

Despite hearing countless tales about him, she couldn't summon the courage to meet his gaze – the prince rumored to wield power over death itself, or perhaps embody it. As his cold, husky voice commanded her removal, fear gripped her, her heart racing. She couldn't fathom why her sister had drawn the attention of such a cruel prince. Determined to shield her sister from harm, even at the cost of her own life, she pleaded desperately, defying the prince's order. Her actions shocked onlookers; challenging the empire's crown prince was unheard of, yet she persisted, seemingly indifferent to her own fate. In a moment of impulsiveness, she grasped his sleeve, pleading for mercy. The prince, Kim Kyong, enraged by her audacity, turned his gaze upon her. Realizing her peril, she withdrew her hand, resigning herself to her fate. Kim Kyong's guards, perceiving her as a threat, readied their weapons. Bracing for the worst, she awaited the fatal blow, only to be met with the unexpected sound of their retreat. As she cautiously opened her eyes, she found the prince kneeling before her, his gaze locking with hers. And with just two words, he sealed her fate.. This book cover isn't mine. It's from Pinterest.com. Sorry. My Webnovel account is having fault and my email as well. I need to make some corrections somewhere. Once I'm done, I'll refer you there.

WhiteBunny789 · History
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36 Chs

Chapter 15: Draganial.

CHAPTER 15:Draganial.

As she finally started to regain consciousness. The blur room that seemed to be without form started to take a weird form. It looked completely different from where she supposed to be. The room looked like a place were various artifacts were kept.

"Let me check on her, she must be awake!" A lady like voice echoed from beyond the neatly carved wooden door.

Chin Ari's attention drifted to that side of the room. There were blur shadows reflecting on the window curtains next to the door. She panicked.

"I can feel it, she's awake, check on her." A male voice came through this time. The sound of hurried footsteps sent shivers down Chin Ari's spine. Before she could process further, the door creaked open.

"You're awake! Oh my, she's awake! You're truly beautiful, no doubt you are the Spirit Dragas!" Her voice rang with joy and excitement. Chin Ari's stomach wasn't settled, she felt completely strange.

Spirit Dragas...she didn't understand.

Another woman stood frozen by the doorway, her hand pressed against her chest as if surprised of what she's seeing . "She really is a part of us!" she whispered, her voice was thick with emotion.

"Seo-Jun, don't be dramatic," joked the man next to her, he looked friendly. "See, Yu-Jun? I told you she was awake. I can always sense the presence of the spirit dragas. Call it a sixth sense." He winked and they rolled their eyes.

Unlike they who had cheerful looks on their face, Chin Ari had an unsettled and confused look. "Where am I?" she inquired. The smiles on their faces vanished almost instantly by her question.

"Y-you don't remember us nor this place?!" Seo Jun asked, confused. "This is your home, Draganial."

Home? The word felt alien on her tongue. Draganial? It sounded like a place from a forgotten fairytale, not a reality. "I-I don't remember," she admitted.

Seo-Jun sighed, a forced reassuring smile on her lips. "It's alright, Ari-Jun, you've been away for a long time, and these things can be… confusing when you first return." She knelt beside the bed, her eyes gazing deep into Chin Ari's. "We'll explain everything, I promise."

The following hour was a whole lot of information release. Chin Ari learned about the Dragas, a race with hair as white as snow with various abilities. She learned about the Spirit Dragon, a powerful mythical creature said to reside within only one chosen Dragas, and about Mi Cha, the spirit of a long-dead camouflage dragas that resided within her. But most importantly, she learned that she wasn't who she thought she was. It felt like the funniest joke she'd ever heard.

After Seo Jun was done talking about the dragas weired features she moved to another concept but before she could continue, the attentive Chin Ari asked.

"Is it only Dragas that have white hairs?" She asked and Seo-Jun immidiately nodded.

"Everyone with white hair are Dragas," Seo-Jun nodded.

A well cherished memory flashed her mind. A man with sharp clear black eyes, his gaze lingering on her before disappearing into the crowd at her father's funeral six years ago. Could he be here?.

Chin Ari smiled when that thought came into her mind.

"Are there other… Dragas like me?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Without being asked Yu-Jun started to talk about the Three Crown Soul Dragas. "Three Crown Soul Dragas is the most powerful Dragas in existence." Chin Ari was starting to love this mythical world, it looked like a perfect fairytale land that could wipe all of her worries off her mind. The memory of the man at the funeral sharpened, she was starting to remember his face clearly.

"He arrived last night," Yu-Jun continued, her eyes sparkling, "but he won't be able to return for another six hours. That gives you enough time to see him and maybe me too, if I'm lucky!"

" Three Crown Soul Dragas is a he right?" She asked. If it's a he then he might be the one and he might not also. Min-Jun who hadn't joined the ladies conversation since it started, smiled at her silly question. Yu-Jun nodded excitedly while squeaking .

"He is so handsome! Come on, stand up. Let's get you ready to go to the palace now "

After taking a clean bath. Seo-Jun helped her change into a white dress. braided shimmering moonstones into her white hair. She looked so elegant and to top it all. She looked like one of them now.

"You were just a baby when you vanished," Yu-Jun started. "The King and Queen searched everywhere, their grief was known throughout Draganial. We all felt it, a part of us had been lost. The spirit dragas within you, Mi Cha, she protects her host fiercely. We believe she chose to hide you, perhaps sensing danger."

Chin Ari couldn't feel any emotion stir up in her. Infact, all she did was listen cause it sounded more like a folktale. An interesting one. One she'll tell her younger sister once she wakes up from this dream that looks like reality.

The journey to the palace was a breathtaking one. They rode on the backs of majestic creatures with large and shimmering wings. Strange, beautiful flora bloomed along their path, their petals could make one's heart melt. She was loving this dream that seemed like reality.

Finally, they reached the grand audience chamber. Chin Ari dismounted the magnificent dragon with Seo-Jun and Yu-Jun at her side, a hush fell over the crowdy palace courtyard. Whispers soon took over.

"Who is she? I've never seen her before!"

"Maybe she's the Spirit Dragas everyone's been murmuring about! Have you heard of her return?"

A young woman said dramatically. "She's breathtaking! Look at her with the Jun sisters! Could she truly be the Spirit Dragas?"

"Please," scoffed a nearby man, "her beauty pales in comparison to the Nature Dragas."

"If she is the Spirit Dragas," another person popped in the conversation, a hint of suspicion in his voice, "then where has she been all these years? Disappearing and reappearing like smoke?."