

Kacchan's POV

I've been dreading this. With everything going on with Grandpa, our internships went by in a breeze and the Nomu attack ended with much less destruction than before but sadly there were still problems. Stain problems. Why is that fucker still around?

Exams were over and we were at camp. The little boy was being an absolute brat but Deku insisted on trying to reach out to him, I think his name was Kota? Regardless when he tried to kick my husband in between the legs I put the fear of God into him. Fucking brat.

I was with my idiots when it felt like my blood ran cold. Laughter. Everything turned into chaos in seconds, villains were popping up everywhere and Deku wasn't anywhere to be found. Toshi ran with me but we ended up splitting up to rescue our classmates that technically couldn't use their quirks without permission, thankfully that didn't apply to us though.

"OI FUCKER! WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I demanded when I found Raccoon Eyes, Ponytail and Ears trying to somehow get away without breaking the rules. Were they in a group like this the first time? I don't think so, did things change? "PICK ON SOMEONE WHO GIVES A FUCK YOU BASTARDS!" I set off so many explosions giving our classmates the time they needed to run and before I could really tell what was happening the hand fetish fucker showed up, with four fingers on my throat...

"KACCHAN!" I turned to see Deku and Toshi coming at me from different directions, thankfully Handyman had handed me off to someone else but panic was setting in. I couldn't get free. There was a flash of green and I reached out in a last attempt to reach Deku, his fingertips reaching at the last second and before I knew where we were Deku and Toshi were pulled through with us. The resulting fight for our lives only ended when the Handyman was able to grab Toshi, making Deku and I freeze.

"Why are we getting these NPC's?" He started raging but Deku and I just watched his forefinger as it shook close to Toshi's throat. I hit the panic button on my belt, sending the distress signal but only the three of us would have known what I did.

"Put my brother down," Deku hissed, his green energy crackling around him and it wasn't until now that I saw a flash of red and when I looked up I saw a mirror showing me covered in a similar red energy to Deku's green. OFA activating on its own.

"Brother," Toshi gasped, trying to suck in air even with the bastard trying to strangle him, his eyes flickering between us.

"What I would like to know is how Inko went from one son to three, all the same age," my eyes widened in shock and I spun around to see the fire breathing bastard himself standing there, white curly hair, brown eyes and all.

No. No, if he is All-For-One then that means he was in our last life too. That means that Deku... Deku and I killed his father together.

"I remember you telling me that you didn't have a use for me," Deku glared at the man who walked up behind the Handyman and put a hand on his shoulder, very gently. A gesture that no one missed, including Deku.

"Let him go," I demanded. Toshi had managed to turn so he could breathe but he was on his tiptoes and every second I'm sure it was getting harder and harder.

"Katsuki, it's so very nice to see you again," the fucker smiled, why isn't his face covered in burns like in our first life? Why did that change? Is it because Dad didn't get crippled in his fight with him all those years ago? Does that mean that AFO is stronger than last time?

"Keep Kacchan's name out of your mouth!" Deku snapped at him, smoke coming out of his mouth.

"You know, I distinctly remember the doctor telling me that you would be quirkless, useless. So how about you tell me how that changed?" All-For-One chuckled, motioning for Handyman to put Toshi down. He dropped him like a fucking hot potato but Toshi managed to roll towards us and I was able to grab him while Deku stared the bastard down.

"Kacchan? Deku? What's going on? Who is he?" Toshi coughed and sputtered, rubbing at his neck but he kept his guard up ready to respond if need be but that didn't mean that it was any easier for him to breathe.

"All-For-One, the world's number one villain and All Might's arch enemy, he is the villain of villains," I growled, still glaring at the bastard.

"Come now Katsuki, don't be so cold after all of this time. The last time I saw you, you had just gotten a very powerful quirk, you were still only four years old. Time really has just flown by. Have you trained it well through the years?" His voice grated on my nerves. I couldn't help putting myself in front of Toshi, to somehow try and protect him from the bastard in front of us.

"My sperm donor," Deku answered and that made Toshi turn his head with an audible crack from it popping.

"You mean Mom... But he is so gross, and Mom? With a villain? How could she?" Toshi looked completely confused and denied it right away and I don't blame him. I sure as fuck didn't know that All-For-One was Deku's father.

