
Chapter 10 Romanian Imprisonment

We've been travelling non-stop for three days now and Randy and I have successfully located the exact origin of the sound.

"We're going down there."

"There are some people down there that have been imprisoned for things they've never done." Randy said with a calm tone.

"Get all of your weapons ready. We're barging in!!!" I said in the tone of a leading general.

Once we got through the prison entrance, we were stopped by a huge and thick wall of guards.

"I've detected the presence of four superhumans within this prison and in the supermax cell section." Randy said telepathically.

"Alright everyone, let's do what we were trained to do!!!" I said with excitement.

First person to start attacking is Randy, which, in no time, split the wall of soldiers into two.

"Alright Shila, prolong the separation."

After the guards got completely split, we started moving further into the prison. While we were running, I heard the signal.

"alright guys, we're splitting up into two different---"


"No. All of you guys move on. I'm completely impervious to any form of attack!!!"

All of a sudden, Hannah and Jed Roccky stood beside Daniella.

"If you get captured, we're going to get captured with you." Jed and Hannah said at the same time.

"I actually think you three will be suited well together as fighters and defenders." Dan said while doing calculations inside his brain.

"No time for calculating Daniel. We all still have to get to the supermax basement floor."


"How long till we reach there!!!" Lylian asked quickly.

Before I could say something, Dan said, "We still… have to… travel down… five hundred feet, then we… will reach… our destination." Dan said in an exhausted tone.


We finally reached the supermax floor and when we looked around, we saw that there were only four cells in a small size prison floor.

"Which prisoner are we going to break out?" Asked frantically.

"All of them." I said quickly.

As everyone else went to break the other three out of their cells, I went over to a heavily guarded supermax cell. When I went to touch the bars, the prisoner told to not to.

"They're designed to prevent any prisoners from escaping and preventing intruders from trying to break anybody out of their cells and the prison."

"Watch this. Hey Daniel, come over here really quick."

"Calculations?" he asked curiously.

"Yes. What is the voltage in this cell system?"

Almost immediately, Dan gave us the answer.

"Enough to kill Daniella."

That can't be possible. She's impervious to any attack!!!" Phidelia said in a defensive tone.

"You're not thinking Phidelia. Yes, she's impervious to any attack, but what about defenses?" Daniel said with a raised finger.

"Well, someone has to break him out!!!" Phidelia exclaimed impatiently.

"I'm the only person who can break him out. I can't die at all. Not even of natural causes and not even if I end up going into Limbo." I explained confidently and truthfully.

I went up the cell door, grabbed the bars, which apparently had no effect on me, and then yanked the cell door and destroyed the whole guard system.

All of a sudden, the prisoner yelled, "HOLY CRAP!!!"

"Yep. With us superhumans, the older we get, the stronger we get, and in Jonathan's case, he's the strongest there is." Lylian said professionally.

"Timy and Phidelia, Portals please."

In no time, everyone went through the portal that timy made.

"Alright timy, I want you to follow the crew that you helped."


"Phidelia,you're with me. I need you to create a portal leading to the rest of the crew."

"Yes sir!!!"

One moment we're in, next thing I know we're in the middle of death.

"Randy, Shila, over here, quickly." I yelled frantically.

Almost immediately, I saw a Kangaroo speeding towards us, then turned into Randy.

"Come on Shila, hurry!!!" Randy yelled worriedly.

As Shila started to run towards us, she went into a quick halt and we saw her face go pale white, then we saw the tip of a very sharp and long dagger.

"NOOOOOOO, NOT SHILA!!!" Randy cried loudly.

Randy went so beserk that I had to use a quarter of my strength in order to keep him from going straight into the line of fire. After I realised that my amount of strength wasn't working, I ended up having to apply half of my strength in order to pull him into the portal with phidelia and I. As soon as it had started, we found ourselves inside the solitary confinement room with Nathan.

"How'd the mission go." Nathan said softly.

"Depends on if Timy brought everyone to the right place." Phidelia said with concern.

"I know there's something else that you guys aren't telling me, because I know that Shila told me that she adored Randy and that if she could, she would never leave his side. Where is she?"

After a minute of trying to figure out what to say, Randy ended up being the one to tell him.

"Nathan, I'm really hoping that you'll understand the situation that we were in. She put up a really good and powerful fight. We all thought that every single enemy were dead, but when she removed the gravity force and started to run over to us, she was immediately stopped by a long and sharp dagger."

After Randy finished, I immediately felt time stop completely and when I looked at Nathan, I saw him glaring at me.

"How is it that when I use my powers on everyone, you always end up being the only one who isn't affected at all."

"It's because I can't die at all, not even of natural causes and not even from limbo."

"How do you even know what limbo feels like?"

"Remember when I knocked you out in order to keep you from killing everyone?"


"Well, when you stopped time, created a psionic attack, and created that black hole, you also started pulling limbo into our world."


