
Through the Void

The universe gives as much as it takes, it is everchanging yet unchanging in its laws! All have to abide by it, yet many defy it! Many are amazed by its beauty; and others, are swept away by its infinity! 'All have to abide by its laws... or so they said, I'd much rather break those laws into a million pieces!!' "Time is not on our side, but this much time is enough... of course with some to spare."

Seazons · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


--- White House- Washington, DC, USA - 1700 Hours ---

The door of a conference room swung wide open, with staff rushing through holding a tablet in his hands as he moved the information unto a large screen.

The President, Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, are present in the room along with other influential figures.

"Mr. President, NORAD just alerted that 'Inception' at 1700 hours, has launched a total of 25 ICBMs, targets are the United Kingdom, China, Russia, Germany, and.. the United States, sir."

Half of those present stood up frantically, shocked by the news and the repercussion of what they'd just heard.

"Primary locations are New York, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC. Time until impact, 14 minutes 27 seconds and counting"

Rear Admiral Daniel Steadman stated as the room went quiet for a second until the president spoke up.

"Move our status to DEFCON 1, I want a location on where those nukes came from right now. Get me a direct line with the head of state of China, Russia, Germany, and the United Kingdom."

"People, status is now DEFCON 1, this is not a drill!"

The president said as Admiral Steadman stepped out of the room briefly to inform the staff present in the command center.

"Secretary Johnson, I want all available Ground-Based interceptor missiles to launch once the ICBMs are in range, and sound the air raid systems.

Admiral, get me a secure line with NORAD. I want a list of the quickest alternative responses and I want to have those ICBMs intercepted yesterday!"

The room immediately scrambled, as all got to their duties as time was literally of the essence, as well as those who weren't given instruction.

"Sir, Head of States on the line."

Admiral Steadman stated with a clear voice.

"Put them through."

Following the presidents' confirmation, all appeared on the screen excluding the Russian head of state, but the meeting would commence nonetheless as there was no time to wait.

"Mr. President, tell me this is some kind of mistake or something please?!"

The Prime Minister of the U.K. stated, almost wishing to hear this was all an error, sadly to her disappointment.

"Unfortunately it isn't Prime Minister, we have confirmed a terrorist group called 'Inception', has launched 25 ICBM's and 5 are headed straight at the united states as we speak."

"How the fuck did they get 25 functioning ICBM?!!"

The German president cursed as he was just as baffled as anyone else present.

"We'll deal with that if we all live through this, but I do suggest you take shelter for the time being as I am going to do that myself and warn your people of the danger so they may prepare."

The president of the U.S. hung up the call after saying that, as he had conveyed his point by then. Stepping out of the conference room and into the command center he stared at the countdown on the large screen.

00D : 00H : 12M : 14s : 41

"ICBM's in range, confirmation to launch Ground-Based Interceptor missiles?"


"Confirmation received, firing interceptors!"

A voice came through a speaker, confirming the launch approval from the pentagon.

"Interceptors in the air! Time to contact, 1 minute 13 seconds."

The room became deathly silent, as all present awaited confirmation of what they hoped would be successful hits.

56 Seconds Later.

"Confirmed hit on 2 ICBMs!"

Subtle cheers escaped the mouths of some people present, but it died down as what they would hear next would be a warm hug followed by a cold bucket of water on their heads.

"Third ICBM hit confirmed! Remaining ICBM's still on target for Houston and New York. ICBM's out of range for interceptors."

"Fuck!! I want all possible..."

The president stopped talking briefly as he felt as if everything around him came to a halt, and that wasn't just him, as everyone else present in the room felt the same thing.

And just as he was about to speak, the ceiling looked like it had warped, as a tunnel-like passage filled with light opened through it.

Anticipation filled the air, as everyone waited.

Something fell through the roof as all guns present aimed at it, a feminine humanoid-looking entity clad in armor, but with inhuman legs and a hound-looking helmet.

But before anyone could say or do anything, it discharged a pulse that slowed down time in the area drastically or rather slowed down the living beings drastically in the area, followed by a mechanical, yet fluent voice.

"== A.R.I.C.A.M team cleared for entry. =="

Following this statement by the now figured robot, or more so android, five more light tunnels opened through the walls, as human-shaped entities came through, equipping full high-tech armor.

The sight of the light tunnels stunned all those present, but it was more so those that created the tunnels that left all present stunned.

Stowing their weapons, the intruders got to work quickly.

"We have three minutes people! Intel, Recon, get started! Assault, Medic, get that kinetic shield set up on the president now.

Anomaly, probability of success?"

"== Probability of success, 87%. Recalculating 93%.=="

"We can work with that. Status?"

The one who looked like the teams' leader had been dishing out orders left and right as they took full control of the command center.

"Access to satellites secured, Interceptors located, coordinates sent to Titan for C.H.I.P. attachment."

waiting a few moments

"C.H.I.P. launch confirmed... Successful attachment confirmed, fusion success, switching to manual control of the interceptor through the C.H.I.P."

One of the members with a marksman rifle-looking weapon on his back spoke.

"==Coordinator, R.I.C.A.M teams in Germany and U.K., along with A.R.I.C.A.M teams Russia and China have successfully neutralized their ICBM's=="

"==Success Rate is now 94%=="

The android said again, updating them about their chance of success and the other dispatched teams, mission completion.

"Intel, Recon, transfer control to Anomaly."

The team leader spoke and they both immediately complied.


"==Activating Hyper-Efficiency Mode! Control received! The success Rate is now 97%!=="

The android paused as it was focused on its task.

"==C.H.I.P 2 sustained damage on re-entry, functionality currently at 73.3411%! Success Rate for neutralizing ICBM targeting Houston is at 98% and rising.

Success Rate for ICBM targeting New York... 53% and dropping. Guidance system response is delayed on C.H.I.P 2 and deteriorating. Initializing nanite dissolution into Interceptor missile...

Nanite Dissolution on C.H.I.P 2... successful! Hit confirmed on ICBM targeting Houston!! Recalculating Success Rate for C.H.I.P 2... The success Rate is now at 66%! Recalculating... No Effect!

Recalculating... No Effect! Recalculating... No Effect! Recalculating... No Effect! Recalculating... 75% and holding! The guidance system delay rectified! Control assumed, time to impact 13 second!

Overclocking nanites! Success Rate Increase... Holding steady at 87%!! Time till impact 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Hit confirmed! All ICBM's neutralized. Deactivating Hyper-Efficiency mode!=="

Hearing those last words, all in the room could see the screen that was broadcasting the live feed of the events and breathed a sigh of relief.

Assault walked towards the president and removed the kinetic shield placed on the president prior, as the slow effect began wearing off.

"==Coordinator, HQ is requesting we return to our previous mission and withdraw from the white house.=="

"Confirm Request!"

"==Request confirmed! Compliance is in order! Searching for Warp Tunnel Frequency... Frequency found! Breaching! Tunnel Stable! Departing to Secure Destination!=="

The android went through the warp tunnel at jaw-dropping speed, as it dashed through the tunnel from where it stood in one instance!

"Secure destination confirmed! Move! Move! Move!!"

All members of the intruding team left as quickly as they came, and the team leader stayed behind, emitting a pulse that fully neutralized the initial pulse they created upon entry, right before leaving as the tunnel closed behind him.

The total time of the events that happened took nothing more than 2 Minutes and 11 Seconds, leaving time to spare from their assigned time.

Leaving all who experienced this series of events within the room, with several questions and just about zero answers.