"Did Inko adopt you? Why would you call her Mom? She used to insist that she only wanted one baby, she didn't want to try and spread her love thin. Such a kind yet weak woman," All-For-One chuckled while all of us glared at him. Oh he shouldn't have said that. He shouldn't have said anything about Mom at all.

"Don't say her name like you have some kind of right to it!" I hissed, letting an explosion snap at my fingers. How long before she gets here? "She has nothing to do with you, and I remember you screaming at her saying you wouldn't ever come looking for her or Deku again."

He chuckled a little bit but Handyman seemed to have finally figured out what all was being said and he wasn't happy. "I thought you said your son died a disappointment; weak and useless?" He grumbled unhappy. I saw Toshi hit his distress beacon, it's odd that Mom hasn't arrived already so I can only assume that mine is broken but I saw the tiny red light flash for just a second on his belt, letting me know that it connected and was received by the other side.

At the very worst Mom should be kicking ass breaking in, in less than ten minutes. Unless this isn't the same hideout as our first lives but it sure as fuck looks like it to me and since I was held hostage here for a while I think that I would know. Then again, it's been a long ass time since then. What if I'm wrong?

"You know that really confused everyone, you never took me to the doctor. Not even for a booster shot, so who and when could you have heard that from?" Deku rolled his eyes at him and I can't blame him. The fucker didn't have almost anything to do with him until he was ready to see what his quirk would be and thanks to the deal I made, this bastard got a hallucination telling him that Deku was quirkless. Well considering the bastard turned out to be All-For-One, it really is for the best.

I saw Deku hit his distress button and the flash of light told us that it went through, has it really not even been ten minutes yet?

"Is that so?" He looked truly confused but that's fine by me, the longer we distracted him the better.

"No wonder Deku never talks about you, you are as bad as the kidnappers that took me," Toshi scoffed and All-For-One turned his attention to him now.

"Still, even if this one was lucky enough for Inko to adopt him, why would she take you in, Katsuki? You were a nasty piece of work even as a child, everyone singing your praises while you left little Izuku battered and bruised," he smirked at me but I wasn't having it.

"KEEP HIS NAME OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MOUTH! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO EVEN HEAR HIS NAME LET ALONE SAY IT!" I was screaming again but I mean fuck, he crossed the line. He looked at me surprised but he didn't let it go.

"Did something happen to Mitsuki and Masaru? They were such nice, sweet people. How in the world they raised you was anyone's guess," he shrugged as if he were talking about the weather.

"Keep their names out of your mouth! Are you hard of hearing, old man?" Toshi snapped at him and I would have laughed if not for the fact that he was All-For-One. "Don't go cursing Aunty and Uncle for no reason!" That's right, this is a battle of wills right now. We just have to hold off until backup arrives.

"Well regardless, this here is the boy that I adopted. Isn't he a fine young man? Always working so hard to get exactly what he deserves," the way All-For-One was smiling was making my whole body cringe, and the smirk on the bastard's face only grew.

"Looks like you kidnapped him, let me guess. If you're All-For-One then that means if Deku did have a quirk you would have stolen it before leaving and you still wouldn't have given him the time of day," I scoffed, the fact of the matter was that that must have been exactly what had happened during our first lives. Just fucking great.

"Considering All Might was on the doorstep when I left, I take it that my little Izuku must have inherited One-For-All, I must admit, I was not expecting you to be so useful." He congratulated Deku who frowned at him.

"I wasn't quirkless, I had a quirk before," Deku didn't let his glare lift from the man in front of us. If nothing else, anything close to love for the man was long since gone.

"Well you are my son so it would have been more odd if you didn't," he shrugged giving in.

"You're not my dad!" Deku yelled and there was a crash at the front door. I turned my head just in time to see All Might and the Green Demon and both looked livid. I pulled both Deku and Toshi away just in time for a ceiling beam to fall and land, breaking the Hand fucker's arm in the process of him reaching for us. His inhuman screech filled the air but otherwise no one moved.

"Get away from my sons!" Both Mom and Dad demanded and I pulled Deku and Toshi even further away.

"Your sons?" All-For-One looked even more confused before looking back and forth between us all.