
Through Sasuke, I just want to expand and prosper the Uchiha clan.

Traversing into Uchiha Sasuke, unlocking the god-tier system! Clan extermination vendetta? Pitch-black conspiracies? Let's just play around in every way! I just want to quietly live as a salted fish, meeting up with the little sisters of Konoha to play some poker every day~ “System unlocked successfully, Mangekyou Sharingan has been exchanged!” “System unlocked successfully, the divine sword Kusanagi has been exchanged!” ... Effort? That's not happening; I can only rely on the heritage of the clan to maintain my lifestyle! But who told me to cross over into Sasuke? Clan glory can be discarded, but for the Uchiha to spread and flourish... This is translation

azathoth69 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 64: Sword Practice



Fire Dragon Flame Bullet...


Use it!


Without hesitation, Sasuke decisively chose to use the technique.


Lately, everything should be getting back on track!


After completing the swipe, Sasuke left the clan grounds and went to find something to eat at a nearby store.


Then, he returned to Yūgao Uzuki's house.


In the dojo, Sasuke looked at the gradually darkening sky and sighed.


These days are becoming increasingly busy!


My personal time is becoming limited!


The mornings are quite comfortable, sleeping until noon.


In the afternoon, I have to spend time with Anko at the clan grounds. Although it's not bothersome, time is spent with her!


And at night, I have to stay at Yūgao Uzuki's place.


Seeing her angry expression in the morning, who knows how she'll punish me tonight!


Most likely, it won't be pleasant!


Sasuke shook his head but didn't resist. Instead, his eyes showed a hint of anticipation.


Practicing swordsmanship with Yūgao Uzuki always excited him a bit.


Just thinking about her beautiful figure wielding a sword in front of him made Sasuke feel it was all worth it!


Even though he knew it would be exhausting, for Yūgao Uzuki's body and soul, what's a little effort?


She is worth it!


While he was lost in thought, a beautiful figure dressed in black silently appeared in the courtyard.


Her purple hair glimmered with a strange light.


Sasuke's eyes lit up as he silently admired Yūgao Uzuki.


Her beautiful eyes glanced over, meeting his gaze.


Yūgao Uzuki vaguely felt that Sasuke seemed very happy. His gaze unabashedly appraised her, which was quite displeasing!


"What are you looking at! You haven't been lying around all day again, have you?"


"What do you mean by 'again'?" Sasuke shot back.


Forget it, common folks will never understand my ambition to lie down and relax!


Yūgao Uzuki stepped forward, slightly raising her head, "Hmph, I really don't know how you got so strong?"


"Did you secretly train when I wasn't here?"


"Of course!"


Sasuke admitted without blushing or his heart skipping a beat!


"Ever since I learned the Shadow Clone Technique, I've been training secretly at home!"


"Oh really, how come I don't see any evidence?"


Yūgao Uzuki's beautiful eyes blinked as she carefully looked around the dojo.


"I don't see a single sweat stain on the floor or walls, not even any signs of intense activity."


You weren't here, so why would I be active alone?


Sasuke smirked and didn't care about being exposed, sticking firmly to his story!


After all, the improvement in his strength needed some kind of cover!


I'm secretly working hard every day, stealthily becoming stronger!


Whether you believe it or not is not something I can control, right?


If you don't believe me, you can try to find the real reason for my strength!


In the end, everyone will have to believe that I, Sasuke, am secretly training while carrying the burden of everyone, constantly growing stronger!


Even though no one has seen it, the strength is genuinely increasing!


"Sorry, I don't sweat much when I train, and I don't need much exercise," Sasuke shrugged.


Yūgao Uzuki naturally didn't believe him but was too lazy to argue with Sasuke.


She grabbed a wooden sword and directly threw it to Sasuke.


"Come on!"


"I promised you, so I won't break my word. Now, I'll teach you the Konoha-style swordsmanship!"


Sasuke grabbed the wooden sword and looked at Yūgao Uzuki, asking, "Shouldn't you take a bath first?"


"Why? Do I smell?" Yūgao Uzuki asked, sniffing her body.


Sasuke smiled and said, "Yes, there's a fragrance that will distract me!"


"Ugh! If you dare to get distracted, I'll beat you to death!"


Yūgao Uzuki snorted, then grabbed the wooden sword and took a stance.


"Watch closely, I'll demonstrate once, then you'll practice each move!"


"Got it!"


Sasuke agreed readily, excited to see Yūgao Uzuki perform swordsmanship in front of him!


That beautiful posture would definitely be spectacular!




Swinging the wooden sword, Yūgao Uzuki quickly demonstrated the Konoha-style swordsmanship.


It was clear she slowed down her movements a bit, but it still exuded a sharp feeling.


In an instant, she became like a graceful butterfly, the wooden sword her wings, constantly fluttering.


An indescribable sense of beauty emerged, soothing the mind and subtly captivating.


At least, Sasuke was mesmerized.


That snow-white neck, jade-like skin, undulating peaks, and a slender waist...


Following the sword's rhythm, all these details appeared before Sasuke's eyes.


The tender woman, like a spring breeze, swept into Sasuke's heart.


Beautiful, truly beautiful!


Sasuke couldn't help but be captivated, his eyes heating up, making Yūgao Uzuki feel a bit uncomfortable!


She had only ever shown her swordsmanship to her masters and elders, and once to Gekkō Hayate.


But after joining the ANBU, her swordsmanship had become more simplified, almost entirely focused on delivering fatal strikes!


After her figure became more mature, this was the first time she displayed her swordsmanship in front of someone else.


That gaze seemed to strip her bare, filled with invasive intent!


"Brat! Are you looking to get hurt?"


Yūgao Uzuki's voice was coquettish, her wooden sword swiftly striking towards Sasuke.


The sharpness of the move instantly increased several folds!


Sasuke snapped out of it, realizing he might have been a bit inappropriate!


He quickly stepped back several paces, avoiding the sword tip, and said, "Sister, what are you doing? I'm just a bit fascinated by your swordsmanship!"


"It better be just the swordsmanship!"


Yūgao Uzuki halted, closely approaching Sasuke.


Although that heated gaze could be explained as an admiration for swordsmanship, Yūgao Uzuki vaguely felt that Sasuke was indeed staring at her!


After all, from the first day, this brat had been trying to flirt with her!


She placed her hands on her hips, her face showing sternness.


"You, practice the first move a hundred times!"


"A hundred times!?" Sasuke was shocked.


But he also knew that in the world of Naruto, a mere hundred times was nothing!


"What's the matter? If you don't want to practice, then don't pester me about teaching you swordsmanship again!" Yūgao Uzuki immediately frowned.


"I'll practice, I'll practice!"


Sasuke naturally wouldn't give Yūgao Uzuki a reason to chase him away.


He grabbed the wooden sword and looked at Yūgao Uzuki again, "So... what's the first move?"




Yūgao Uzuki instantly clenched her fists, now absolutely sure that Sasuke had been staring at her!


Otherwise, how could he not remember the move!


"I'll show it one more time! If you don't remember this time, don't bother practicing!"


Yūgao Uzuki said coldly, taking the stance with the wooden sword again.


This time, Sasuke didn't get distracted and focused on remembering the move.


However, all his achievements came from the system.


Though he possessed Sasuke's body, his soul's talent was still his own.


Just one demonstration was really too difficult to perfectly replicate the move.


Sasuke's attempts led to Yūgao Uzuki's dissatisfaction.


"Why is your arm so stiff?"


"Lift your leg! Lift it!"


"And your butt, don't stick it out like that!"