

Despite hearing countless tales about him, she couldn't summon the courage to meet his gaze – the prince rumored to wield power over death itself, or perhaps embody it. As his cold, husky voice commanded her removal, fear gripped her, her heart racing. She couldn't fathom why her sister had drawn the attention of such a cruel prince. Determined to shield her sister from harm, even at the cost of her own life, she pleaded desperately, defying the prince's order. Her actions shocked onlookers; challenging the empire's crown prince was unheard of, yet she persisted, seemingly indifferent to her own fate. In a moment of impulsiveness, she grasped his sleeve, pleading for mercy. The prince, Kim Kyong, enraged by her audacity, turned his gaze upon her. Realizing her peril, she withdrew her hand, resigning herself to her fate. Kim Kyong's guards, perceiving her as a threat, readied their weapons. Bracing for the worst, she awaited the fatal blow, only to be met with the unexpected sound of their retreat. As she cautiously opened her eyes, she found the prince kneeling before her, his gaze locking with hers. And with just two words, he sealed her fate.. This book cover isn't mine. It's from Pinterest.com. Sorry. My Webnovel account is having fault and my email as well. I need to make some corrections somewhere. Once I'm done, I'll refer you there.

WhiteBunny789 · History
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36 Chs

Chapter 16:Spirit Dragas.

CHAPTER 16: Spirit Dragas.

The three of them walked past the awestruck palace guards. Inside, a group of elite guards escorted them to the throne room, their expressions was firm and solid but curiosity was dancing in their eyes.

"See who I have here!," An old man with long white haired beared and white hair sparkling with the greyness of old age.

"Father, you should be rewarding us for being able to bring the Spirit Dragas this time not laughing", Seo-Jun frowned and she stepped forward, ahead of the two.

Father... Chin Ari was even more confused now .

Duri-joon was so pleased seeing his daughters who rarely appear at the palace appear again he almost forgot about the strange presence in the room.

"Spirit Dragas!", He was shocked. The two moved aside and revealed the beauty behind them who was standing with her head slightly bowed. "Raise your head", he was still shocked. He thought the Spirit Dragas wasn't going to return but she did return! "Spirit Dragas"

Chin Ari slowly raised her head and their eyes met. The old man smiled and started to laugh again. "You two managed to bring to me your last sister"

Last sister....Chin Sun was getting even more confused now.

"Welcome my daughter. Now that you've finally decided to return home, I'll be welcoming you with a big warm hug." The old man walked towards her and gave her a big hug. "There's going to be a welcome celebration. It would be a double celebration. One, the Weired Dragas are complete and Secondly, My daughter has returned! Tell others!, It would be a grand celebration!" He laughed again and freed the hug.

He released her from the hug a little too quickly, leaving Chin Ari gasping for air. Her face flushed a delicate pink. She almost suffocated in his thick cloak.

Duri-joon, oblivious to her discomfort, grasped her hand. "Come, let me introduce you to everyone!"

Seo-Jun and Yu-Jun exchanged a knowing smile. They understood their father's excitement. He had longed for the day all his daughters would be under one roof again. They, too, felt a warmth in their chests of finally having their youngest sister by their side.

"Father," Seo-Jun interjected gently, "perhaps it would be wise to introduce her to the other Weired Dragas first. Then, we can present her to the courtly families during the celebration."

"A wise suggestion, Seo-Jun," Yu-Jun added. "Not everyone recognizes a Spirit Dragas, especially after all these years. And with everyone expecting a son as the last child, there might be…confusion."

Duri-joon's face fell slightly. A hint of worry crept into his eyes. "Perhaps you're right," he conceded. "Seems I'm growing old. Maybe it is time for an heir to take the reins but I unfortunately don't have one."

With the king leading the way, the Jun sisters stood by Chin Ari on either side, guiding her towards the Weired Dragas' quarters.

As they reached the golden door etched with a majestic dragon, Duri-joon turned to Chin Ari, his face filled with concern. "You can speak, can you?" If he remembers clearly, she hasn't uttered a word since they got there.

" Ari-Jun? Don't be shy. Speak up, so father won't worry," Seo-Jun pleaded.

Yu-Jun, nudged Chin Ari gently. "Don't be afraid, Ari-Jun. Say something. It will ease Father's worries."

Due to the little pressure, she struggled to find her voice. But silence wouldn't do. "I can speak," she spoke up. Just this simple confirmation eased Duri-Joon's worry.

"Excellent! At least that's one mystery solved. Now, why did you decide to return?" Duri-joon, sensing her reluctance, softened his tone. "Perhaps later, then. Are you still planning to leave?"

Chin Ari replied sharply. "Yes," she admitted, her voice stronger this time. "My family…they must be worried sick about me."

A pang of sadness crossed Duri-joon's face. He understood her yearning for her other family, but the thought of her leaving again filled him with a fresh wave of longing. He decided to postpone the discussion for now.

"We'll talk about that later," he said. "For now, let's meet the others."

The guards swung open the golden doors, revealing a sight that took Chin Ari's breath away. It wasn't what she had expected. Instead of a crowded room, the space was surprisingly vast and open. There were no walls, only the illusion of them created by transparent glass that offered a breathtaking view of a garden bathed in warm sunlight.

Inside this magical paradise, there were just few people in there. One woman knelt by a rose bush, she said as restoring it to life. Another laughed playfully as a group of fluffy, multi-colored rabbits hopped around her feet. A solitary figure sat beneath a willow tree. And in the far corner, a young man popping the bubbles made by a little girl who was giggling in excitement.

Chin Ari turned her gaze to the man who was sitting alone, he seemed different and familiar. Seo-Jun followed her line of gaze and beamed. "That's the Three Crown Soul Dragas"

Chin Ari felt a jolt course through her. The Three-Crown Soul Dragas.

"Spirit Dragas!" Eun Mi exclaimed, her voice bubbling with childish glee. Chin Ari couldn't help but smile faintly. The girl made her remember her younger sister.

A harsh scoff cut through the air. A tall, elegant looking lady. The one tending to the rose bush."So, you've decided to grace us with your presence again."

Suddenly, a degrading voice sliced through the tense silence. "Weak!" A young, handsome man named So Yi smirked. "How can such a weakling be a Spirit Dragas? What a disgrace!"

A ripple of laughter spread through the room, but it soon It died down just quickly,

Duri-joon's fists clenched at his sides. He wanted to defend Chin Ari, to silence the mocking laughter. But Seo-Jun placed her hand on his shoulder, restraining him. "Let her handle it, father," she whispered. "It'll only make things worse if you step in now. "