

Yagi's POV

I opened my eyes to see myself in my younger, healthy body again. 19 years into the past, she actually did it! That means Izuku is alive! I need to find Inko, we need to fulfill our end of the deal and Izuku's father should be leaving right about now.

"All Might!" I looked up to see people cheering and I just wanted to run off. I don't have time to deal with fans right now, I need to get to Inko. I waved, smiling, before I jumped into the air feeling my quirk course through me freely for the first time in so very long.


It's not all that long before I see Inko's house, maybe a couple hours? But I was pretty far away so I just tried to straighten my clothes and look presentable and then I knocked on the door and waited. I heard screaming inside but it's the kind I would really rather not be on the other end of. Inko is currently telling her 'husband' exactly what she thinks of him and just wow. I mean obviously I knew Young Bakugo had to get it from somewhere and the fact is that Inko is best friends with his mother. It only stands to reason that she would know every swear there is. I just didn't expect her to use it so colorfully.

"I have the paperwork here, if you feel so little for Izuku just because he doesn't have a quirk then sign away your parental rights right now, the divorce paperwork too and never come back!" I could hear Inko scream and then there was silence. I chose now to knock on the door again and I heard Inko call out that she was coming in her normal happy voice which sent a shiver down my back.

Still this is worth everything.

The door opened and a man with white curly hair walked out cursing, "Don't even think to come looking for child support either! You're the one that made me sign away my parental rights. Remember that!"

"Oh no worries there, I don't want a penny from a disgrace like you," Inko smiled and it was only now that the man looked up and saw me standing at the door. "Yagi! I'm so glad you could make it on such short notice. As you know my baby was deemed quirkless and will be needing self defense classes starting immediately."

I smiled at the beautiful woman in front of me, "of course! As a hero it is only right that I come to his aid!" I laughed and Inko's now ex-husband started choking on air.

"You! You are going to teach my son self defense?" He was so shocked that I don't think he noticed the rage in Inko's eyes.

"My son, remember you signed away your parental rights at the same time you divorced me," she hissed at him.

"Divorce? You're so young, you will find a much better husband I'm sure. One that would never abandon an innocent child." I shook my head in disappointment, honestly I want to smash him into an early grave but this is for Izuku's sake. He must leave here in one piece, what happens after that is his own doing. He said a few more nasty words before leaving in a red car his suitcase and everything else he actually valued with him.

I smiled at Inko, "Are you ready to get married again?" She swat my shoulder playfully giggling, our deal was simple;

1. We had to get married.

2. We had to let Izuku and Katsuki become heroes again.

3.We had to convince the Bakugo's to let us marry our still far too young children.

Arranged marriages are not all that uncommon and even more so to marry them early, was not unheard of. They of course would not be consummating the marriage until they were adults but legally they would be married. Now the real question to all of this is how do we convince the Bakugo's?

"What happened?" Mrs. Bakugo came running up with an inconsolable Young Bakugo, he was crying so hard, his tears were covering his face and his eyes were all puffy. He must have been crying for hours. Maybe as soon as we came back? Wait…

Young Bakugo looked up and I saw his eyes light up and he nodded, I know those eyes well. He knows, he must have been the other one sent back that the woman in the green hood mentioned. Thank God.

"That good for nothing ex-husband of mine just left because he said the doctors told him Izuku was quirkless! He didn't even take Izuku anywhere!" Inko fumed angrily, to be fair she really is angry but all the same we had to make this look good. Hopefully my acting is better now than it used to be.

"I want Izuchan NOW!" Young Bakugo screamed from his mother's arms, his tears doubling and the front door opened to a crying four year old Izuku and my heart just couldn't take it. Mrs. Bakugo put Young Bakugo down and he ran to the boy throwing his arms around him.

"I'm never letting you go! I'll protect you forever, one day we'll get married and everyone else can just fuck off!" He sobbed into the younger boy's arms and everyone just froze while the two boys cried. Did the woman give Young Bakugo the same deal as us? No, she said that each of us had our own terms. I don't even know Inko's terms, only my own. I can only hope I didn't throw her off by asking about marriage already.

"Brat, you are only four, don't talk about marrying anyone and stop cursing you ungrateful brat!" She added that second part as if it were an afterthought. Well now is as good of a time as any.

