

Kacchan's POV

It was honestly a little scary when I told Uncle about Shinso and I didn't really expect him to go and adopt him! I expected him to rescue him and for him to get a better home situation but I had thought it would be with his OWN family.

Oh well, he will just be my little brother-in-law and that will be that. Deku was thrilled at the idea of having a brother and for that matter they were only two weeks apart and Hitoshi now has the name Yagi as well. It's been a couple weeks and I saw when Uncle gave Deku his quirk, it was right before I told him about Toshi. Why did I start calling him that? Well, after I found out the details of his abuse I couldn't exactly call him brainwasher now could I? Fuck, I feel like shit for doing it in our past lives and I didn't even know back then. So I just call him Toshi and he is like a little puppy.

He loves us, like it is a hero worship level of love. Not just All Might either, no he loves Aunty, Deku, me, my hag and my dad. The fact that none of us seemed to care or for that matter judge him for his quirk really made him cry. So now every night he sleeps with Deku and I. I couldn't tell him no, I didn't even know he could do Deku's puppy killers! It must be because he is only four, I can't think of any other reason for it. Still, it's not fair!

Anyway a couple months have gone by and we all went on a trip to America with Uncle. He was being stationed there and like hell I was letting my husband leave me behind. I don't care that we are only four! Fuck why? My mind is so muddled with this toddler mentality. Like I know when I am overreacting and I find it insanely dumb but I couldn't help it. Aunty and Uncle have helped a lot with it and told me everything was going to be alright. To just allow myself to be a kid.

I took a deep breath and relaxed. We are currently in New York City but we'll only be here a couple months. We spent the last four months in Missouri and when we are done in New York we are expecting to get sent to France. Having said that, I have seen so many cool and new things. It's amazing.

Uncle hasn't been neglecting us either, training us everyday, we study hard and Toshi loves when we can go shopping together. He asked questions a lot and the fact that we would answer without hesitation made him so happy. I need to remind myself several times to keep calm. His "parents" were already in prison for attempted human trafficking, child slavery and a plethora of other crimes. Not his birth parents, he isn't ready to talk about that yet and I'm not going to push it either!

The fuckers. Thank fucking God, Kami told me while we were out drinking one night. He never would have told me sober.

"Kacchan?" Toshi asked one day while we were laying down for our nap. I hummed quietly letting him know I heard him and he went on. "Can I love you too?"

"You're my little brother Toshi. You can love me like a brother," I yawned, letting him curl up against me while Deku was on my other side. "I'm Deku's husband but one day you will find your own loud blond and he will make you happy," I grinned as I thought of Kaminari. Yeah he will be happy.

"Thank you Kacchan. Thank you for letting me love you as a brother," he yawned, closing his eyes. He started sucking his thumb and I rolled my eyes, both of them were laying on my chest and if I could take a picture I would. I never would have thought I would get attached to him but I have.

He is family now.


We were in Paris, France for the first time when we were kidnapped, we used our quirks and were freed and thanks to Toshi we were able to get the villain to turn himself in but after that Uncle got very strict with our training. He wasn't being mean about it by any means but he did insist on several hostage and kidnapping plans just in case. He even gave us special permission to use our quirks anytime we needed to because of it. Aunty had made a few of her own as well, I never knew Auntie's quirk was so strong but she whispered that it was a part of her deal and gave me a wink. It wasn't long before Aunty was a licensed hero by the name Green Demon. She really is a Demon, to the villains anyway.

I guess I can't really say anything about it either, I was 'given' a secondary quirk as well. The woman had called it insurance and that I would need to train myself hard in order to master it like my explosions but that it was already there inside of me laying dormant. I could now control water, at least a little bit, enough to bring it to me. But if I wanted to be able to actually do things with it, then it needed my blood, sweat, spit or tears in it. Then it was much easier.

I found out from Aunty that she never took Deku to the doctor because of her deal. Deku now has three quirks; OFA, fire breathing, and telekinesis. Overpowered much? Poor Toshi must feel really weak with his brain washer power but he works hard at it and trains every day. Uncle even had Deku give his quirk temporarily to Toshi who then gave it back. Saying it would help boost both of their abilities. Which then Deku insisted on doing the same with me as well. I can't lie the surge of power that I remember as OFA was sweet. I could almost open my eyes and see us as adults again.

"Great news boys!" Uncle came in while we were finishing our homeschooling for the day. "We are going back to Japan!" We cheered happily to finally be able to go home. America was one thing, we would be required to learn English anyway, but France has been hard, French has not been easy to learn and we have been here for over a year now, almost two.

