
Three Brothers get reincarnated into Marvel

Three brothers get Reincarnated into Marvel, will they be heroes? Villains? The world may never know!!

MR_No1 · Anime & Comics
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Going out

It's been two days since Gauge, Arthur, and Cain were Reincarnated into the world of Marvel, in this time, they became closer with Neil, Cole and the rest of the group, Neil even tried to invite them to join, but they declined because they didn't want to, so over the last two days, they had been training at the factory

Cain has gotten good enough to confidently be able to earth bend against a group of people

Arthur had finally been able to focus on turning only a part of his body into metal

Gauge, however, has only been meditating, as he didn't want to get much stronger in case he did go Great Ape,

"WOO!!" Neil shouted as he just got finished sparing with Cain and Arthur

"Fuck...I'm...Exhausted!!!" Cain

"Tell me about it!!!!" Arthur said as they both were laying on their backs

"So, are y'all ready for round two?!" Neil

"FUCK YOU!!" Both Cain and Arthur shouted

"Hahahahaha!!" Neil couldn't help but laugh, until he heard something fall, looking at the three of them saw Gauge, finally, stand up from Meditating

"I cant take this shit," Gauge said as he started to walk away

"Whats wrong?" Cain


"...." Arthur just sat there quiet, as he remembered a time where Gauge was like this in their past life

"How about we see how much my training is paying off?" Neil

"Bro, I like you, so I don't want to kill you, right now I need to eat and clear my mind, cause if I fight, I'm breaking every bone in your body," Gauge

"O-oh, um, well I know somewhere we can go grab some lunch, it's usually where our group goes for big occasions, so. we can head there," Neil

"Is it expensive?" Cain

"Not really, ten Dollars will fill you up," Neil

"Alright, well let's go," Gauge

"Yeah. I'm hungry anyway," Cain

"I can use a break," Arthur

"Awesome!! I'll tell the boys that were going out to eat!" Neil said as he ran towards the main part of the factory, leaving Gauge, Cain, and Arthur to walk back themselves, arriving soon after Neil, they saw the group of people getting ready by putting their jackets and shoes on

"Alright, we're all ready!! follow me!!" Neil said as he and Cole walked out of the factory, leading everyone to soon follow

"So, have either of you had any of the Xmen try to recruit you two?" Cain

"Hmm, Yeah, They tried to recruit me, but not Cole," Neil

"Any reason why?" Arthur

"Cause my older brother Bobby, is part of the Xmen, he tried to make me join when I first found out about my powers, but I told him, no, and eventually after a while, he gave up," Cole

"Oh," Cain

"So, how about you three? have they tried to get you to join?" Neil

"Naw, no one really knows about us, as our powers are new," Cain

"oh, well, if offered would you join?" Cole

"Me personally? Naw, they have high morals from what I've heard, and I don't think me or my brothers could hold up to them," Cain

"Yeah that's gotta be a no from me too," Arthur

"That leaves you Gauge-" Neil was saying but immediately got a response

"Fuck no, they have a no-killing rule," Gauge

"....You would kill someone?" Neil

"If they pose a threat to my family or friends, yea, with no hesitation, or if it just means they themselves cant kill again, then yeah," Gauge

"hmm, yeah I kinda agree with that, but it just feels wrong to think about," Neil

"...." The rest of the walk was quiet, it took them around another ten minutes to arrive at the restaurant

"Finally!!" Neil said as they all walked in, it wasn't a big place, but it looked just big enough to fit all of them, the worker looked over and recognized Neil

"Neil!! How are ya!!" The Owner

"I'm fine, we were just hungry, so we decided to drop in," Neil said as Gauge just plopped down at a table, leading Cain and Arthur to follow

"So, are these new members?" The Owner

"Naw, their just some friends who have been hanging out with us," Neil

"Alright, well, all of you take a seat! I'll come around and take your orders!! imma make a quick call and get some help over here," The Owner said as he went to the back

"So, what's good here?" Arthur asked Neil and Cole, who both sat down with the three of them

"Literally everything!! I like the turkey leg special thought, cause of how much food it is for such a cheap amount," Neil

"hmmm," Gauge was looking over the menu as he pondered what he wanted

"Alright!! What can I get you started with?" The Owner asked their table

"I'll take The large Chicken strips and french fries," Arthur

"I'll take a hamburger with the milkshake," Cole

"I'll take the Turkey leg special," Neil

"I'll take the chicken strips with the cheese sticks, with a chocolate milkshake," Cain

"Imma need two of the Turkey leg specials, a strawberry milkshake, and a thing of breadsticks," Gauge said causing everyone to look at him weird

"Hahaha, a big appetite huh? I like that!! it'll take around thirty minutes for your orders, just gotta wait for some workers to arrive, in the meantime, imma take the other's orders," The owner said as he walked away

"So, are you just going to stay in your house all day tomorrow?" Neil asked Gauge

"Yep, that's all I can do, imma just sit in and probably workout," Gauge

"Nice, so, what about you two? Are you going to be coming by tomorrow?" Neil

"Maybe," Arthur

"Yeah it all depends," Cain

"Well-" Neil was interrupted as the front door opened leading everyone to look, seeing two people walk in

"Pete!! Maria!! Perfect timing!! I just finished taking orders, lets's get cooking!!" The owner said leading the two employees to head to the back, to start cooking