"Why not let them get married? It's not that uncommon for arranged marriages or even child marriages?" I looked at Inko who looked shocked but understanding seemed to dawn on her. I nodded, hoping she understood that this was a part of the deal I was given.

"Inko? If you would have me I would marry you now, and give little Izuku my name. No one will ever question his worthiness, not now, not ever." I looked up and dropped down to one knee. I had stopped at a jewelry store on the way here, remembering the ring that she so dearly loved for the few years we were together.

"I know it's probably not right, not with you only just divorcing your ex-husband but I will wait however long you wish." I dropped my head holding the ring up.

"You're All Might!" Izuku finally realized who I was and I smiled at the young boy. The woman who gave me the deal also told me how to pass my quirk to him without it hurting him. And that was while he was still four years old, so that his body could grow and develop with it. Instead of getting hit with it all at once.

Mrs. Bakugo actually choked and Inko had started crying but when I looked away from Izuku to my former wife I could see her smiling back down at me.

"So long as you treat Izuku as your true son and love us then yes. I don't care what anyone else thinks. We can get married as soon as the paperwork is filed." Inko nodded and both Izuku and Katsuki cheered while Inko laughed at their silliness. Mrs. Bakugo choked a few times but she congratulated us as well.

"Not like the bastard was ever around so it wouldn't cause too much fuss with rumors or anything. Don't worry I'll have Masaru call the family lawyer and we'll make sure everything is final as soon as possible. But if you want everyone to believe that Izuku is really his son it will have to be a very quiet wedding," Mrs. Bakugo kept eyeing me up and down. I could of course understand her hesitation after all as far as she knows Inko and I have never met before today. Technically we haven't. How could I be so willing to ask her to marry me? How could I already have a ring ready?

I looked at Inko who nodded, "From today onwards you will be Izuku's father. Not that beast that just left." I slipped the ring onto her ring finger and kissed her hand.

"Thank you Toshinori," Inko smiled at me and I stood up again still holding her hand.

Izuku walked up, pulling Katsuki with him as he did and asked in a quiet voice, "You really want to be my dad?"

"Of course! I can't think of a better son," I smiled at him and held my arms open and he jumped into my arms dragging Katsuki with him.

"Well get used to the idea of a son-in-law cause I'm staying!" Katsuki was basically spitting and I laughed and picked him up too.

"Of course, I would be happy to call you my son as well." I looked at Mrs. Bakugo who was muttering about THE ALL MIGHT calling her brat of a son, son? She excused herself and made a quick phone call and I could hear her telling her husband what all was happening and when I was brought up things got quiet. It wasn't until she mentioned that I actually agreed to Izuku and Katsuki getting married that there was more discussion and when she turned around I could only look at her confused, after all I couldn't actually hear what he had been saying, only that he was answering her.

"Masaru has given his blessing to the boys getting married if you actually marry Inko. But not before." Her voice was quiet and it was honestly kind of scary considering how well I knew her personality from before.

"Would any of you be against doing it all today? I could have it done within the hour if that is your wish?" I looked at Inko. I feel sorry for not being able to give her the big wedding of our past lives but we could renew our vows in a few years and have a lavish wedding if she wants it.

"The sooner the better." Inko smiled before leaning forward and giving me a small kiss on the cheek.

"I'll uh, I'll take Izuku tonight." Mrs. Bakugo coughed and I smiled at her, she really is a good friend to Inko, and me even if she doesn't remember it. 

I made a couple phone calls and before we knew it we were inside the courthouse and all the paperwork was filed away and completed so that there couldn't be anything amiss. We even had adoption papers drawn up and signed so that even if something happened to Inko, Izuku would be safe with me. In the matter of a couple hours of actually meeting Inko in this lifetime, we were married. I held my wife's hand while carrying our son. Katsuki was very unhappy about being taken away from Izuku but the paperwork was done, he is now legally married to Izuku and he took on my last name too.

We spent several hours talking, having the Bakugo's over for dinner and we were able to iron out a few longer term plans.

It was a couple weeks later when Katsuki told me about Young Shinso and I was seeing red. Inko agreed immediately and I took care of everything while she stayed home with the boys. Looks like I have two son's instead of one. Or should I say three instead of two?