
Through Sasuke, I just want to expand and prosper the Uchiha clan.

Traversing into Uchiha Sasuke, unlocking the god-tier system! Clan extermination vendetta? Pitch-black conspiracies? Let's just play around in every way! I just want to quietly live as a salted fish, meeting up with the little sisters of Konoha to play some poker every day~ “System unlocked successfully, Mangekyou Sharingan has been exchanged!” “System unlocked successfully, the divine sword Kusanagi has been exchanged!” ... Effort? That's not happening; I can only rely on the heritage of the clan to maintain my lifestyle! But who told me to cross over into Sasuke? Clan glory can be discarded, but for the Uchiha to spread and flourish... This is translation

azathoth69 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 65: Three Days



Yūgao Uzuki rushed forward with a wooden sword in her hand.


If Sasuke did anything wrong, the wooden sword would strike his body, and he would feel his whole body turn red!


Sasuke even suspected that Yūgao Uzuki was doing it on purpose!


"Hey, hey, hey! How did I make so many mistakes? Stop hitting me randomly!"


"If I say you're wrong, you're wrong! How dare you argue!?"


Yūgao Uzuki swung the sword again, a sly smile playing on her lips!


Fine! I'll endure it!


Sasuke gritted his teeth, enduring Yūgao Uzuki's harsh treatment.


He finally realized that Yūgao Uzuki had been waiting for this moment to take her revenge!


Hmph! Wasn't it just a little bump when we first met?


How stingy!


If you don't like it, just hit me back, but don't use sword training as an excuse to beat me!


One day, I'll pay you back!


This sword strike, I'll return it with a whip strike!


Sasuke glanced at Yūgao Uzuki's voluptuous figure, only to be met with a strike to the head!


"If you keep staring, do you believe I won't make you train all night!"


"Hmph! I'm just looking! Who's afraid of training all night? Besides, I don't need to go to work at the Anbu!"


Sasuke stared unabashedly, making Yūgao Uzuki feel very uncomfortable.


She was clearly wearing black clothes, but it was as if she wasn't wearing anything at all, wishing she could cover herself with her hands.


"Look all you want! I'll make you pay for it!"


Yūgao Uzuki angrily attacked Sasuke with the sword!


Sasuke wasn't stupid; he immediately picked up his wooden sword, deflecting each of Yūgao Uzuki's attacks.


Unknowingly, he began using the Konoha-ryu sword technique, not giving Yūgao Uzuki any advantage.




The wooden swords clashed, and Yūgao Uzuki suddenly stopped.


She looked at Sasuke in disbelief and asked, "You... you've learned the Konoha-ryu sword technique?"


Sasuke was momentarily stunned, then quickly realized he had forgotten to act!


In a moment of excitement, he had accidentally displayed his sword skills.


But he persisted in pretending: "Ah? No... no way!"


Yūgao Uzuki said nothing, just stared at Sasuke, continuously replaying their recent exchange in her mind.


She was certain that Sasuke had already grasped the basics of the Konoha-ryu sword technique!


That movement, that technique, there was no mistake!


Could it be... this kid is really a genius!?


Just by watching me practice once, he could directly understand the Konoha-ryu techniques!


This... this is too unbelievable!


Yūgao Uzuki couldn't believe it, but after careful consideration, it was the only reason she could think of!


As for Sasuke having learned it before, she didn't even consider it.


Not to mention Sasuke being from the Uchiha clan, even if he studied swordsmanship, it wouldn't be the Konoha-ryu sword technique.


Moreover, only a few people truly mastered the Konoha-ryu sword technique. Who would teach him?


This kid really just learned it!


"Let's spar again!"


Yūgao Uzuki focused on Sasuke and, without waiting for an answer, launched another attack!


Sasuke wanted to hold back, but facing Yūgao Uzuki's assault, he could only pick up his sword and respond.


But this time, while deliberately holding back, even though he knew the Konoha-ryu sword technique, he displayed it very clumsily.


Luckily, since they hadn't sparred much before, Yūgao Uzuki felt that this was the real Sasuke!


