
Through Sasuke, I just want to expand and prosper the Uchiha clan.

Traversing into Uchiha Sasuke, unlocking the god-tier system! Clan extermination vendetta? Pitch-black conspiracies? Let's just play around in every way! I just want to quietly live as a salted fish, meeting up with the little sisters of Konoha to play some poker every day~ “System unlocked successfully, Mangekyou Sharingan has been exchanged!” “System unlocked successfully, the divine sword Kusanagi has been exchanged!” ... Effort? That's not happening; I can only rely on the heritage of the clan to maintain my lifestyle! But who told me to cross over into Sasuke? Clan glory can be discarded, but for the Uchiha to spread and flourish... This is translation

azathoth69 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 66: Stealing the Scroll of Seals



As soon as he arrived at school in the morning, Naruto brought some good news.


"Last night, Mizuki-sensei came to see me again!"


Sasuke's eyes brightened slightly; finally, some exciting news!


These past few days with Anko and Yūgao Uzuki had been difficult to endure and somewhat boring.


Sasuke asked, "Did you agree to his plan?"


"Yes, he asked me to meet him late tonight." Naruto nodded in response.


Sasuke smiled, "Great, tonight we'll make a big move!"




Naruto clenched his fist excitedly; tonight, he would be able to get his hands on the Scroll of Seals and learn the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!


This was truly exciting!


At the same time...


At the Hokage's office, Kakashi appeared to report to Sarutobi Hiruzen.


"Steal the Scroll of Seals?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen took a long drag on his pipe, pondered for a moment, and decided to handle it in the same way as in the original story.


"Withdraw the guards; I want to see what this Mizuki is planning!"


"Yes, Lord Hokage!"


Kakashi responded and then left.


The whole of Konoha remained as calm as ever, without a hint of the storm brewing beneath the surface.


Time passed quickly, and Naruto and Sasuke spent an ordinary day at school.


However, the two were merely shadow clones.


At Yūgao Uzuki's house, Sasuke accompanied Anko until noon, and after having dinner, he returned.


After lying down for a while, Yūgao Uzuki also returned.


But what was different today was that Yūgao Uzuki didn't ask Sasuke to practice swordsmanship. Instead, she hurried to the backyard.


In just a few moments, she returned to the dojo.


Sasuke hadn't even gotten a clear look before he heard Yūgao Uzuki say, "I have something to do tonight. You can practice on your own."


Leaving that sentence, Yūgao Uzuki quickly disappeared.


Sasuke narrowed his eyes, instantly realizing that Sarutobi Hiruzen had learned of their actions for tonight.


It seemed the old man had chosen to handle it the same way as in the original story!


This was going to be fun!


Sasuke smiled and leisurely waited for the late-night hours.


After a long while, as the night grew deeper, Sasuke began to move.


He got up and headed towards Naruto's house.


When he arrived at a seldom-visited corner, he saw the appointed Naruto.


"How did it go?" Sasuke asked first.


Naruto replied, "Mizuki told me the Scroll of Seals is in the Hokage's building and even told me the exact room!"


"But this guy isn't coming; he told me to steal it and then meet him in the western forest of the village!"


"No problem, the two of us are enough."


Sasuke didn't dwell on it and proceeded with Naruto towards the Hokage building.


At this moment, in a dimly lit room...


Sarutobi Hiruzen sat at his desk, with a crystal ball in front of him.


The images of Naruto and Sasuke were clearly visible on it.


Around the room, ANBU members were also watching intently.


Among them, a figure with purple hair stepped forward slightly, seemingly very concerned about the figures in the crystal ball.


These kids, how did they get involved?


Hearing about someone planning to steal the Scroll of Seals, could it be them?


Yūgao Uzuki frowned slightly, not understanding how Sasuke got involved.


Given his clan's heritage, he theoretically wouldn't lack powerful jutsus, right?


What could his goal be?


Simultaneously, Yūgao Uzuki also felt a bit worried.


She deeply understood that their actions were bound to fail!


Getting caught was inevitable!


And how would Lord Hokage punish them?


This kid, with such good talent, why did he have to act so recklessly?


Really, he gave people no peace of mind!


Kakashi, standing to the side, subtly glanced at Yūgao Uzuki.


He could sense that Yūgao Uzuki's breathing was a bit unstable.


Was it because of them?


Did she know them?


Kakashi raised questions in his mind, looking towards Sasuke in the crystal ball.


He felt that this kid was the most mysterious.


Unfortunately, after learning that Obito was still alive, he couldn't find any further information.


As Sasuke had speculated, merely knowing that Obito was alive wasn't helpful.


After all, Obito's current focus wasn't on Konoha.


Moreover, he was elusive, making tracking impossible.


At this moment, Kakashi watched the two in the crystal ball, his dead fish eyes filled with doubt.


One was his teacher's child, and the other was the last of the Uchiha bloodline.


Where did they get the courage to target the Scroll of Seals?


At this moment, the two in the crystal ball had reached the Hokage building.


Sasuke and Naruto exchanged glances and then decisively slipped inside.


In the empty corridors, only a few staff members were still working.


But as Sasuke and Naruto knew, there were no ANBU guards in the Hokage building, making sneaking in relatively easy.


In no time, they arrived in front of a room.


Inside, the Scroll of Seals was stored!


Naruto, somewhat excited, pretended to prepare to enter.


But Sasuke held him back, signaling caution.


The current situation was different from the original, with even the timing being off.


If Sarutobi Hiruzen were waiting inside for them, it would be a big problem.


Naruto calmed down, and the two slowly opened the door.


The room was dimly lit, but after scanning around, everything was clearly visible.


Aside from the large scroll in front of the window, there was nothing special in the room.


After some investigation, they confirmed it was safe.


Naruto immediately grabbed the Scroll of Seals in front of the window and slung it over his back.


Sasuke didn't say much, and the two left the room swiftly.


In the small room, Sarutobi Hiruzen watched this scene and shook his head.


These two kids really couldn't give people peace!


"Send the team, bring Mizuki, the kids, and the Scroll of Seals back."


"Yes, Lord Hokage."


Kakashi responded and quickly left with an ANBU squad.


Yūgao Uzuki, in the team, was already cursing internally.


These kids really had the guts!


When we catch you, I want to see how Lord Hokage will punish you!


Hmph! Serves you right!


Though she was scolding, Yūgao Uzuki clenched her fists, her knuckles faintly white.


She regretted not talking more with Sasuke, so she might have known his thoughts.


She could have stopped him earlier!


With a mix of worry and concern, Yūgao Uzuki pressed on, even thinking about how to plead for Sasuke.


Although they hadn't been together for long, Sasuke had already quietly occupied a place in Yūgao Uzuki's heart.


Meanwhile, Sasuke and Naruto had reached the western forest of the village.


Finding a large tree to sit under, they opened the Scroll of Seals and began to read.


"Reanimation Jutsu (Edo Tensei)..."


"Flying Thunder God Technique..."


"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!"


"Found it!"


Naruto cheered and immediately started studying the hand seals for the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu.


Sasuke did the same, carefully learning from the first jutsu onward.