

Deku's POV

Ever since the day my sperm donor stormed out of my life, life has just been so much better. Kacchan likes to spend time with me, most of the time it is like he needs me and I can't get enough of it. I love him so much, the fact our parents allowed us to get married was amazing. I never have to worry about anyone else coming over and stealing his attention from me, not that I really needed to worry that is. Kacchan was always sweet and kind to me and now that I actually kind of understand what love is. I could feel myself falling harder and harder with each passing day.

There was once while we were in Texas that Kacchan was kidnapped and Toshi and I rescued him before the local heroes could even lift a finger! I mean come on! We are still just kids! We were 13 when we came back to Japan, now going to a local middle school. Dad said we will be staying here from now on and we all cheered! I swear we spent more time in France than America or Japan combined, forget about the other countries.

But Dad said that being trilingual will only help us become better heroes so we studied hard. Trilingual doesn't even begin to cover it. We are having a few issues navigating our classes. We have been homeschooled for so long now that it's really hard to get into the flow of things. Don't get me wrong, everytime we came back to Japan we would attend school instead of homeschooling but let's just say our classmates didn't take too kindly to being knocked down three slots in all the tests every time we showed up. I mean is it really that hard for them to study?

Kacchan, Toshi and I are out patrolling something we are allowed to do, when Kacchan smiled and said that today we have a mission! Toshi and I start to get excited because even with our licenses we almost never get actual missions because they said we were too young.

"There is a sludge villain who needs to be caught and he has been cornering teenagers in this area," Kacchan showed us a small map on his phone and we made our plans on how to catch him. "Be careful he is extremely dangerous and if given the opportunity he will suffocate you in order to try and steal your body."

"Got it!" Toshi and I answered and we left, still in our school uniforms. We went our own separate ways so that the villain would try to grab one of us because we were alone and it wasn't long before I heard a hair raising voice telling me I was his hero. I quickly hit the button on my backpack letting the others know and they were there before I could blink. Toshi started asking the villain questions while Kacchan used his water to corner him while I used fire to distract him and when he finally answered one of the questions we were able to catch him in a couple of water bottles that Kacchan had with him.

We high fived celebrating and made our way to the police station to turn him in. Apparently this guy was a known purse snatcher and kidnapper who had recently gotten into a bank robbery which backfired on him today.

"Great job! You three will make wonderful full time heroes soon." The detective smiled at us. His quirk is a lie detector one and Kacchan usually goes quiet when he is around, even though he doesn't usually lie anyway. He told me once that he didn't like the idea of being outed if there was a situation that he needed to lie and couldn't. I guess I understand that but Uncle Naomasa is usually really good at keeping his thoughts to himself. As one of Dad's best friends we have called him Uncle for years now. I kind of think he is Dad's only friend because he doesn't usually talk about anyone else.

"Bye Uncle," We called out as we left the police station and made our way home. We are 14 now and have been back in Japan for a little over a year now. We have our UA entrance exam coming up and Dad already told us he could only recommend one of us so we decided it should be Toshi since his quirk isn't exactly flashy, at least not the part that he shows around other people.

"I hope we are all in the same class," I mumbled out loud. I felt Kacchan grab my hand and kiss the back of it. Something he has taken to doing since we saw a romantic movie a few months ago and he saw how much I liked it. He really is too good to me.

"We will be. I just know it," he whispered before kissing my hand again. We went home and started our extra studies and training with Dad. He has stopped working nearly so much this year saying that he needed to spend more time with us and our family. My little sister Aiko has been a handful and Kacchan's little sister Yuki was a regular peach but they were also best friends.


The day of the UA entrance exams was finally here and Kacchan and I were sitting next to each other while Toshi was shown to a different area. He would be taking a different test than us but we were all nervous.

"Don't worry, you'll do amazing but let's make it a contest?" Kacchan smiled at me and I couldn't help grinning back at him. "The one with the most points at the end is the winner and the loser has to carry the winner's backpack through our first year?"

I smiled at the idea and nodded excited. Even if I lose, Kacchan will be right next to me. "Deal." I cheered and we laughed a little before the pro hero Present Mic announced the rules for our test. The written portion was really easy but the physical part? Well robots shouldn't be that hard, right?


"I got a bunch of points!" I cheered when I saw Kacchan again and we high fived in our excitement, ignoring all the students around us.

"I bet I got more!" Kacchan smirked at me and I could feel my heart beating in my chest. How can Kacchan do that? It was like my heart skipped a beat.

