisoner for many thousands of lifetimes and or thousand years, anyways it sucks being in a 4x4 prison cell. They think I killed their general's entire family including Son-ra the invincible, but I didn't do it. Let me explain what happened.


It was July 15, 2000, I had just walked into the party that I was invited to and was just about to shake hands with the general when all of the sudden, the attacker started killing people throughout the whole room. I couldn't see his face but I do know that he was a decorated man and that he also had a mask and yelled, "DEATH TO ALLLLLLLLL!!!!"


While I was standing there, I saw that he was fast, swift, cunning, had a decorated military style saber sword and had words etched on the sword that said "never retreat. never surrender." He continued the massacre right in front of my eyes, and he didn't stop till all were on the floor.


I told their government how it happened and they thought I was lying to them. After going through court, they locked me up and never let me have contact with anyone or have a special cell. Instead, they've ignored me and have refused to meet any of my special needs.


I have now been here for thousands of years now. I recently found out that I have a cousin in the family. His name is Jonathan Verde Et Ment Ærdýl also known as the Immortal Warrior Veteran


It was an ordinary day in my cell. I've tried to escape and failed every time. However, I've managed to send off a telepathic echolocation message through the metal pipes. After about thirty minutes of waiting, I finally got a message back.

"I'm searching for you now. Keep making those sounds so I can keep track of your whereabouts."

"Ok I guess so."


Three days later…

I've been waiting for my cousin to find me but I cannot escape this prison cell without help from him. So I'm just going to have to wait for him to pick me up. Wait what is that racket?