It was clear that Sasuke had indeed learned the Konoha-ryu sword technique!


But his skills were still immature, and his movements were somewhat awkward!


With this, Yūgao Uzuki's astonishment finally eased considerably.


Such genius was still unbelievable, but at least it was acceptable!


Yūgao Uzuki stopped her movements and said to Sasuke, "You have talent. With three to five years of hard work, you could master the Konoha-ryu sword technique!"


Three to five years? Hah, I can do it now!


Seeing the more than 600 points he had accumulated, Sasuke had no strength left for hard training.


"It wouldn't be possible without your dedicated teaching, sister!"


Hearing Sasuke's words, Yūgao Uzuki frowned.


In three to five years, wouldn't you still be learning from me the whole time?


Yūgao Uzuki immediately said, "With your talent, a few more days of practice should be enough to graduate!"


"From now on, you can train on your own!"


Sasuke's eyes flickered, but he didn't argue, only smiling and saying, "Look at that, look at that, why do I feel like I'm not learning well?"


Sasuke had already planned for Yūgao Uzuki's thoughts.


He had so many scrolls on Uchiha sword techniques; just showing her one or two would definitely make Yūgao Uzuki interested.


After all, as the heir of the Konoha-ryu, Yūgao Uzuki had a great passion for swordsmanship!


And the Uchiha clan, since the Warring States period, had deeply studied sword techniques!


All kinds of skills and techniques were treasures!


At that time, Sasuke could pretend not to understand and give them to Yūgao Uzuki, asking her to comprehend them before teaching him.


This would be an irresistible temptation for a sword enthusiast!


Sasuke knew how to use both emotion and logic, and Yūgao Uzuki would have no reason to refuse!


At that time, he could stay at Yūgao Uzuki's place for as long as he wanted, as long as he had enough sword technique scrolls!


But fortunately, the Uchiha clan had a strong foundation!


At least Sasuke had hundreds of sword technique scrolls on hand!


Such a large amount would be enough for Yūgao Uzuki to study for several years!


With so much time, Sasuke believed he could win her over!


"Not good enough? Then keep practicing!"


Yūgao Uzuki pretended to attack Sasuke again.


Sasuke naturally felt both pain and joy from this.


After all, the fragrance was intoxicating, the beauty before him swayed gently, moving with the sword.


This experience wasn't something you could have every moment.


But I have to say, it's a bit tiring, I'd rather use this energy for something else.


After all, the fragrance is always there, and the beauty is in my arms!


After practicing for a while, seeing Sasuke becoming more and more passive, Yūgao Uzuki became very angry!


"Too lazy! I'm helping you train, and you're still so unwilling!"


"I'm just afraid of tiring you out!" Sasuke immediately retorted.


"Bah! Weren't you very enthusiastic just now?" Yūgao Uzuki immediately glared at Sasuke.


At this, Sasuke was truly speechless.


Yūgao Uzuki raised her head, put away her wooden sword, and walked towards the backyard!


"You can practice secretly on your own; I'll wait for the day you master it!"


Leaving this sentence, Yūgao Uzuki closed the door.


Soon, the familiar sound of flowing water came faintly from the training ground.


Sasuke listened silently, but his heart was not calm.


The recent fragrance, the enchanting figure, everything resurfaced in his mind.


Ah, the body of a young man is truly exhausting.


Hormones are too strong!


Sasuke trembled for a while, but finally suppressed his feelings.


After a long time, he waited until the noise from the backyard disappeared before going to take a bath.


Returning, he lay directly on the mat, forcing himself not to think about anything.


He went straight to sleep!


Just like that, Sasuke slept in the morning, accompanied Anko in the afternoon for work.


At night, he occasionally practiced swordsmanship with Yūgao Uzuki.


Three days passed quickly.


Today, it's Friday!


Current Host: Uchiha Sasuke.


Current model: Special Jonin (automatically promoted to Jonin model after reaching total attributes)


Personal Attributes


Physical Energy: 577


Chakra: 209


Mental Energy: 231


Remaining damage points: 1650!