

Kacchan's POV

"Deku," I sighed seeing the brothers hugging each other after I let them go. I shouldn't be in the middle of this. I should give them space. I should…

"And where do you think you are going?" I looked up to see Aizawa Sensei watching me and I looked around to see that I was already halfway to the door but I thought everyone else was watching Deku and Toshi.

"I shouldn't be here. I should give them space," I shook my head, continuing to make my way to the door without catching the other's attention.

"I think this is only just starting and that you should be here for it. What kind of husband abandons their spouse?" He asked nonchalantly and I immediately glared at him.

"It's not abandoning him when he needs time to himself you fucking sleep deprived caterpillar! It's called respect!" I ground out, somehow managing not to raise my voice in the small room.

"It isn't respectful to watch your husband cry and leave. Not unless that's what HE wants," he over pronounced the he and motioned behind me again and this time when I looked up he was wiping his tears away and my heart lurched. "I know that you can see that he doesn't want to be alone right now. Right now he is probably questioning everything he knows and isn't sure on what to do or how from here. He needs his support and unless your marriage is just a piece of paper…" He trailed off but saying anything else would be a waste of energy.

"You don't even know, yet somehow you act like you do," I turned my attention back to him, studying him up and down, trying to figure it out.

"I may have figured out some clues," he answered, not at all bothered by what he was saying.

"Then you're probably wrong," I scoffed and he looked at me amused. "If you were right then Deku would have died," I turned my glare on him to see him startled by my words. "And if that happens then not even God could stop what follows after, not me, not Dad, not Mom, not anyone."

I walked back over to my husband who looked surprised to see me because yeah, I usually do leave when he and Toshi get emotional but he wasn't upset at all and now that Toshi had let him go Deku was clinging onto me.

"Did I do stupid things like this to you too?" He asked looking up at me with those tear filled eyes of his that make me want to fight the world over for him.

"Don't worry, I'm just as fucking clueless," I snuggled into his hair, enjoying the cuddles he was more than willing to share with me. "I am so fucking clueless that I hurt myself more than anyone else," I sighed while hugging him close. He will never truly understand what I mean by that but that's okay. So long as he is happy, healthy and alive I don't mind the burden. It is so much lighter than him dying in my arms so I will live with it.

"Izuku, no one is perfect at reading the situation or people. Katsuki is already aware of his flaws and he works on it all the time, Hitoshi isn't innocent either," we turned to see Toshi looking sheepishly at us.

"Heh, guilty as charged," he chuckled and Deku relaxed in my arms before deciding to jump loose and kiss me out of fucking nowhere. It was quick and sweet, innocent yet not. He pulled away smirking at me.

"There, now you will always be mine," he giggled and I felt like my brain exploded. How? What? Just… Huh?

"You kissed him? Even if you're not actually brothers, doesn't he have a boyfriend? Wait don't you? Or did you have a girlfriend? Now that I think about it was only Bakugo that said he was gay," Todoroki started puzzling it out and now pieces were falling into place in my head.

"Some warning would be nice," I sighed, relaxing again now that I understand.

"But if I warn you, I don't get to see that cute confused look on your face and it's so rare already," he pouted and this time he leaned up and kissed me again much slower but now he actually felt innocent. His affection just warms my soul.

"Go ahead and tell him before his brain fries," I chuckle, before snuggling into him again, this time with a view of Icyhot. I only get to see this once and I don't want to miss it.

"Kacchan is my husband, not my boyfriend or brother. It's also the reason he has called Mom and Dad, Aunty and Uncle for so long," Deku tells his friend and I swear that if I looked surprised earlier then Icyhot's soul would have left his body now. No one is home as he just stared blankly at us before turning to look at Dad who let out a sigh and just nodded confirming Deku's words.

"But you're only 16!" Icyhot yelled and I got a good laugh at how red his whole face was turning.

"Yeah, and we have spent 12 years of it married," I chuckled enjoying this, happy I had recorded his face. No volume so even if someone were to get a copy of the shirt five second video they wouldn't know what was being talked about.