"We'll see about that!" I teased and we laughed while we waited for Toshi to be released from his own testing hall. When he did come out he was grinning so big that I kind of think he already knows what his score is.

"So?" I asked, too excited to keep still.

Toshi laughed but shook his head, "They said our results will be mailed out just like the regular examinees, so I have to wait."

"Damnit!" Kacchan hissed and we all started laughing before heading home. Mom, Dad, Aunty and Uncle had a huge dinner waiting for us and even though we didn't know our scores yet we celebrated like we were already accepted. I mean we are already doing patrols, it would be a waste if UA didn't accept us.


"Your letters are here!" Dad called out and we jumped off of our bed and ran downstairs. We opened them one at a time and to our surprise Dad was in all of the recordings.

"You're going to be one of our teachers?" I asked quietly, I mean he has been our teacher for a long time but he is my Dad. How will I react to seeing him instruct other kids our age?

"Yep! It will allow me to stay close to home and watch over all of you and your sister. Your mother and I thought it was time for me to settle down a bit and this way I can still be a hero too." Dad was gushing, he was so happy. I couldn't stop the smile on my face. Dad is happy, we get to follow our dreams and stay close as a family. What more could I ask for?

"Hey! We're all in the same class, 1A!" Toshi cheered and I did a double take and Kacchan and I started laughing and it wasn't long before Aunty and Uncle arrived with little Yuki and we all went out for dinner. My heart feels so full, as if I'm getting all of my dreams all at once and I don't understand why it feels so overwhelming.


We were the first ones in the room and when we went to our assigned seats I was happy to see that we were all together. I was in the third seat by the window, Kacchan was right in front of me and Toshi was right next to him in the next aisle. We chatted for a while waiting for our classmates to arrive and it wasn't long before a boy with blue hair and glasses started lecturing Kacchan about putting his feet on the desk and how it was disrespectful and a bunch of other stuff which just made Toshi and I laugh while we watched.

"You're the boy that saved me during the exam!" A girl ran up and bowed while thanking me. It made me blush considering I was only doing what I had been training to do my entire life.

"It was nothing, don't mention it," I tried to look away and this caused the boy lecturing Kacchan to turn to see me as well.

"You have my utmost apologies, you knew all along what the true meaning of the exam was, didn't you. I failed to understand that," why is this guy so rigid? It is making me so uncomfortable.

"Please don't. It's just how could I leave her there when she could have gotten hurt?" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. Why are they causing such a fuss?

"Oh, playing hero, were ya, Nerd?" Kacchan grinned at me and could feel myself blushing at his words and both Kacchan and Toshi started laughing.

"No fair!" I grumbled trying to cover my head and failing. I heard both of our classmates defend me from their laughter but it was just making it worse.

"I'm Uraraka, Ochako by the way I wasn't able to catch your name before," The brown haired girl introduced herself.

"I am Iida, Tenya. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." The boy added, bowing his head slightly. Why are they trying to embarrass me?

"I'm Yagi, Izuku. Thank you but I really didn't do anything all that special." I tried again to get them to relax. It wasn't helping and Kacchan and Toshi were really just making it worse with their laughter.

"Kacchan! Toshi!" I whined when they wouldn't stop. It wasn't long however, that our teacher finally arrived, crawling in while still in a sleeping bag? And we were all sent outside for testing. Kacchan, Toshi and I made the top four but another student managed to get the third spot, Todoroki, Shoto. He seems quiet but he didn't really seem to give it his all either.

"Oi you half and half bastard, are you looking down on us? Why didn't you at least try to win?" Kacchan started fuming but he didn't seem to actually be mad, more like he was expecting exactly this.

"Kacchan!" I groaned, pulling him away from the duel quirk user. "Sorry about him, he is just really competitive," I tried to apologize which only served to actually make Kacchan angry and Toshi had to help me drag him away.

"Kacchan, are you trying to start a fight on our first day?" Toshi asked him and Kacchan snapped his mouth shut, already knowing what Toshi was going to do if he answered. Toshi and I grinned at the now silent Kacchan that we were dragging back to the classroom. I saw our teacher, Aizawa Sensei, glaring at us and I couldn't help swallowing my spit. Why is he glaring? What did we do wrong? Then I saw Dad watching us from the corner of the building and I grinned before whispering that I could see him and both Toshi and Kacchan turned and we started laughing.

"He really is such a stalker!" Kacchan laughed and Toshi and I couldn't help agreeing. We know that he is only worried about us and our first day of classes but still, spying on us while we were with another teacher? It's a bit much even for Dad.