Well, now that you've proven to me that you have complete control of your powers and emotions, I can finally let you out of solitary confinement. Can you let time continue taking its course please?"

As Nathan nodded, everything around me started its path again.

"Ugh, for a moment, I thought you were going to kill us."

"Nah. If I wanted to kill you, all you would feel is my hands then next thing you know, you'll see a large and growing light."

"Yikes!!! Please don't do that to me ever!!! Randy yelled in a frightened tone.

"Come on Randy!!! I would never do that to you!!!"


After finally getting through the door, we were greeted by Logyn and Blinn.

"We just got word that the others got stranded in Romania and were immediately arrested because of the Afghan President"s "Attempted assassination."

"Ugh, and I thought that he wasn't able to be corrupt. Who told you guys that they got stranded over there."

"A guy by the name of "Zeltar."



"This is all your fault Timy!!!" Artholioe yelled furiously. "If you can actually get us back, that would be very nice."

"Be nice Artho, he's still learning how to use his powers." Lylian said sternly. "At least he managed to create a portal for us to go through."

All of a sudden, charlotte came up with an idea.

"They might listen to me. After all, they're required to go through each of the prisoners history."

"How do you know that."daniel said with suspicion.

"Well, I am the daughter of Vladimir Dracula."

Before anybody could respond, two guards came back and threw Riko back into the cell, then turned their attention over to Charlotte.

"You're next girly."

After walking up many flights of stairs, they finally reached the throne room.

"So, attempted assassination on the president of Afghanistan, huh." the king said in a controlled tone.

"Your Majesty, if you would be willing, I would be more than willing to share some information with you regarding the cause of this war and what is currently going on."

After a couple minutes of thinking, he finally came up with a decision.

"Very well, but I must require you to tell me your name."

"Charlotte Vérités et Mensonges Dracul."

"He must be your ancestor then."

"Actually, I'm his daughter."

All of a sudden, one of the guards told her to prove it.

"Oh, you don't want her to prove it." I warned.

"Aaaahhh, Jonathan Verde de ment AErdyll." the romanian king said with excitement.

"Just so you know Varkule, we were not going to assassinate Aaron Arash. We were going to try to convince him to help us bring justice to America and reform it."

"I see. Well, in honor of your willingness to come out of retirement in order to protect America and the World, I will join your forces in order to bring justice."

"Thank you so much, Varkule, for understanding."


"Am I in trouble, sir?" Timy asked with shame in his voice.

No Timy, you are not in trouble. In fact, you actually helped us receive extra military services, which is very good for us because then, he'll regroup the countries that surround his nation."

"Oh, cool!!!"


"Now, here's how this is going to work. Instead of doing what General Maers always did, which is the incredibly difficult way to do things, we're going to do this my way. Zeltar, you're first."

"Hi, my name is Zeltar, I am 90,445 years old, Jonathan and I are cousins, I have 10,000% accurate knowledge of the Supernatural, 100,000% accuracy on Inventive knowledge, and I am a Werewolf/Vampire fire Elemental-Hybrid."

"Hi, my name is Bailey Wadiley, I am 27 years old, and the only power that I have is telekinesis."

"Hi, my name is Michael Miles, I am 52 years old, and I am a molecule bender."

"Hi, my name is Donald Billiards, I am 174 years old, and I a human electricity conductor."

"Ok, now I'm going to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Immortal Warrior Veteran Jonathan Verde De Ment AErdyll, I am 95,445 years old, and I am an unknown breed of Werewolf."

*Long pause*

"How's that even possible!!!" Artholio exclaimed. "Your ages indicates that you guys are 5,000 years apart!!!"

"My mom lived around the same time as Jonathan's Parents and continued to live for another 20,000 years. That is why our blood relation is possible."


Three hours later....

After the introductions were made, I was getting the new dorms all made until they started a fight.

"Hey Zeltar, you wreak!!!"

"You take that back you girly!!!"


"OK how about a knuckle sandwich with extra power!!"

"Break it up!!!"

As I reached the entrance of the dorm hallway, I saw Aali trapping Zeltar and Randy inside of air shields.


"He started it!!!" Zeltar tattald.


After getting everyone's side of the story on what happened and finding out that it was exactly the same details, I decided to have Aali separate the two.

"Aali, would you please send Zeltar to the solitary confinement room with Nathan."


"And when you're done doing that, please bring Randy to my office. He's going to have a "special treat when he arrives there."



"I am very disappointed in you Randy. We bring in new recruits and you treat them like crap!!!

You do realise what I have to do now, right?"

"No. I actually don't know." Randy said worriedly.

"I now have to send you down into the military base dungeons."


"I'm sorry Randy, but it has to happen."


"Ok Zeltar, I know you're new here, but I still have to punish you. Therefore, i'm going to keep you in solitary confinement room with Nathan, and I would suggest that you not make Nathan angry because he's by far one of the most powerful superhumans in the world. Am I understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok. Get going before I change the punishment."