"Twelve years!?!" Who the hell marries their kid off at four years old? Even Endeavor wouldn't do that!" Icyhot was having a meltdown and I ended the recording and put my phone away.

"Hehe, there was kind of a quirk involved? I don't really know all the specifics but apparently I would have died if they didn't agree to the marriage? Well I'm told there are other things too but I can't know them," Deku fidgeted and now it looks like he regretted telling Icyhot anything and I can't have that.

"Oi Icyhot, what's the big deal? It's just a piece of paper saying we are legally married, it's not like we are doing anything teenage boys shouldn't be doing and we sure as fuck weren't when we were four," I narrowed my eyes at him and it's only now that Aizawa Sensei seems to relax and I look over at him confused at the change in his posture.

"Don't worry about it," he waved me off and I had the distinct feeling that he thought we were doing things 16 year olds shouldn't so I glared at him.

"Stay out of things that don't concern you," I growled at him, still glaring. He just waved me off like a little kid making me do a double take. What the hell? Why is he treating me so differently than just a little bit ago? He was treating me like a full adult just before so why is he suddenly treating me like a small child now?

Dad however laughed happily before reminding Icyhot not to spread these things around until we give the okay.

"Of course it is their personal information," Icyhot nodded and everyone calmed down before Icyhot asked another question. "So who is the fire breathing bastard that Bakugo mentioned earlier?"

"Kacchan!" Deku whined.

"Oh no! Don't blame this on me! YOU are the one that told him that none of us were related to Dad, you only have yourself to blame," I lectured him and he pouted up at me with those big puppy dog eyes. I swear they could kill a puppy with their cute innocence, purer than even a kitten.

"You're right," he pouted even more and I just might die from his cuteness.

"Fine, I'll tell him but you can't be upset if I say something you weren't ready for him to know," I warned him and it was like watching the dead come alive again the way he bounced and beamed his smile up at me. I'm going to die, he just unalived me and I can't be more at peace with that than I am now.

"Uh…" Icyhot was looking back and forth between us confused.

"Oi, is Aizawa Sensei staying for this or not?" I asked my cute little bunny-like husband who stopped, looked at our homeroom teacher for a moment silently debating with himself, turned to Dad who raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything and then back at me and groaned. Indecisive little deku.

"Fine, but no complaints," I reminded him. We really need to finish this up, it won't be too much longer before the intermission ends and just why did Deku suddenly feel the urge to tell someone now of all times?

"Deku's sperm donor is the fire breathing bastard. He is in America running a business like the slimey snake he is, but he wanted nothing to do with Deku when he thought he was quirkless. He didn't just divorce Mom, he signed away parent rights for Deku before leaving. I was there and the bastard left even with Dad, All Might, standing right in front of him, telling Mom not to think about any child support. So he is a bastard, he is a villain, he is a nasty piece of shit that literally pushed away a crying four year old child who had no idea what was going on. Now we need to get our shit together and finish the sports festival because I'm getting first place!"

"Nu-huh!" Deku and Toshi snapped their attention to me, ready to argue over who was going to win. It's nice that they are both so hyper focused on hero things at times like these. It's my get out of emotional things card and I am not giving it up.

"Oh yes I will, if I didn't say anything you would have stayed in there forever just talking and I can only take so much. I get it, I'm shit at feelings and being emphatic but fucking damn it we have places to be right now!" I yelled and Toshi actually beat Deku and I to the door.

"First you need to get there!" He called out and we were all running for the field. We took way too long and I'm just glad I had an excuse to end it, at least for now. I am emotionally drained and I need to hit someone. Lucky me, my next opponent is the copy cat and I can only hope that he copied the silver bastard's quirk because I need to hit something. Hard.

"Oi, Icyhot get a move on or we'll leave your ass behind! Toshi! Get your ass out of the way!" I fumed, finally relaxing. Sometimes I hate my quirk. Like now, I've been too relaxed and as stressed as that situation made me, it wasn't the kind of stress that helps regulate my quirk. So, unsurprisingly, I feel like a ticking time bomb.

The irony.