

All Might's POV

It's been three days since Izuku collapsed, his classmates don't understand anything about what happened and only Kirishima saw or heard anything that happened in the infirmary but he had kept silent about the whole ordeal. Izuku on the other hand seems to be restless, well so are Katsuki and Hitoshi but in different ways. I think Hitoshi is only now starting to understand just how important it is that Izuku never remembers, poor boy. That was the first time Izuku had ever collapsed like that, there were times of course that had us worried, headaches back when he was in middle school for example but thankfully those just turned out to be from over stressing himself in school. There was one other time, he had moved without thinking again but thankfully the knife didn't hit anything vital and there wasn't even a mark left after the fact. That said, Katsuki didn't give the boy a moment's rest until he promised never to do it again. Didn't stop him from doing it again but still.

Soon it was time for Yuki to have her surgery done and all three boys and my little Aiko went with her. The procedure itself only took about five minutes and she was more than happy to accept the rule about not using her quirk for a full day after the fact. Thankfully the boys wouldn't be leaving until the following day and she wasn't letting them go until she had too.

Katsuki hasn't let Izuku out of his sight at all, not that I blame him but it was pretty clear that Izuku was more than annoyed.

"Damn it! I'm fine! I'm just getting a glass of water?" Izuku had screamed when Katsuki had run to catch up to him walking into the kitchen. Kirishima looks lost though. As their classmate and friend, he just doesn't seem to know what to do now. And Izuku had decided to use him as a shield. Dragging him around and putting him between him and Katsuki only to leave the slightly taller of the two, heartbroken.

"I love you Kacchan but I need space too, I'll be with Toshi so just relax!" He tried again, grabbing Hitoshi by the arm and stomping out of the dorms.

"What did you do?" I groaned, rubbing at my face. There are only a handful of reasons that Izuku would want to put space between them and I feel like I already know.

"All I did was ignore Hair for brains when he invited me and a few others to the arcade," he huffed. The fact he doesn't think he pouts is beyond me especially when that's exactly what he is doing now.

"You do realize that isolating your partner is a sign of domestic abuse right?" I asked him and he froze before cursing under his breath. As luck would have it, his friends were only leaving the dorms now.

"Wait for me," he rolled his eyes at how happy his friends were that he was actually joining them after all. I don't blame him for getting irritated, I know that Izuku isn't hurting him and I know for a fact that Katsuki would never hurt Izuku but their friends and connections are a part of growing up and it is important for their development. Regardless of how Katsuki feels about it. Izuku doesn't want to trap him, to hold him back. Doesn't seem to matter which life we are in, these two will always be the same.

Now that the boys weren't here I was able to actually concentrate on my job as their teacher and help their classmates with several questions both with homework and with being a hero. I was ready to leave again when I heard Young Iida talking to Aizawa in the kitchen.

"Sir? I don't know what to think anymore. There doesn't seem to be a right answer and it makes me uncomfortable," I frowned at the young man's voice of words. Ever since Katsuki, Izuku and Hitoshi saved him during the Nomu attack he hasn't really been the same and none of them are talking about it.

What happened?

"Iida, I need more to go off of than just that. What are you questioning exactly?" Aizawa asked, I could hear his irritation but I can't blame him. Young Iida always seems to rub him the wrong way, maybe it's because Aizawa is an underground hero?

"Is it wrong to love someone that is the same gender as you?" Iida asked and I stopped in my tracks, my eyes widening at what just happened. Does he really not know that Aizawa is married to a man?

"Can you tell me why you would ask me that question?" Aizawa asked instead of answering. Should I go out and interrupt them? Would I be saving Young Iida or making it worse for him later?

"Because you are our teacher and I trust you to answer me," Iida's answer was quick and relieved, the idea that he doesn't like knowing the answer crossed my mind but I waited patiently.

"Then what made you question this particular topic?" Aizawa changed topics, dancing around answering the boy.

