
Through Fiction With My Strage System

What happens when an otaku orphan gets the chance to go on a journey through fiction? Lets find out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ibananito · Others
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4 Chs

First Mission

After selecting the mission in the panel of the system a white light enveloped Raúl from head to toe and when the ligth finally faded away he was in an entire new place, he was surrounded by tall pine trees and a road that appaers to lead somewhere near a village. After getting acquainted with the landscape and confirm that everything was as it was supposed, he took the road to the village where he would search for any type of information related to a girl with a butterfly hairpin.

Raúl POV:

Thanks to all the training and one of my skills, {Total Concentration Breathing}, I have reached the village in less than an hour, which allows me to start my search.

"Excuse me, have you perhaps seen a beautiful girl with a butterfly hairpin?" I ask to a grandma who was nearby

"I'm sorry young man but lately not many people go through this town due to the disappearance of several people on the outskirts, people say that it is the fault of wild beasts but I highly doubt it, I have been living in this town for many years and I know all the beasts that at some point have been in this area, and none of them have committed such an atrocity before. I advise you not to go outside at night as that is when it attacks, the local hunters have tried to hunt it down but have never been able to. I hope you have luck finding the person you are looking for young man."

"Thank you for your time please accept this as a token of gratitude" I said handing her 30.000 yenes(198,923 euro)

"This is too much for only a little chat, please keep it for something more important than an old lady" Refuse the grandma

"I'm afraid I can't now that money belongs to you, take care ma'am" I told her leaving the street where we were talking

'Now that I know that there is a demon nearby, I just have to wait for a demon slayer, but there's only 45 hours left. *sigh* It's not like there's a better option, lets just wait'


'System show me the status of the mission'

[{Universe:Demon Slayer Universe

Save Kanae Kocho from Douma- Rewards: 2.500 system points; Free Roullete.

Duration-> 48h from the moment you appear

Penalty-> Kanae dies; Shinobu will hate you; you will not receive future help from the demon slayers corps;Missions related to the Demon Slayer Universe will be locked for 5 years

Sinopsis: Kanae Kocho, the flower hashira is fighting against the future uppermoon 2 Douma, in the correct universe she will die and her sister will fall into the path of revenge. Avoid it.}

Time remaining->42h;30m;47s]

'It's been three hours already and no one has shown up here, it seems I'll have to deal with the demon myself'

General POV:

After waiting three hours for a demon hunter to appear, a gray figure can be seen speeding through the pine forest. After 5 minutes of searching, Raúl finally manages to locate his prey, an extremely weak demon in his opinion.

'So this is the demon that has been terrorizing the poor town, he doesn't even deserve to use sun breathing'

Directing a large part of his muscular strength to his legs, Raúl closed the distance in seconds and with a precise and accurate cut the head flew off, detaching itself from the demon's neck.

'You will no longer cause pain in this life, I hope you have more luck in your next life. Now where should I look for her

System, is there anything in the shop that can help find someone'

[Yes host, displaying options:

-Location rune->2.000 store points

-Blood mark->20.000 store points

-Pinpoint map->500.000 store points]

[Location rune: A one time use rune use in ancient times to know the location of a person for a day]

[Blood mark: A one time use mark that will let you the position of your target, no matter where they go you will find them. This mark was use once to hunt an extremely dangerous beast.]

[Pinpoint map: A omniversal map that will let you find anyone, anywhere]

'The map is an extremely appealing offer but right now I don't have the points and the mark will be useless once I finish the mission, so the only option left is the rune.

System purchase a location rune'

[Done host, placing the rune in the inventory]

'Use the rune, locate Kocho Kanae'

[Ding, Kocho Kanae has been detect two villages from here, procesing optimal route, please wait...

The host must go west for 30 minutes and 04 seconds, then turn north for 1 hour, 20 minutes and 15 seconds, finally go north-east for another hour and you will reach your destination.

Total time of travel: 2h;50m;19s]

'Then it's time to be on my way'

After following the route marked by the system, the travel time was greatly shortened and with the clear direction there seemed to be no problem, until in the mountains before the town a couple of very courageous demons dared to block my way.

Raúl POV:

Everything seemed to be going correctly until my senses warned me of a possible danger a little further on, and exactly a little further on two demons tried to ambush me, a pity that I was already prepared.

"I don't know if both of you are stupid or simply overconfident on your abilites, but now that your little ambush has failed you have two options flee or fight and I don't have time to waste with both of you so stand aside or perish" I said with a not so friendly face

'I still have over 38 hours to finish the mission, but I don't know when will he appered, doesn't matter first let's clear the trash'

"Have you heard what this puny human has said Kozaru" "I have Gigoro, it seems that he's pretty cocky for a human, I wonder how his desperate screams for help will sound"

"Okay enough chit-chat come at the same time, this should last no more than a few seconds"

"You will regret what you said human"

"We will see"

Without waiting for either of them to react, I began my attack with a pair of kunais that I had taken from my inventory to use as a distraction. In response to my attack, one of the demons dodged by jumping onto a small cliff while the other used his demonic blood art, which consisted of transforming his arm into a blade and blocking the kunai. Although the attack has failed, the objective of separating them has worked, giving me the opportunity to face them one on one.

"Water Breathing First Form: Water Surface Slash {Mizu no kokyū Ichi no kata: Minamo Giri}"

And with a fluid motion, like the current of a river the head of the demon was sent flying in the air, obviously the demon known as Kozaru tried to defend himself from the attack but it was futile.

On the other side Gigoro seeing that his companion had died and he was no match for the human he had only one option left flee from the scene before the slayer came for his head. Raúl guessing the thoughts of Gigoro immediatly attack.

Wind Breathing First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter {Kaze no kokyū Ichi no kata: Jin Senpū - Sogi}

And like a cyclone Raúl destroyed everything in his path including Gigoro

"It seem that everything is now settle and the sun is beggining to rise, I'd better hurry"