"Finally!" I pretended to sob and Toshi and Deku laughed before they dog piled on top of me and we were all laughing. Okay I really like this. As much as I had wanted to keep Deku to myself, having a brother is nice and it kept things pretty peaceful.


"Sorry boys, we need to go back to America for a while." Uncle sighed one day coming in from a long day at work. Aunty was just washing dishes and she came running to him. He was exhausted, he was trying to go and do all the things that he had done the first time around and it is more than hard while also taking care of us. But he always looked so happy while he was with us. I never once thought he regretted it. I still don't.

"It's okay Uncle, it's better than going back to France again," I smiled at him and both Deku and Toshi agreed.

He smiled sadly, "I'm afraid we will be going back there soon as well."

We let out a sigh and I stood up and marched over to him and hugged him. "Stop acting like you are destroying us, you are doing great." I pouted and he flinched but then Deku and Toshi raced over and we were all hugging him.

"You boys really are amazing, you know that?" He laughed ruffling up our hair and we were sent to bed shortly after. Once I was sure Deku and Toshi were sound asleep I snuck out of bed and tiptoed down the hall and I heard them talking.

"I still feel so bad about taking them from Japan again and so soon," Uncle sighed and I heard Aunty sigh.

"We are getting close to the time limit for a part of my deal," Aunty said softly.

"Time limit? What part of the deal haven't we done on your end?" Uncle asked, confused.

"A baby, Toshinori I'm supposed to have a baby with you." I blinked several times and had both my hands covering my mouth in case I made some kind of noise.

"A baby? Inko I didn't know. I would be happy to have a baby with you," I heard some kissing noises and as quietly as I could I made my way back to our room. Looks like I have another brother or sister on the way, but I would really rather not think about it right now. Not while they are probably doing it. Yuck!


"So brat, you're going to be a big brother," my hag told me over the phone. Her and Dad were still in Japan and I was still in America with Aunty and Uncle.

"What?" I asked, confused. There is no way that Aunty and Uncle could already be expecting it's only been a few weeks since I overheard their conversation, almost a month. Or could they? I'm a gay man, how the fuck am I actually supposed to know?

"I'm telling you I'm pregnant, brat!" My mom huffed and I heard my dad laughing in the background. Wait, the only reason I never had any brothers or sisters was because I kept them too busy? No, don't think about it! I can't think about THAT! The last thing I want running through my mind is my parents doing the nasty. Just no.

"Can it be a girl this time? I already have my hands full with Toshi," I said instead and they laughed at my childishness. It's been hard to pretend to be the same brat I used to be but the fact that I have been staying with Aunty and Uncle nearly constantly has helped a lot and I think they are giving a lot of credit to All Might being in my life for the things they did notice.

"We'll see, we already talked to Inko and Toshinori and they promised you would all be here in time for when the baby is born." We chatted for a little while longer and the fact of the matter is I am now ten. The idea of my parents chasing around another little mini me was kind of nice, especially if they were just as much of a brat as I was the first time around.

Months passed by and we all trained our quirks together carefully and it wasn't long before Aunty and Uncle announced their own bun in the oven.

With a completely straight face I looked them dead in the eye and told them they were not allowed to marry my baby sister and they actually laughed as I smirked at them. Deku had to explain to Toshi what I meant and when he did he turned a little red.

"Wouldn't they arrange a marriage for me first?" He actually cried and I felt a little bad.

"Nope, I proposed to Deku. They just agreed to it. You will find that loud blond one day and fall head over heels for him, until then chill out." I shook my head as if he were being difficult and everyone laughed.

"Who says he has to be a loud blond? What if I want a quiet, dark haired beauty?" He grumbled and we all laughed again.

"I'll make a bet with you then, a whole ten dollars of my allowance. That a loud blond will ask you out when we are in highschool. I'll go even farther, we will all be in high school, UA just like Uncle was and you will fall for him hard." I grinned and Uncle patted me on my shoulder, almost in warning. It was only ten dollars so he let it go but the warning stood.

"Fine, highschool then. And when I find this 'magical' blond," he over emphasized magical at this point and I couldn't help grinning even more. Kaminari was definitely shocking, that was for sure, magical is a good word for him. "Then I will get down on one knee and ask him to be my one and only."

I laughed, "no need to jump right into it but yeah, I'm sure he will be your one and only." I kept laughing and he huffed. Only four more years to go, we have been through a lot together as a family. We have trained hard and even at only ten years old we all have our provisional licenses, turns out All Might's kids get kidnapped a lot. It was starting to become an issue so we were signed up for international lessons and passed. Should make our first year at UA interesting at the very least.