

Deku's POV

Things took a couple weeks for us to figure everything out. Like Yuki refused to stay on the girl's side of the dorms. In the end she, as well as Aiko and oftentimes Eri, would stay in my room, since I never use it except for a bit of storage, but it took almost no effort to clean it out for them. Technically her room is on the girls side but no one says anything about them staying in my empty room.

Go figure.

The first week though the girls stayed with us which resulted in Toshi getting dragged into the room by the little girls too. Cause why not? Our nice big bed suddenly seems far too small again. But, the second week the girls stayed in their own room (mine) and Kacchan and I got into the habit of waking up early just to give Yuki a peanut butter cookie ball and once I bargained with her that she could sleep for another five minutes if she ate it. It worked. She ate it, Kacchan went and cooked and I would end up carrying the girls downstairs, and if Eri was there she would ride piggyback while Aiko and Yuki were on my front in my arms.

It was really kind of a hassle but it was also so adorably cute how they held onto me that I couldn't even pretend to complain about it. Toshi on the other hand slept. But he would also stay up with them at night if they couldn't sleep. So yeah.

I'm just walking by the common area when I saw red energy crackling and when I turned to look in I saw Yuki crying that the energy hurts. I only got my quirk back from her this morning. It needed to be done before she turned five but because of her sugar levels dropping so much we had to be extra careful.

"It's okay, today we're just pulling it in. Nothing else," Kacchan told her gently, he was sitting cross legged on the floor with her in his lap. We had been taking turns helping her control the strengthened quirk but it was clear that Kacchan was the most haggard from spending so much more time with her than either Toshi or I.

Aiko ran up and hugged Yuki, letting her feel her own blue energy at the same time and visibly calming Yuki down. "Hey Kacchan switch with me? Aiko keeps trying to throw me across the room," I raised my voice so they could hear me before I actually reached them. Of course it was a lie but Aiko already knows that my green energy calms Yuki down more than anyone else's, which surprised everyone considering there wasn't any actual difference to the crackling energy other than color, at least that we know of.

Kacchan knows what we are doing but he also knows that he is close to his limit. Using our energy directly like this is exhausting.

"Alright, everything is going to be okay Yuki. Try holding it all in with Deku, alright?" He lowered his voice again but Yuki looked completely beat.

"If you can manage three whole minutes we can be done and you can go practice your ballet with Aiko," I tempted her and she quickly jumped off of Kacchan's lap and waited impatiently for me to sit down. I think I now understand why Aiko wanted to do ballet so much.

She just wanted to spend more time with Yuki, who loves it.

"Remember you promised, only three minutes," she looked me in the eyes, demanding that I confirm it. I chuckled while nodding before I set off OFA letting my energy surround us. It took her ten minutes but she finally managed to not only pull my energy in but to hold it for the whole three minutes. This will help it to strengthen her body, all of us have had to do it and once we can get to five minutes we are done. It just takes time to work it up to five minutes.

She fell over when she went to jump up, popping a handful of the cookie balls into her mouth only to chew the bare minimum before swallowing and running off with Aiko who left Kacchan without a word.

I got up onto the couch and Kacchan plopped next to me and let out a groan. He usually doesn't let himself show any weakness at all but he had to have been with Yuki for a long time for him to just not care like this.

"How long were you working with her?" I couldn't stop from asking.

He covered his eyes with one arm and he didn't even bother to look at me before answering, "Two hours." His voice rasped now that he wasn't forcing himself to keep it steady but I flinched at his answer.

"Kacchan it's only supposed to be a half hour at a time, max! Are you even going to be able to stay awake until lunch?" I'm worried, hell I'm the king of worrywarts for crying out loud, at least when it comes to Kacchan.

"Nap," he grunted, still not bothering to get up.

"Yo Bakubro, what's going on?" Kirishima asked but Kacchan just grunted, not even trying for more.

"I'll make a sandwich, you can't let your blood sugar drop any more than Yuki can you know. You'll make yourself sick," I warned, grumbling at his carelessness. Kacchan is not diabetic, anymore. But sometimes he pushes himself over the limit and it's like his body goes into starvation mode which can be just as dangerous.

"Love you too," he yawned, still not uncovering his eyes. I let out a sigh and went into the kitchen. By the time I finished making the food I stopped at the kitchen doorway thanks to Kirishima's question.

"Bro, Midobro is almost too good to you. Are you sure your brothers?" If I wasn't holding Kacchan's food I would have face palmed myself. I know his friends are kind of dense but still. This is terrible.

"The fact you still think we are brothers is bullshit. I know you're not this stupid," Kacchan grumbled a little louder than before, showing me that he was getting irritated by his friend. It made me feel really good though, for some odd reason.

"Well if you're not brothers then how do you have the same last name? Maybe cousins?" Are Kacchan's friends really this dumb? I really don't think so. So why is he acting like this?

"Icyhot, please tell Shitty Hair that Deku and I aren't brothers?" I heard Kacchan let out a long groan but decided now was the time to walk back into the room.

