
Three Brothers get reincarnated into Marvel

Three brothers get Reincarnated into Marvel, will they be heroes? Villains? The world may never know!!

MR_No1 · Anime & Comics
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Do you have a Tail?

"I'm sorry!" Neil apologized to Gauge Arthur and Cain

"There's no need to apologize, we had to fight your guys, so let's call it even," Gauge, it only took about 30 minutes for the two of them to wake up, Gauge was just fatigued, while Neil was covered in dark purple bruises

"That wasn't a fight, you kicked our asses," a guy

"I swear to christ Garry!!" Cole shouted

"Hahahahaha, right, but I do need to apologize, we made our group to help protect where we're from against local gangs, but, it seems some of us have forgotten that," Neil said as he looked towards Garry, who flinched and hung his head

"We attacked you for no reason, and I apologize for that, I take full responsibility for any consequences," Neil

"...I understand, I respect you for taking responsibility for the actions of the others, I know a little about that myself," Gauge said as he looked back at his brothers

"Hehehe, so as an apology to you three, I open our hideout to you, a big chunk of it we don't use as our generator won't power it, but, you are more than welcomed to train there, as I do sometimes myself, so feel free to swing by at any time, hell, you can give it a go right now!" Neil

"Right, thank you, so you two, wanna train now? Or maybe call it a day," Gauge

"I need to at least understand how my powers work before we call it a day," Arthur

"Yeah, I feel the same," Cain

"Alright then, it's decided, come on, I'll show you the way," Neil said as he stood up, causing Cole to immediately do the same

"Follow me," Neil said as they all walked towards the back of the factory

"This place used to be a Stark Industries warehouse, well, that's what they called it, but, they actually made some of the stuff here, but, after a fight with some aliens, a piece of rubble came down threw the roof, making the place shut down, and instead of fixing it, they just closed it, they took the debris cause it was alien technology, but the place was still a wreck when we got here, I've tried my best to clean it up, but I can only do so much," Neil said as they walked threw a final set of doors, revealing a room, if it could even be called that, as the ceiling for most of the room was gone letting the sun aluminate the room, leading plants and grass to grow inside of the room

"Woah," was all the three of them could mutter as the site was breathtaking

"I know, gets me every time, hehehehe," Neil said as they all walked farther into the room

"It has holes in the floor, perfect for my training!" Cain

"Some metals too," Arthur said as he picked up some shards of metal from the ground

"More than enough space for me to work with," Gauge said as he looked around him

"I'm glad you three like it, so, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly are your powers?" Neil

"..." The three of them looked at each other before coming to a silent agreement

"I can control earth and whatever it may be in," Cain

"I can change into anything, as long as I can touch it, basically," Arthur

"I'm a monkey," Gauge said causing them all to look at him

"Huh...I'm a wolf," Neil

"...'sigh' there's two of you now, I can freeze shit, including people, but if they are too strong, they can break out of it," Cole

"Cool, with that out of the way, imma start training," Gauge said as he looked around until he saw a rock, that weight maybe around 200 pounds, he walked over and picked it up, as he started curling it

"I guess we should start to, are you two joining us?" Cain

"Yea-" Neil was saying until he was smacked in the back of his head

"NO!! you need to heal up, you haven't been in this bad of shape since you fought spider-man!" Cole

"You fought spider-man? Why?" Arthur

"Cause he thought we we're bad guys, but, it all got cleared up in the end, now if he needs help, he sometimes comes to us," Neil

"Oh, that's awesome! We're gonna start now, see ya," Cain

"Yeah, see ya," Cole and Neil said as they walked away leaving the three of them on their own

"Now, how to do this," Arthur said as he grabbed a chunk of metal

"Right?!" Cain said as he began to try to do the moves he saw in his mind when he woke up, he started to slowly go through the movements, taking them step by step, until he suddenly put all his force into one, sending a spike of earth out in front of him

"WHOO!!" Cain jumped happily, he looked to the others and saw Arthur whose entire body had a silver look to it

"I cant focus it on only a part of my body yet, only the whole thing, well, guess that's why we're training huh?" He said to Cain

"Hehehehe, yeah!" Cain, they both looked toward Gauge who was still just curling the rock he found

"Hahaha, I guess for some of us it's easier huh?" Cain

"Hmm, probably not," Arthur

"What do you mean?" Cain

"Well first off, he has to learn to channel and control his Ki, as well, if he- no WHEN he goes super Saiyan, he's gonna have to learn how to control that, OH SHIT!!" Arthur

"WHAT?!" Cain

"Gauge! Do you have a tail!!" Arthur said causing Cain to realize what the problem is, Gauge shot them a look as he had his tail pop out of his pants

"FUCK!!" Gauge

"Whats the problem?" Neil walked in with cole

"When is the next full moon?!?!" Arthur

"Uhh????" Neil

"Google says the next full moon is in four days," Cole

"Ok, so Gauge you arent aloud out of the house AT ALL, next Saturday," Arthur

"YEP!! Not risking it!!" Gauge said as he started to curl the rock again

"Why what's wrong?" Cole

"Its Gauge's power, during a full moon, he gets out of control and destroys everything in his path," Cain

"Oh, on the full moon I get really stronger, so I could stop him," Neil

"Unless you can tank a laser beam to the.....all of you, I don't see that happening," Arthur

"You can shoot lasers?" Neil

"YEP!!" Gauge

"Huh, I don't think I'd be able to, so should we train just in case?" Neil

"YEP!!" Gauge

"....Fine, you can start training now, you're wounds are almost healed thanks to your healing factor anyway, imma rain with the guys, they need it," Cole

"WHOO!!" Neil shouted as he looked at Gauge

"Wanna spar?!" Neil

"...The stronger I get, the worst it'll be if I lose control, are you sure about this?" Gauge

"Maybe not, cause if you get too strong, then superheroes will need to get involved," Arthur

"Yeah, cause they arent gonna get involved when a 60-foot ape appears and start destroying shit," Cain

".....60 foot?...." Neil

"YEP!!!" Gauge

"I think maybe the three of us should train together then, I have a healing factor so I cant take anything you throw at me, as long as a vital organ doesn't get destroyed I should be fine," Neil

"Smart, we need to train our powers a lot more anyway," Arthur

"Maybe you should work on training your mind Gauge, so that way if you do transform, you might have a little easier of a time controlling it," Cain

"....Good idea," Gauge said as he placed down his rock and sat on top of it with his legs crossed as he began to try and meditate

"So, should we just start fighting?" Neil

"OK so, I saw a lot of flaws in the way you fight, so maybe focus less on power and doing damage in this fight and more on technique and that way we can try to train our abilities by hitting you, as you should still be easily able to dodge us," Arthur

"Alright, let's get to it!!" Neil