
through the omniverse with a system (Dropped)

I apologize

Some_creative_name · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs



currently, we are watching are mc Percy walking down the street to his house struggling to find his key. he opens the door and goes inside going to bed after a long day. but then something happens are mc has a heart attack and dies.


Where am I? I remember going to bed why am I surrounded by black see over there is black some more black oh my god some more black said, Percy sarcastically.

Well, I mine as well walk around why can't I move oh I don't have legs said, Percy.


Hey, can you shut up someone said.

Who said that said, Percy.

Me you idiot I'm trying to sleep I regret bringing you here already but I did accidentally kill you so come over here someone said.


Hey didn't I say quiet down or shut up someone said

Okay, I will be quiet but why am I dead asked Percy.

Well, I accidentally caused a lot of people to die in different ways because of me slapping my floor too hard someone said with embarrassment.

So you killed me and a bunch of other people on accident by slapping your floor said Percy dumbfounded.

Yeah, but everyone I killed ended up doing something terrible in life which is kinda convenient besides you said, someone.

Well okay, can I know your name or at least see you since it looks like I'm just talking to myself ask Percy.

Yes, I'm sorry I'm not used to talking to people my name is god by the people of your world but my actual name is Tristian but I can't show you want I look like sorry said God/Tristian.

[a/n I couldn't think of a better name so give me some suggestions it was this or jeff]

Your name is Tristian I was expecting something else and more unique but that's your name so I won't say anything about it said Percy a little surprised.

Yeah my name is Tristian and it is quite common and bland but at least it isn't something like Jeff or Luke those are more common and bland said God/Tristian.

That's true so why did you bring me here unless you just wanted to talk if you chose me just to talk you made a bad decision as I'm a very bland person ask Percy.

Yeah, I got off topic so since you are the only person that died that didn't do anything bad or wrong in life I will give you three wishes and two perks as I'm going to reincarnate you in a world of your choosing unless you want to go to heaven said God/Tristian.

Well, I don't want to go to heaven as I would probably get bored after a while so I will reincarnate said, Percy.

That's true I have seen multi people get bored in heaven after a while so what world do you want to go to said God/Tristian

Well, am I limited to anything as I can only go to a comic book world or anime said, Percy.

no, you aren't limited to any genre of worlds you can pick anything even Boku no Pico but if you pick that I will smite you and send you to hell said God/Tristian.

[a/n if you like Boku no Pico get out just get out]

I don't plan on ever going to the world of Boku no Pico and anyone who likes it should immediately go to hell and be tortured by Satan said, Percy.

Well said now what world do you want to go to so I can go back to bed said God/Tristian.

Yeah I would like to go to the world of DxD but not for harem I just want to experience the world and hopefully kill Issei said, Percy

That massive pervert I hope I can kill him, Thought Percy.

Okay, so DxD what wishes and perks now, and if you did kill issei I'm pretty sure a lot of people would be happy said God/Tristian.

Okay, I will make sure to kill him and my first wish is very generic I want a system with scanning, Gacha, and shop features with an assistant said, Percy.

Okay I can do that what next but try not to wish for anything crazy okay because if you do I will have to nerf it or just say no said God/Tristian

I will keep that in mind my second wish is to have an aura that attracts animal and make them like me regardless if they are usually very vicious that also includes supernatural creatures said, Percy.

Okay, but I will make it where it has less of an effect on dragon kings and anything of the same level of attack power said God/Tristian.

That's okay I don't plan on taming anything of that level immediately

my last wish is that I want it to be where I can shapeshift into anything I eat and gain their abilities said, Percy.

Okay, that is acceptable but I will make it where the weaker the being is compared to you have less of a chance of you getting the abilities but the shapeshifting part is fine said God/Tristian.

That is a little bit of a setback but that can be worked with okay my first perk is that I have immunity to anything mental attack related giving me great willpower said, Percy.

Okay, the last thing before I send you off into the world of DxD said God/Tristian.

My last perk will be instant mastery so I don't have to constantly train the same abilities said, Percy.

Okay, I will be sending you off to the DxD world now I wish you the best of luck hopefully we can meet again but not with you dying said God/Tristian.

Yeah, hopefully, we can meet again without me dying so next time we meet we can share a beer said, Percy.

Yes, we will share a beer no good bye enjoy your new life Percy said God/Tristian.


Percy has now passed out and is in the womb of his new mother and is the start of his great journey in the world of DxD and we the readers shall watch it all.