"They are not brothers, they are lovers," Todoroki stated with a straight face and Kacchan's friends burst out into laughter. I caught Todoroki's eye but he just shrugged like he couldn't understand why they were acting like this and I don't blame him.

"What's so funny?" I asked, pretending not to hear any of the conversation.

"Just Todobro telling jokes," Kirishima was still laughing but wiping at his eyes.

"I told them you and Bakugo were lovers," Todoroki corrected him but he obviously thought he was joking around.

"How is that a joke?" I asked him innocently, handing Kacchan his food when he finally uncovered his face. He started listing things that really didn't matter like us sharing the same last name, both of us calling All Might dad and so on but I just kept looking at him with a confused face until he was getting very uncomfortable and fidgeting.

"Deku," Kacchan has a warning tone in his voice but I just turned to smile at him and that rare surprised look appeared on his face. I leaned in and kissed him lightly, just a peck on the lips, but when I leaned back again Kacchan groaned.

"Fucking tease," he grumbled making me giggle before I sat next to him because he still had food in his hands or I would have sat in his lap. Again that look of surprise but I don't blame him. I'm not usually this possessive but he gets along really well with Kirishima and I can't help being a little insecure, the dreams I've been having weren't helping any either. Showing me how he avoided me, how upset at me and generally was mean while Kirishima seemed to get his much softer side. I might be a bit jealous. I mean we have spent our whole lives together, what if he decides that he doesn't want us? I know he says that if I don't want him he will sign the divorce papers when we are 18 but what if HE doesn't want ME?

"Hurry up and eat, a nap sounds great," I smiled at him and that cute surprised look wasn't going away. "Please?" I asked before giving him another kiss on the cheek, his ears turning a bright red. Oh, I should tease him much more often! I like this a lot.

"Every last bite," I reminded him and instead of trying to process what I am doing or saying he turned away, trying to hide his blushing face but instead letting me see how the red blush had already traveled down the back of his neck.

"Dude! You're actually lovers?" Kaminari asked and when I looked up I saw Toshi grinning at me from next to him. When did they get here? He has been telling me for a long time that I needed to stake my claim or others would try to take what's mine, especially since we came to UA. This is the first time I've ever felt a need to do just that. Stake my claim.

Kacchan didn't say anything but he was quickly eating the food I gave him and before the sandwich was done I wrapped my arms around his middle and cuddled into his neck and left a light kiss there too.

"Deku!" He tried to warn me again but it was hard to do more than giggle when he was so red.

"Yes Kacchan~?" I cooed and the rest of his face turned bright red, his hands froze, not coming any closer with the food that he was about to take the last bite of and our classmates were speechless.

"Deku?" His voice was barely a whisper but his wide eyes spoke volumes. Begging me to either stop torturing him or to maybe even go further. I can't really tell.

I relented, "Some people should understand when something isn't theirs to take. That's all," I smiled brightly at him before I turned my attention back to Kirishima who was an even brighter red than his hair. "Isn't that right, Kirishima?"

Kacchan bristled, "I would never-!"

"I know," I gave him another small kiss, interrupting him. "I just might be a bit jealous, that's all." He didn't seem to know how to answer that when he opened his mouth again because nothing else came out.

Toshi however didn't have that problem, "Damn!" He whistled. "All the girls in all the countries that we've lived in, several guys too and Kirishima is the one to make you jealous?" He turned his attention to our red headed classmate. "What the hell did you do? It has to be bad, there isn't a soul alive that has managed it yet."

"Shut the fuck up Toshi!" Kacchan hissed at him, not able to look me in the eyes now for some reason. "Or I'll tell the loud blond you've been eyeing," well if we didn't have everyone's attention before we do now.

"Why does it have to be a loud blond? What if I like a dark silent beauty? Hmm?" Toshi rolled his eyes and Kacchan and I barked a laugh, I tried to clear my throat as if I could actually hide the fact I laughed at all but Toshi just glared at me. "Traitor."

"Oh come on! It's pretty obvious that you like him though," I tried to defend myself but I heard him grumble about it obviously not being obvious enough but he didn't speak up. That didn't stop Kaminari from side eyeing him though, nervously might I add?

"Why are you jealous of him? What did he do? What did I do? What can I do to keep it from happening again?" Kacchan turned his attention back to me but I shook my head no.

"We'll talk about it later, you're way too tired now. I'm surprised that you're even awake let alone paying attention to what's being said," I sighed, but now Kacchan looks angry.

"Then tell me again. Don't do this to me! The fact you feel this way means that I did something wrong then I need to fix it!" He snapped aggravated but like usual he turned away from me. No matter how angry he gets he never looks at me when he is angry at me. This isn't like with training or at the summer sports festival where he could come at me with everything. No, this was personal and as always somehow I'm right even though I KNOW I'm not and he is wrong somehow. It's infuriating. I mean even if my nightmares were real and this was the second time I'm going through life, he still isn't in the wrong!





"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" I screamed out.