

All Might's POV

When Katsuki first hit his distress button I was so relieved to have a location that I almost passed out but that wouldn't help them. All the villains that showed up for the attack on camp have all either disappeared or been arrested so Inko and I were getting a team put together to rescue the boys. I did not wait and left the moment I could, my boys as strong as they are, were in danger.

When the second distress button was hit we both froze for only a second before we were racing to the coordinates. Something was wrong. Very wrong. Usually they would just hit the first one a second time to let us know it was under control but if it was bad enough that they still needed help…

Wait, this is supposed to be when… The fight between All-For-One and I!

"Inko!" I yelled while I carried her through the air, her body covered in the all too familiar green energy.

"I just remembered too. I'll coordinate with the team, you get us there!" She ordered and I smiled while doing exactly what she said, then the third signal went off.

The minutes ticked by while we worked and raced as fast as we could and we were just about to break the door down when we heard Izuku scream; "You're not my Dad!"

The door broke barely being touched by us and we saw multiple villains surrounding our boys making it hard to see anything but red.

"Get away from my sons!" I yelled only hearing Inko's voice mirroring mine.

The villain in charge looked up and smiled and we both froze seeing that all too familiar face. The face that looked so much like Izuku's only his white curly framed his muddy brown eyes. No.

"Your sons?" He looked back and forth between Inko and I and then the boys.

"Your sons?" He started laughing crazily and the villains in the room were looking between us all, very confused. "So teaching self defense wasn't enough? You had to steal Inko's heart and my son's too?"

I saw Katsuki pulling Izuku and Hitoshi toward the back door and I feel better about sending a team to wait for them there now. At least Katsuki is aware enough right now to pull the others out, it's not right for them to be here. Not for this villain.

"And where do you think you're going?" All-For-One asked, still laughing but now the boys were knocked back into the room and onto the floor.

"You know, I was going to offer Katsuki a place beside me. He is strong, prideful, with just enough arrogance he could easily lead his own troops, he could take over the world with me. But to find out that you had the audacity to act like a father to my son? To bring another boy and make them brothers? Are children just tools for you to shape into whatever way you want? You really aren't that different from me," All-For-One was laughing so hard it was making even the closest villains to him edge away but he really just fucked up.

"Excuse you?" Inko asked, a murderous smile on her face and I took a large step to the side and made my way to the boys.

"Sweetheart, I'll protect the boys," I assured her while her green energy snapped around her, roaring to life as her anger grew out of control.

"Did I really just hear you call my baby your son? My baby that you abandoned?" Her voice was so soft that it was sending chills down my back.

"Boys, cover your eyes," I told them and they quickly did as they were told while I tried to block the view with my body. I don't have a worry in the world about trusting my back to Inko. No, I just don't want the boys to see how she will tear the villains to pieces.

The boys and I couldn't help flinching at the sounds of the screams as the villains gathered in the room were torn apart and yes, I mean torn apart. I looked over my shoulder to try and judge when I would be able to get my now injured sons outside only to see All-For-One having his arms removed again and again thanks to what is probably a healing quirk he kept regrowing the limbs but that didn't stop Inko from tearing them off again. The rest of the room was silent while they watched in horror as my wife dismembered their boss, spraying blood all over herself and the people in the room.

Nope, she isn't done yet. I pulled Hitoshi, the one furthest from me, closer but whispered for them all to keep their eyes closed. There was another inhuman screech and we all flinched. I couldn't help it. I looked over my shoulder again.

Inko was standing in what can only be described as green lightning itself, her normally deep forest green eyes lit up to a radioactive toxic color that sent fear to the pit of my stomach while I held the boys close. The sight would have been beautiful if not for the fact that she was covered in copious amounts of blood and I just couldn't look anymore. I was able to pick the boys up and carry them out the door we had broken down to come in and there was practically an army of Heroes ready for the signal but I shot it down.

If anyone goes down there now, I can't guarantee their safety. Inko had started screaming questions about our first life before I could get the boys out and All-For-One kept calling her a mad woman and well neither side was getting anywhere with talking but I CAN guarantee that Inko will be walking out. When she is done. Hopefully after she has released all the rage and bitterness she has had locked up inside of her for all these years. From both lives.

I can hope. Can't I?

Nezu walked up and tried to start a strategy meeting but none of the boys were responding to him and were only crying in my arms. Hitoshi kept rubbing the red mark on his neck from nearly being strangled to death, Katsuki couldn't take his eyes off of Izuku while Izuku…

Izuku looked like he couldn't process anything more than what he already had and right now he just wasn't functioning because of it all. How long were we down there, that they were able to drive the entire class here? Aizawa ran up and I could see that he was going to ask something obvious but I put a finger to my mouth for him to keep silent and it's only then that he actually looked at my boys.

"Daddy?" Izuku cried, his voice breaking and I pulled him and the other two closer.

"It's okay, I'm here now. He will never bother you again, I promise," I swore as my boys all broke down in my arms. Never again, never again.

There were a few large explosions back in the bar that I had carried them out of but when I looked up I just saw Inko tossing villains towards heroes and Nezu yelling instructions not to let a single one get away. It wasn't until Inko had walked away from the bar only carrying what looked like a bloody bag that was still squirming around that the other heroes were allowed inside and then many came running back out and hurled from the sight of what was inside. It's not the first time my wife has gone on a rampage, the first time the boys were kidnapped the villains in question were completely decimated. They didn't stand a chance in hell, at least no better of a chance than All-For-One did anyway.

I saw another hero with a water based quirk hose Inko down and it's only now that many realized that she arrived in normal street clothes next to me. Soaking as she was she came running over and no one got in her way so she was able to actually hug our boys.

"WHAT WERE YOU THREE THINKING?!" She started screaming but I had to remind her that they didn't make the choice to come here but were kidnapped.

"Right, kidnapped, again," she made a face that clearly told anyone who was looking just how she felt about that. "Maybe I shouldn't be a hero at all? Maybe I should just stay home with my babies?" She sweetly caressed them and Katsuki pointed out that if she wasn't a hero then she wouldn't be able to rescue them.

"Good point," I nodded in agreement and she pouted but gave in anyway.

"You know, if you were a teacher at my school then you wouldn't need to run off on dangerous missions far away and with your much younger daughter…" I frowned at Nezu, he really never gives up.

"I'll think about it," Inko frowned, the same as always but for once I think she will actually consider it.

"If the Fire breathing bastard could find us then what will stop THEM from kidnapping me again?" Hitoshi looked up, a hand still on his neck and tears streaking down his face.

"My precious baby," Inko cooed, comforting him. "Then the same will happen to them as what happened in that bar. No one will ever touch my babies." The thought of all the paperwork that we had to deal with during that first kidnapping came to mind. A hero killing a villain is not good, but a hero like Inko massacring an entire villain organization… Paperwork aside we won't be getting too much backlash from this at all. At least not enough to worry about.