
Through the Void

The universe gives as much as it takes, it is everchanging yet unchanging in its laws! All have to abide by it, yet many defy it! Many are amazed by its beauty; and others, are swept away by its infinity! 'All have to abide by its laws... or so they said, I'd much rather break those laws into a million pieces!!' "Time is not on our side, but this much time is enough... of course with some to spare."

Seazons · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Event Horizon

"What you all just witnessed here today is top secret, understood?!"

The president said, with a very serious look on his face, to which all staff present today instantly replied in affirmation to him.

"'Yes, Mr. President!""

"Status report?!"

The president asked, wanting to know what was going on.

"Sir, NORAD has confirmed that all ICBMs across the globe have been neutralized!-"

Soon as one staff was about to finish speaking another interjected.

"Reports from the CIA and FBI coming in! The group we just made contact with also made contact with all other targeted countries."

The president sat in his chair as he went into a state of pondering.

"I want to know who they are. Names! Where they're from! Who their leader is! What they want- hell I want their birth certificates if you can!!

Most of all I want to know how it is we someone didn't know of their existence till now, with technology like that, capable of hijacking an interceptor missile midair-

not to talk of how they can use a solid concrete wall as a door and close it behind them or that machine that was with them, I want answers and I want them ASAP!!"

The president said as all saluted and got to work immediately.

"P.O.T.U.S. is on the move!"

"Sir. You have to address the nation, as news of a nuclear crisis isn't going die down, some citizens could see the ICBM and there's global unrest about the events that just happened!"

The president's Chief of Staff, Michael Dubois, mentioned as he was already getting calls that people wanted answers on what just happened!

"Set it up... and Arrange a press conference in the white house!"

"Already done sir."

"Then let's be on our way."

The president said as he began walking out of the command center, his next destination, The White House!


------ POV - 'Inception' HQ- 1700 Hours - April 4, 2023 ------


A voice resounded within the room.

"Coordinates locked... Firing ICBM's... ICBM's airborne! The next stops, are Russia, the UK, China, Germany, USA. Time till first ICBM impact, 15 minutes and counting!"

A man who looked to be second in command announced, as he paid close attention to the screens in front of him.

~~ 3 Minutes Later ~~

"Interceptor missiles have been launched... we've lost 11 ICBMs to the interceptors, two ICBMs heading for the U.S. are still on target, time till impa- We have a problem!"

The member of Inception mentioned as he looked at the computer in front of him in confusion before speaking.

"We just lost another 5! ICBMs headed for Russia and Germany have been neutralized- Just lost another 4! We've lost three more! 2 mo- Sir, All ICBMs have been... destroyed."

The leader was visibly fuming as he was looking at the feed in front of him in disbelief.

"How the fuck did they destroy all of them?! That too at the same time?!!"

"Sir, it's them again! We just confirmed it's the same group that owns that weapon we found!"

"Of course, they're interfering... Bury any traces ASAP, we're on the move again! If they find us, it'll be the end of us all..."

Traces of fear were in his voice, but there was also a great deal of annoyance.

------ POV P.O.T.U.S ~ Third Person ~ Location - White House ------

"Mr. President, we are live in 5... 4.. 3.. 2..."

~~ My fellow Americans, today our way of life was attacked, our freedom was attacked, our beliefs were attacked, our very home... was attacked!

At 1700 hours today a terrorist group known as 'Inception' launched 25 Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles, five of which were aimed at the United States.

Thanks to the swift response of our military and the quick detection of NORAD, we were able to launch interceptor missiles to destroy all the nukes before they made it too far inland.

We were able to avoid the worst, and are working tirelessly, sparing no resources in our hunt for all those responsible from planning to execution!



This act of terror was meant to not just bring our nation to ruins but the world into chaos, but we will not cower; we shall stand together, rising higher than ever.

For that! is what it means to be a citizen of this great nation! Thank you, and God bless the United States of America! ~~

The president finished giving his speech as he heaved a sigh of relief, his chief of staff already leading the way toward the press conference.

=== Dark side of the moon ===

"Give me a status update on Harvester SG-T2A and TG-T2F in Sector 94."

A man asked as he watched the staff in front of him do their work, as he requested some highly classified information.

That said, the man in question was 6"5' tall; his skin tone was light milky chocolate with a lean yet large build that would tower over many.

His hair was a silvery-white shade packed into locks, yet his face was young, much so that one would think he was 20 at best!

His uniform was a snow-white color, different from the dark purple uniform all other people present wore.

Though calling what he wore 'half' of his uniform would be more suitable.

As the Fact was, the top part of his attire was high-spec body armor, a super-light nano-fiber Irnadium material; capable of stopping bullets, some explosive ordinances, and a few other assault weapons he had developed.

The body armor was designed to assimilate potential energy from external sources and kinetic energy, storing it for repurposing.

Capable of releasing the stored energy on demand to augment the wearers' mobility and strength, increasing their offensive and defensive capabilities.

That said, upon his request, a holographic screen appeared before him as it required his unique bio-signature to access the requested documents.

"Sir, FG-T2A has harvested 9.31554% of its designated stars' mass, and TG-T2F has harvested 27.64592% of its designated stars' mass-"

The agent paused as he looked over the data on the Nex holographic screen.

"Sir, Sector 81's black hole, GRD 2103 has been rapidly expanding in mass, sector 90 and 92 have been 71.327% enveloped by GRD 2103."

"How long till it becomes an issue??"

"Given its current increased growth rate, assuming it maintains it, also accounting for the margin of error and possibility of its event horizon growth increasing... 411 days!

The harvesting team stationed in sector 94 will 'Jump' to sector 117 before they can gain a clear 'Jump' back to home base Sector 233 'Earth'".

As the agent concluded, the man who requested this information stood there and pondered with his hands behind his back.

"Send a detailed written report to sector 94's harvester team, inform them of everything we just spoke about, including a video and audio file... As you were."

He said, walking out of the room.

'Though I am sure the harvester team located in sector 94 would have already detected the black holes increased growth, it was better to ensure... Nothing can happen to those cores!'