

All Might's POV

It was worse than we thought. By the time I was able to get Mitsuki and Masaru through the ridiculous amount of red tape he was already put on life support. As it turns out he was out looking for a gift to send Yuki to congratulate her on getting her quirk when a villain decided to blow up the bank wall that he just happened to be walking by at the time. It was pure coincidence, and the only reason it didn't happen during our first lives was simply because he didn't have a granddaughter at that time.

Thankfully when they found out that the man was related to me (why would that make a difference?) I also found out that they were waiting for a hero with a special healing quirk to arrive to treat him and that was why he was on life support. He will be just fine, it will just take a bit of time for him to get here.

"Too bad I don't have a healing quirk," I sighed and Mitsuki and Masaru chuckled at my silliness.

"It's not your responsibility to save everyone, Toshinori," Mitsuki chuckled and Masaru agreed.

"We are just happy that Katsuki and the boys love you so much. You are a wonderful father to all of them," Masaru patted me on the back, his smile genuine.

"I never tried to-" I tried to defend myself when I realized how his words sounded but he shook his head no while chuckling.

"I understand that and I appreciate it but that doesn't stop the fact that you have done him so much good, thank you," Masaru smiled up at me, I feel so awkward right now. As long as we have known each other we haven't really gotten close, mostly thanks to me being moved all over the world but still.

"Thank you for trusting such an outstanding child to me, he has only made our lives richer," I answered, bowing my head to them. I stayed with them for a few hours, it was actually Mitsuki's father and when a hero with a stabilizing quirk arrived saying that the hero with the healing quirk wouldn't arrive for several days they apologized profusely when they saw me waiting with the Bakugo's. Masaru and I left Mitsuki with her father and stepped outside.

"You know, you really saved us. The world was really far too kind to Katsuki, inflating his ego to an unhealthy level and telling him how great he was no matter what he did," he chuckled at the absurdity of what he was saying but I already knew it to be true.

"There was once right before you came that I saw Katsuki push Izuku down and I saw that the teachers saw it happen. But when I asked how the day went they said he was a perfect little angel. Then they found out I was picking up both boys and they told me how Izuku had been causing issues all day. Bullying the other kids. I thank God I saw it for myself and then as if answering our prayers on what to do, you showed up and Katsuki insisted that he loved Izuku and would marry him. He was even ready to fight you if he had to." He chuckled at the memory, some of it I knew already, some I didn't but I smiled anyway.

"Katsuki is nothing but a gentleman with Izuku, except when they are training of course. Then you would think they were oil and water," I laughed, and he joined me. There was more than once that he saw for himself how they trained to become heroes and he knew exactly what I meant. He has also seen what they were like together outside of training, absolute innocence coupled with being adorable. It really isn't fair.

"You know, it's been a while since I took Katsuki mountain climbing and I was wondering if you would consider coming with us next time? You, Izuku and Hitoshi? It can be a real father and sons trip," he offered smiling and holding out his hand and I took it gratefully.

"I would be honored," we chatted for a while but it wasn't long before Mitsuki called and had us come back. The staff again saw me with them so they waived almost all of the fees since they caused us so much trouble in even seeing the patient. Of course I know that they are just trying to appeal to me but I played dumb anyway. I know for a fact that Mitsuki knows that I am well aware of what they are doing and that I am just playing naive.

We finally get outside and I visibly relax.

"I bet you have to deal with that a lot," Mitsuki laughed out loud and I groaned.

"So much more than what should be forced on anyone," I complained and they laughed at my expense but I smiled anyway. I also know that Mitsuki's father wasn't all that well off, he just refuses to, in his words, 'leech off of' his children. He is a good man. It would take at least a week before the hero with the correct quirk would be here and that was after knowing I was here with the patient, I made sure to be loud when I told the Bakugo's to call me for any reason at all and that they have my personal number. It took a lot of effort on Mitsuki's part not to laugh out loud at that but she managed.

"Do you need anything before I go? I'll help in any way that I can," I offered, meaning every word and I saw them exchange a look that told me that yes there is something.

"Do you know somewhere for us to stay while we are here? A hotel for that long is a bit…" Masaru hesitated and I laughed, patting him on the shoulder.

"I thought you would never ask, my old mentor lives here. The boys call him Grandpa, I already talked to him about it and he agreed before the words were out of my mouth. He adores Katsuki," I laughed and I showed them the way to my mentor's messy but clean apartment.


I was dragging myself into my office when I finally got back to school, I haven't even been home yet and Aizawa informed me of the camp that we will be taking the kids on after exams and I am again reminded of the very first time Katsuki was kidnapped, during our first life and it wasn't by some small time villains either.

I mean, can't I have a small break? Is that really too much to ask for?

I grab a change of clothes and go to the teacher's locker room. Thanks to us all being working heroes it was a necessary thing to have here at the school and I'm not above using it. When I finish getting dry and dressed I make my way to class 1A just in time for heroics.

"Dad!" My boys yelled after I told the class to go get changed for the lesson. They had so many questions and they were so worried but it was clear that I wasn't the only one with dark circles under my eyes.

"Hush now, everything is okay now," I smiled at them gently.

"How was Grandpa?" Katsuki asked, trying not to sound too worried but it was clear that he was.

"Full recovery, in fact he is with Mitsuki and Masaru now. He will be staying with them for a few days, for their comfort. He is 100% healed and healthy now," I answered him and all three of the boys let out a sigh of relief. "Come on now, go get changed for class. I already talked to Nezu and you'll all be able to go and see him today even though it's the middle of the week." Thoughts of how I almost punched my boss in the face when I found out about them muzzling and chaining Katsuki at the sports festival flashed across my mind but Inko beat me to it. He was slammed against the way and while she berated him for it. Doesn't mean I don't still wish that I could have let some frustrations out though.

I listened to them cheer and when the classroom was otherwise empty Katsuki hugged me. "Thank you," he whispered and I hugged him close.

"No matter what anyone says, we are family," I whispered and he nodded and I swear that there was an interesting bird out the window just now. When I looked back Katsuki was just finishing wiping at his eyes and all three boys left.

"Grandpa?" I turned when I heard the confused and tired voice behind me to find Aizawa standing there. "I didn't know they had one, there isn't one listed in their files."

"Ah, well he is actually Katsuki's grandfather but he treats all the boys like family. There is also Gran Torino, my old mentor, he spoils the girls so much but the boys were no better when they were that little still," I shrugged while answering. It's not like it's a secret, at least not from him.

"That reminds me, while you were gone the fact that only Midoriya and Aiko are Inko's birth children is now known to the whole class. They aren't answering their classmates' questions though and they even tried to bug Aiko and Yuki over it and all three boys went from the silent treatment to menacing. No one has been brave enough to ask any questions since," he caught me up to date. It would have been surprising if not for the fact that Izuku had texted me about it, asking if he messed up again. He didn't but that doesn't stop him from worrying.

"They are protective of their sisters," I laughed before yawning.

"I take it you had a long week?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I rolled my eyes.

"The hero that came healed Katsuki's grandfather without charging him but then he dragged me around on his rounds to brag about all the work he does. Why do people think I'm so naive?" I yawned again and Aizawa chuckled, joining me as I made my way to the gym.

"I know that I'm going to pass out on the couch in my office once class is over, I'm beat," now Aizawa is just laughing out loud but it's time to concentrate on class.

Sadly, sleep will have to wait.