

All Might's POV

Young Todoroki only followed after them after he looked at me and I motioned for him to go and then he still only walked. I'm afraid there is a lot more emotional baggage for him and like Katsuki I need a break. There is only so much I can take at a time and I am at my limit.

"And I was only going to go and use the restroom," I sighed to myself only to hear Aizawa chuckle.

"I suggest getting your wife and daughter and just coming to the staff area. Your wife will have to deal with Nezu trying to scout her but it is safer and you'll be able to fulfill your obligation for the award ceremony at the end," Aizawa nodded to himself before he seemed to think of a question.

"Has Midoriya's father really not tried to contact him since he left? I know it's easy to say things when you're angry and I'm sure things were heated when he left but to actually pretend that his son doesn't exist?"

"MY son," I corrected, glaring at him enough to make him flinch. "And no, Shiro Hisashi has not tried to contact us at all since he left." I picked up my phone and sent Inko a text telling her Aizawa's suggestion and she agreed readily enough, which told me something must have happened while I was gone.

"I can't count the number of times little Izuku would cry in his sleep when he was just a baby, well four but still, I guess you can say that that was how I met Inko. I was only supposed to teach him how to defend himself and stay safe and I ended up marrying his mother and then his quirk manifested. Izuku has more power than anyone else I know of and that includes villains," I rubbed at my face before standing up, Aizawa was no longer flinching away so I guess that is one good thing. "There isn't anything in the world that I'm not willing to do for my boys."

"I'm sure there is something," Aizawa scoffed, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, at least not anything the boys would ever consider asking for," I chuckled.

"What if a villain demanded you trade your daughter for them?" I glared at him but he only shrugged as if to say gotcha.

"My boys and I would become the villains before we let anything happen to Aiko or their mother, they have been in numerous hostage situations and they have been kidnapped an obscene number of times. Sadly we are all too familiar with how to respond to them," I answered not concerned with how he was looking at me. Who wouldn't do evil to protect their loved ones?

"Sometimes I wonder how you are the number one hero," he shook his head but he wasn't done talking yet. "Then you say something like this and I think you know what? You can't be a hero without something to protect."

I agreed but that one sentence is far more dangerous than most people realize. Because once a hero has no one to protect they are only a monster. Someone to torment and fear, the public would demand for them to work, to be a hero, but without a reason they would only be a machine at best or they would get a twisted sense of justice and see all 'villains' as a way to get revenge. Not a hero and on the off chance that someone innocent was mistaken as a villain then they could even be a murderer.

"Well right now I am going to find that restroom before I explode," I stretched and walked out of the room, hearing Aizawa's astonished laugh behind me. Well at least one person could walk away from all of that with a smile on their face.


"Toshinori dear? It's already time for the last few matches. What took so long?" Inko asked, walking up with Aiko on her hip and Nezu close behind her.

"The boys just needed to air some things out, thankfully Aizawa here was willing to help," I motioned behind me and sure enough there he was.

"How did you know I was behind you?" He tilted his head trying to study me.

"You're far from the first to tail me, I am not the number one hero for no reason after all," I laughed and he blinked in surprise but shook his head and actually chuckled which got Nezu's attention.

"You two have become surprisingly fast friends," he remarked and I had the urge to smack him. He really can't leave well enough alone, can he?

"Do you ever give up?" Aizawa groaned and my wife laughed the loudest at that. "I take it he is still trying to scout you?" He looked at my wife who was bitterly laughing at this point.

"He is going to find out why my hero name is the Green Demon if he doesn't stop soon," She smiled kindly at Aizawa and I wasn't the only one getting chills. Inko fighting villains is the most terrifying thing I have ever seen in either life. She is known as a war hero, when she gets sent somewhere, there is usually death and carnage that follows. She is only called when it's a last resort, otherwise she defends civilians putting up a defense until help arrives. And people think the boys get their strength from me? Fat chance!

"Mommy?" Aiko yawned and I looked up at the time and motion to take her from my wife who gladly hands her off to me. "Daddy," Aiko curled up in my arms, her arms around my neck and her face buried in my neck to block the light and within seconds I could hear her light snores.

"Was she getting crabby?" I asked and Inko just nodded, stretching and yawning herself. I can only imagine how difficult Aiko must have been while I was dealing with the boys' meltdowns.

I leaned forward and gave her a small kiss, "You've worked hard already, go ahead and use my office to take a nap, I'll leave Aiko with you before going down to the field."

"No, I can't miss our boys' big fight scene now can I?" She giggled tiredly but waved off my concern anyway. "I just haven't been sleeping well recently." I nodded understanding exactly what she meant, I didn't either. Recently nightmares of our first life seem to be plaguing us and if it weren't for Katsuki insisting that he was sleeping fine I would think that it was a side effect of the quirk or something.

"Maybe Aiko can spend the night with Yuki and we can get some rest? I think the sports festival has kept us pretty stressed recently," I smiled at her, keeping my voice low when her phone rang with the all too familiar ringtone making me chuckle. The way she smiled at the irony only seemed to help my amusement.

