

Deku's POV

Unlike usual the ringing just wouldn't stop, it was like it was warning me of something but I can't understand what. I don't remember falling to the floor, I could see Kacchan next to me panicking, his quirk cracking around him and even though I know that he's probably screaming I can't make out a word of what he is saying, it was like I was underwater. Deep down where the light had disappeared and sound couldn't reach me. It was terrifying.

I forced my hands away from my ears but I still couldn't hear him, instead I saw red. My eyes had trouble seeing but finally I focused on the color; vivid and dark, thick but dripping. Blood. How? Where? What?

A sharp pain shot through my head and I know that I'm screaming, I know that I am but I can't even hear that anymore. All that's left for me is silence.

Dad's face seemed to appear out of nowhere, he's talking to me but I still can't understand what's going on. Without any other warning the next thing I know is Kacchan and I are being picked up by him and the wind was whipping my hair in my face but even the sting from that didn't help to distract me from the pain in my head. It feels like my head is being split open.

The next time I opened my eyes Dad was putting us down in Recovery Girl's office. I could see Kacchan pointing at me, probably demanding that she heal me first but Kacchan has to be far past exhausted by now. Not that I could say anything, I would be surprised if I was actually saying anything at all.

I felt a pinch and when I opened my eyes to see what it was, I saw Recovery Girl with a needle. I saw a woman in a green hood, she looked sad even with most of her face covered, she gave me a small smile and put her hand on my head. The pain disappeared instantly and everything slowly faded, getting darker and darker until I not only couldn't see anything but the ringing in my head was gone too.

Who was she? But she didn't answer my question, hell I don't even know if I said it out loud or not. Her voice was beautiful though.

Like bells. A


I woke up still in Recovery Girl's office, I could see Kacchan in the doorway but no one else and it sounded like he was talking to someone outside it. Very angrily at that.

"I don't give a flying fuck! You don't understand, he is my everything and I don't know how you caused this. So stay the fuck away from me, don't talk to me, don't touch me, don't even fucking look in my direction do you understand?" Kacchan sounds livid but I can't help frowning at that. What is he talking about? What happened?


"Don't you fucking dare call me by any fucking nicknames either!" Kacchan interrupted.

"What happened? What did I do? I swear I've never once come onto you, I didn't know you were with Midobro but I did know you were already with someone and I would NEVER get in the way of your happiness. I swear!" It was obviously Kirishima's voice but now I'm even more confused.

I know I admitted to feeling jealous but how was any of this his fault? Actually, what exactly is it that they are talking about?

"I don't fucking know!" Kacchan snapped again. I reached out and touched Kacchan's shoulder and he jumped up and slammed the door, as if hiding the fact that he was talking to his friend would somehow help.

I chuckled at his theatrics, "Kacchan, it's okay." I smiled before reaching past him and opening the door to find the still shocked Kirishima standing there. He didn't have time to finish whatever he was saying and Kacchan slamming the door in his face was unexpected but then again I guess I did startle him.

"I don't blame Kirishima for hanging out with you, and no. I don't think you would cheat on me nor do I think he would try to seduce you," I wrapped Kacchan in a hug and it's only now that I noticed the gauze wrapped around my head and only because it kept me from snuggling into Kacchan the way that I like. "Wha-?" I cut myself off when I realize what it was.

"Geeze, what did I do, fall down the stairs? And here I thought it was just the world's worst headache," I joked but Kacchan was only watching me closely. "Kacchan?" I whined and he let out a sigh.

"I don't know what to do and if staying away from him will keep this from happening again then that's what I'll do," he reached up but thanks to all the gauze I couldn't actually feel him and that is just unacceptable. I activated OFA and tore the bandages off before grabbing and cuddling my husband.

"I don't know what it was either but what I do know is that isolating yourself from your friends isn't okay either. It might even make it worse," I grumbled and his arms tightened around me.

Dad walked in and this time Mom was with him and they interrogated me together with Toshi standing behind them holding the girls' hands while they tried to wipe their tears away. The fact that Aizawa Sensei, Recovery Girl and Nezu were also here went ignored by my family while they tried to figure out what caused all of this. Apparently I was bleeding from my ears, eyes and nose while spasming uncontrollably, screaming like a mad man.

Now that I'm awake Recovery Girl was taking blood samples and running tests and I was again saying; "I don't know," when she interrupted all of us.

"It was a quirk side effect," the fact she spoke so quietly and was still easily heard spoke volumes on just how important they all thought her words were. That didn't stop me from feeling confused though.

"What quirk? I don't remember getting hit with anything recently," I frowned and she clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"It's a recently registered quirk; Unlocked Memories. A child here in town only manifested it recently-" she was going to say more, I know she was and the fact that she looked just as annoyed as I felt when Dad picked me up and carried me out not bothering to listen to her finish, Kacchan, Mom and Toshi right behind us. I groaned and picked up my phone while being carried, ignoring how they were making plans to leave the city while they ran.

When she answered on the first ring I asked, "Could you at least tell ME what all you were going to say?" I grunted when Dad accidentally pushed into my stomach but he didn't slow down.

I heard her sigh but she did as I asked; the quirk was temporary and seemed to help those in major accidents recover part of their memory for a short while. The child was still young, having only just gotten the quirk, but everyone expected great things from her in the medical field when she grew up.