"Well growing up I was always told that I would marry a woman and have children of my own. I don't particularly like it but I also don't particularly dislike it. It's just expected," I decided to walk out but it turns out I'm behind Iida and Aizawa's eyes barely flickered to see me.

"And?" Aizawa prompted and I heard Iida sigh.

"And now I don't know. I've been betrothed before but it turned out to be a mess and canceled. I'm free to choose as I want now. Midoriya and Bakugo, why do they let us call them by those names when their name is Yagi? Now I'm finding out that they aren't even brothers or related at all. They are married. They are only 16 and yet they are already married, not betrothed, not engaged or promised but actually married. And I can't help wondering, would they even be happy if they were given the choice that I have now?"

"So your question is what?" Aizawa looked just as confused as I felt. What exactly is he getting at?

"Is it wrong to love someone that is the same gender? Midoriya and Bakugo seem to love each other but they also fight so doesn't that mean they aren't happy? Would they have been happier if they weren't forced to be together," Iida doesn't seem to actually understand what he is asking any more than either Aizawa or I do.

I let out a chuckle making the young man jump a little but then he looked guilty. Like, asking was somehow talking behind my back.

"I wonder if you know the reason behind their marriage, for you to be questioning it so much?" I asked, still chuckling. He relaxed seeing that I wasn't upset and shook his head no, that he didn't know.

"Izuku was hurt many years ago," I started and both of their eyes widened a little. "He was shot bleeding out and the only person there with him was Katsuki," I had both of their attention now and although I was only slightly fibbing about the when, that doesn't mean it didn't happen. The day we were sent back.

"Katsuki was the person they were aiming for. Too dangerous and the fact that all he wanted was to be a hero, the number one hero, like so many other children made him a threat," I only lied a little but the reasoning stands. "Izuku took his last breath in Katsuki's arms."

"What? But then how is he alive now?" Iida demanded and Aizawa was just as confused and I think I saw rage brewing inside of him as well.

"A lady with a quirk. She arrived just in time to save him but her quirk has conditions. Several in fact," I sighed shaking my head. "Only one of which was for the two children to get married as soon as possible. So maybe they could have been happy otherwise but Izuku wouldn't have been here. So could anyone actually say that? Izuku doesn't have the memory of dying either. In fact I believe there were nine conditions placed in order to save him."

"You believe?" Aizawa narrowed his eyes at me and I just shook my head.

"None of us were told all of them, only a few. And none of us are allowed to tell them until specific conditions are met. Otherwise the quirk would be undone and Izuku would die," I relaxed my posture before turning to Young Iida. "Tell me, was it heroic to save Izuku?"

"Of course! It would have been wrong to let him die!" He answered quickly.

"Even if one of the conditions was for him to marry another man?"

"Yes, of course!"

"So is it bad to love someone of the same gender as you asked, if it is also considered heroic?" He froze at the question.

"... No, it's not?" He sounds confused but at the same time he seemed to be figuring it out for himself.

"Tell me, is it bad to judge someone based solely on who they love and no other information? You know my boys and until you found out that it was Izuku that Katsuki was dating you never judged or thought anything about Izuku in that light. But now that you know you feel conflicted. Why do you think that is?"

"Because I was judging Bakugo based on that fact and now I feel guilty," he answered quietly.

"And now? Do you feel the same way?"

"No," he shook his head. He still looks guilty but not nearly so conflicted.

"The great thing about being so young is that you can still learn from your mistakes. If you're willing to accept that you were wrong and learn from it then you can move forward but if you refuse to learn from it, then that kind of makes you the villain wouldn't you say?" I chuckled a little more and I could see his expression lighten.

I lowered my voice, "Besides, do you realize that Aizawa is married to a man? There for a minute I thought you were trying to start a fight." He quickly turned pale, turning to look at his teacher who nodded in agreement before he started apologizing profusely.

"If your first response was to apologize then I think you already knew the answer to your question," Aizawa lectured the boy and I saw him slouch. Sometimes it's nice to deal with teenagers other than my own. It makes me feel human.