"Hey we were just talking about wanting to ask you something," Inko smiled, answering the phone. "No, your timing was just perfect, so what is going on?" She chuckled a little and I looked down on the field to see Katsuki fighting the one he calls CopyCat but the fight was pretty tame, all things considered. I listened to Inko talking about Katsuki mostly but then the girls and then her voice broke making me turn all of my attention back to her.

"You what?" Inko looked absolutely confused. "No, it's not that." I can't help worrying about whatever was going on. "Of course we will watch Yuki, no you do what you need to do!" Okay now Inko has my full attention. It wasn't until she hung up that she stared at her phone confused.

"Inko?" I asked quietly, trying not to wake Aiko at the same time.

"We need to leave," she looked up, still a bit dazed but determined.

"What do you need me to do and when?" I was already ready to go anywhere.

"Something changed that shouldn't have," her eyes darted around to see who all was listening and Nezu took a fucking hint and walked away.

"I need to go and pick up Yuki and you need to go to Mufasa, Katsuki's grandfather was attacked by a villain and the authorities are refusing to release his information to the Bakugos," She whispered and I looked around to figure out the next best course of action.

"Aizawa?" I called out and he looked up surprised but walked over anyway. "Can I ask you for a favor? It's not a small one," I warned him before he could answer. He looked at me confused but nodded anyway.

"Can you watch over the boys and Aiko? Something happened and we have to go now. You can leave Aiko with any of her brothers, just don't let her panic," I waited and Inko was listening carefully while calling for a cab. It's too dangerous for Aiko to come with us, Inko would be back far sooner than I would but asking her to take Aiko while Yuki might be having a melt down is too much to ask of anyone.

"You trust your daughter with me?" He looked far more shocked than I can ever remember seeing him but also touched. I can't even begin to figure out what he is thinking but right now there isn't anyone I trust more anywhere close by. Gran Torino is already in Mufasa, Detective Naomasa well I have no idea where he is right now but I also don't have time to look for him.

"Okay, is there anything I need to know? Allergies, quirk, behaviors?" He turned his attention to my little girl and I smiled at how ready he is to step up as my friend.

"She has a bad allergy to strawberries, she has an EpiPen in the front of her bag and she also has asthma but she carries her inhaler herself, there is a spare in her bag though. The doctors think she will outgrow the asthma but only time will tell," I smile at his surprised and slightly panicked face. "If there are any questions at all the boys will know what to do, she is excitable and generally happy, if you turn whatever it is into a game she will be the first to race to the finish line. Inko will be back in about an hour if it takes her that long. If something comes up or she is just throwing a fit, ask her if she wants you to call one of her brothers and that will calm her down."

He nodded, listening to every little thing I had to say when a thought hit me. "If a villain attacks, get her to her brothers. Do not try to leave her with anyone else, not even Nezu."

"Really?" Nezu sighed walking up, obviously eavesdropping. "Am I really that bad?"

"Yes," my wife and I answered at the same time and Aizawa covered his mouth and cleared his throat to keep from laughing out loud.

"What about her quirk?" Aizawa asked while taking her bag from Inko as she was hanging up with the cab company who must have agreed to send two cars.

"It hasn't manifested yet, so be careful," I answered and he nodded understandingly. There is nothing like a four year old who gets their quirk for the first time and doesn't understand what is going on.

I gently wake Aiko up, "Sweetheart? Mommy and Daddy have to go somewhere for a little while," I cooed to her and she rubbed at her face trying to fight waking up. "Oh sweetheart?" I chuckled a little and she whined.

"Daddy, sleep!" She groaned trying to bury herself into my neck again, to hide from the light.

"But I thought you would want to walk around with the boys' teacher for a while? Maybe you could even go to their school for a little while?" I teased a little, tempting her and she almost jumped out of my arms but I caught her before she could fall.

"I'm going to their school?" She looked around still drowsy but it was Inko who nodded and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Stay with Aizawa Sensei and I'll pick you up after I go and get Yuki, maybe we can even stop by the dorms before we go home tonight?" She offered and little Aiko cheered.

"Remember to be good and we already told him to ask your brothers if he wasn't sure on anything so don't try to trick him," I tapped her nose with a finger and she let out a sigh. The first time I left her with Naomasa she convinced him that she was allergic to bell peppers, he still won't feed her bell peppers.

"I promise!" She cheered, still a little sleepy but at the same time wide awake. She looked at Aizawa and held her arms out for him to take her, making him hesitate but he took her anyway. Clearly he wasn't used to holding such a small child.

"Good now, I'm going to go and get Yuki, she will be staying with us for a few days," Inko winked and Aiko cheered.

"Yeah! Yuki and I can-" she started muttering the way that Izuku does and Aizawa's eyes widened but we just laughed before turning to leave. Too bad we can't watch Katsuki and Izuku match at the end. They will be disappointed.