"So it was only temporary? No lasting effects?" I asked to be sure and she agreed. I finally managed to get Dad's attention and we all stopped when they finally heard me say it was already over.

"It only helps to unlock forgotten memories temporarily, the victim would forget again after a little time passes," I added after confirming with a Recovery Girl. Thankfully we didn't get all that far and I was carried back to the infirmary where Recovery Girl wacked Dad for not listening and I got to hear her lecture him and Mom about making a run for it.

He was sheepish about it but now that they all knew I wasn't in any actual danger, everyone was calmer and Toshi came back, carrying the girls so they were able to safely get our parents' focus away from me, at least for a moment. Mom however ignored Recovery Girl's lecture altogether, obviously she plans to do it again in the future.

"Deku," I looked up to see Kacchan looking grim as if he thought of something no one else had yet. "When you were screaming, you asked who someone was. Who were you talking to?" Mom and Dad looked interested but no longer felt oppressive so I smiled before answering him.

"There was a woman wearing a green hood next to Recovery Girl when she gave me the shot. Her hood was up and I could only really see her chin and mouth but I'm sure she was beautiful-" I stopped, Mom, Dad and Kacchan were all staring and they looked very pale.

"What did her voice sound like?" Kacchan asked, his own sounded small but with everyone's focus on me, the room was quiet.

"Like music," I smiled again trying to calm him down. "It was closer to bells than an actual person's voice if you ask me though. She touched my head and all the pain was gone in an instant, letting me sleep." I chatted a bit, starting to mumble when my words only seemed to make them more pale.

"Izuku, it's very important but could you tell us exactly what she said? And how?" Mom asked and I could see tears in her eyes. Why? I mean the lady didn't say or do all that much, did she?

"Uh, okay," I forced my discomfort down and repeated the words she told me right before I passed out.

"You'll need to go to Rome soon. Take the loud blond from your class with you when you go. Go right after the license exams," I chuckled a little. "I mean we already have our licenses though? Why would we-"

"We have a request from the heroes association in Rome, they also want us to bring a classmate for an internship with us," Kacchan read from his phone, interrupting me and I looked up confused.

"Accept it, tell them you'll be there after the test," Dad demanded and even though Toshi was obviously curious he didn't say anything while Mom, Dad and Kacchan made plans without our input.

"I'll start packing our bags, we should probably be prepared for at least a week," Kacchan stood up, wincing but not slowing down. I opened my mouth to argue but Mom actually answered instead.

"I'll pack you a bag of goodies for the trip, I can't go in my condition but Katsuki I'm sure you'll make sure both Izuku and Hitoshi will eat properly while you're there," Mom turned to leave her hand on her large belly. She gets motion sickness on almost anything now and a plane is absolutely out of the question but I couldn't keep silent anymore.

"What is going on? I thought we weren't supposed to accept missions without approval from Nezu? Who was that woman that you're rushing to pack even though the test isn't until next week?" I demanded and I heard Nezu chuckle so I turned towards him.

"Young Midoriya, there was no woman here except your mother, sisters and Recovery Girl herself. That means you saw something no one else had and it's someone that can make the Green Demon and All Might jump into action with only a few words. Who do you think she is?" He answered before sipping on his tea that I have no idea where it came from.

"Wait, someone who could make Mom and Dad jump without even trying? Who in the world could that be? I only know of Aiko and Yuki otherwise no one has ever won them over," I could hear myself muttering but no one bothered to stop me until my eyes went wide that I stopped altogether. Everyone else was busy making plans on where we would stay and I even heard Mom on the phone asking a friend to allow us to stay over when we arrived.

"Then that woman…" Kacchan heard me and quickly covered my mouth when he realized that I figured it out.

"There are some things you just don't need to know," he whispered but that only confirmed my suspicions. That was the woman that saved me all those years ago. The one that they never talk about.

"Izuku honey, what were you thinking when you collapsed like that?" Mom turned her attention to me when she seemed to have been put on hold. I can't tell her about my nightmares. What if they think I'm going crazy? No, absolutely not!

"I was just thinking how much easier everything would be if I wasn't a hero. Kacchan and I could get a house and maybe raise a family of our own," I drifted off muttering but even with how pale they all were, it is still better than them looking at me like I was crazy.

"You don't have to be a full-time hero!" Kacchan almost shouted, panicking as he did.

"Right!" Dad seemed to get his thoughts together before adding, "Or you could retire after a couple years, it's not unheard of for heroes to be overwhelmed and quit anyway. You can do anything else you want but you have to become a hero."

I tilted my head even more confused, the three of them were doing it again. Hiding something from me while they talked over each other, interrupting each other until I couldn't take it anymore.

"What are you talking about? Of course I want to be a hero! I was just a little jealous, oh my God!" I practically shouted but that only made the three of them visibly relax. What am I missing?

"Deku, it was part of the deal to save you. We have to become heroes," Kacchan answered but refused to say anymore. Just how much did they have to agree to for that lady to save me? Am I really worth it?

Any of it?

Wait, she gave me a warning too. "Beware the --- haired boy," but for the life of me I can't remember the color she said.