
Chapter 8: The discovery of a long lost cousin

After locking Nathan up, I went into the common area to find Riko trying to bite Mako.

"You cannot bite me for a very good reason. You'll die a peaceful death at the end, but the side effects will be excruciatingly painful!!!" Mako said in a frightened tone.

"STAND DOWN SOLDIER!!!" I yelled with my military voice.

After about five more minutes of struggling and yelling, he finally gave up the attack.

"What happened." He said groggily.

"You tried biting me!!!" Mako said with fright and anxiety.

"Mako, I think it's time for you to go in your dorm to study mythology." I told her with a reminding look.


Four hours later…

So, you're saying that I tried to bite Mako out of pure mind control!!!" RIko exclaimed with a surprised tone.

"Yes. Oh, and by the way her blood could kill you within five minutes without treatment and/or the proper treatment." I said sternly


"Alright everyone, this is how our next mission is going to work. Our allie, which took seven thousand years to accomplish, is Afghanistan and has officially been bombed by the American president and has been corrupted once again. Now, to the plan. This mission is going to be about convincing the country's president that America is extremely corrupt and that the president has turned into a corrupted dictator."

"What if we fail to do so?" Logyn asked.


All of a sudden, right as sallie was about to hug Logyn, blinn came out beside him.

"How are you guys alive and moving?" Shila asked.

"It's because of my blood's' magical properties. The effects can vary in three ways. It can kill you, which would've been Riko's case. It can bring people back to life, which is the case of Logyn and blinn, obviously. The third and final way is nothing."

"Your powers aren't just unique, they're extremely valuable!!!" Riko exclaimed with a special and brightened tone.


"Alright, Everyone, ready to get into your positions?"

"Yes sir!!!"

After everyone got into their positions with their primary and secondary weapons, I told Logyn and Blinn that they needed to not only guard and protect the base, but to also make sure that Nathan doesn't escape solitary.

"What happened?" Blinn asked with suspicion.

"Long story short, his powers are extremely powerful and he still needs to work on controlling his emotions. Does that make sense?"

After about a minute, they said yes.

After flying for about twenty hours, we finally arrived to afghanistan.


We've been walking for four hours now and half of the team are starting to get cranky.

"Alright everyone, we camp here tonight."

"Thank goodness." Artholio said with relief while trying to pitch his tent.

After everyone got in their tents, I started my guard duties.


It is now two-thirty in the morning and I just felt sallie touch my hand softly.

"Why are you up so early sallie? It's only two-thirty in the morning."

"I never fell asleep."

"What's bothering you?" I asked with a soothing tone.

"When I was 14 years old, my dad took me here so I could see what he did whenever he goes back in. one day. There were two children playing soccer and the ball rolled in the center of a field of landmines."

All of a sudden, I could hear her voice starting to crack, so I held her a little bit tighter.

You don't have to say anymore." I said quietly in her ear.

After she stopped crying, she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and started for her tent.

"Goodnight Sallie."

"Goodnight Jonathan."


"Alright everyone, time to get moving!!!"

"Ugh, It's hot out here." Randy said in a sleepy tone.

"Says the one who can transform into anything that has ever existed!!!" Shila said jokingly.

Almost immediately, Randy transformed into a stegosaurus. After about ten minutes of cooling off, Randy transformed back and then started for our destination.


We finally got to our destination and when we got to the doors, the guards pointed their guns at me.

"State yourself."

I am Jonathan Verde De Ment Ærdyll, also known from around the world as the Immortal Warrior Veteran, and I've come here for top secret reasons with your president."

After receiving confirmation, they only allowed access to me.

"Wait patiently. I'll be back."


Six hours later…

"Randy, get everyone away from the doors. We've been lured into a trap!!!"

"I know!!! We've taken cover and are waiting for you to find us."

After I found them and took cover, I Immediately heard a telepathic echolocation signal.


"I know. I heard it too."