
Threads of Infinity: Group Chat Across Endless Dimensions

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HastySeptemberPH · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 - The Healing Goddess of Konohagakure! Tsunade's Power?





Tsunade changed her name to her real name since she does not want to be called by weird and strange name such as 'Gambling Addict or anything related to Gambling' by anyone.

Ruri Gokou: "Do you think that she is the real Tsunade?"

Hikaru: "I think so. As I remembered, there isn't anyone called Tsunade except for her."

Cynthia: "Is she famous?"

Ruri Gokou: "Yep! She's as famous as a model! If she is place in another world, they'll definitely chase her as she is that famous!"

HIkaru: "To make it simple, She's much more Famous than you!"

Cynthia: "Oh! Another Goddess, I see!"

Master Roshi: "The Gambling Goddess?"

Tsunade: "No one will think you're a mute if you don't speak you perverted old man!"

Ruri Gokou: "Yes! Don't anger the Healing Goddess of Konohagakure! The Fifth Hokage!"

Nie Li: "What's a Hokage?"

Ruri Gokou: "It's like, she's the President of a country."

Cynthia: "So Influential!"

Master Roshi: "Oh no! I've disrespected a President-like figure!"

Nie Li: "What's a President? Is it like the City Lord?"

Hikaru: "It's like the Sect Master of the Divine Feathers Sect."

Nie Li: "Oh! So strong!"

Hikaru: "Yes! Even though Tsunade is a healing, support type of a person, but her control of Chakra or the Ki or Qi or mana, is really good and her current known strength can defeat a Demigod level character in their world."

Ruri Gokou: "I know that she's strong but still, WOW!"

Cynthia: "How strong is that?"

Hikaru: "Hmm, If you saw the Dragon Ball Anime, her peak strength is just a little bit less than the those of the Ginyu Force. And in terms of Nie Li's world as it is in cultivation world, she'll be a match to Sage Emperor as Tsunade is also a Sage in her own accord. Though She can match the Sage Emperor's Strength, the other aspects of Tsunade is inferior to it."

Nie Li "How Powerful! I must ask her to help me when I confront the Sage Emperor!"

Tsunade: " What are you guys talking about? What Hokage? I don't want to be stuck on that lousy job!" Tsunade scowled as she doesn't want to be a Hokage and does not want to believe that she'll become a Hokage. It's still better to travel, Gamble, drink alcohol and sleep than becoming a Hokage.

Ruri Gokou: "Well, whether you like it or not, it's a canon event that you'll be a Hokage. Wait, I'll send the Manga."

[ Ding! Ruri Gokou has sent the manga 'Naruto!' ]

Ruri Gokou: "Just read it before you tell us what you want to ask."

'What is this Naruto? I thought it's about our world but Naruto? Is this the name of this world?' Tsunade wondered as she did not understand but because of curiosity, she eagerly read the first page of the book. As she read the first page,

"KYUUBI!" (nine-tailed beast a.k.a Kurama)

She then continued to read the book and saw that a woman and a man protected a child and sealed the kyuubi into him. The child then was called 'Naruto'. As Naruto grow up to a child, he was shunned by those who are the same age as him and was often time called as a monster. Tears keep rolling in Tsunade's eyes as she saw what happened to the young Naruto. What she mostly cried is when Iruka accepted Naruto as a student and acknowledged him while saying the following words:

"I understand now. Naruto, I understand. You've always been alone. You've been hurt. You've suffered enough... You've done well. You're not a monster. You're not the Nine-Tails. You're Uzumaki Naruto, my student." These words were spoken by Iruka in Naruto's childhood during the graduation exam from the Ninja Academy. It was a significant moment as Iruka, who initially held resentment towards Naruto due to the Nine-Tails attack on Konohagakure, finally recognized Naruto's worth as an individual and accepted him as a student. This acceptance marked a turning point in Naruto's life and played a crucial role in shaping his development as a character throughout the manga. What Tsunade is alarmed is when his Sensei, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sacrificed his life during a battle against Orochimaru, and his elite forces during the invasion of Konohagakure by Orochimaru's Sound and Sand Village alliance. Hiruzen fought valiantly to protect the village and its inhabitants. Ultimately, he used a forbidden technique called the Reaper Death Seal to seal away Orochimaru's arms, preventing him from using jutsu, but at the cost of his own life.



As they saw that Tsunade was quiet again in the Group Chat, they know that she was currently reading her own story.

Master Roshi: "She's gone quiet again, huh"

Hikaru: "Probably reading the manga."

Ruri Gokou: "It's very shocking to her to read her own story!"

Cynthia: "That's True. When I saw my story too, though it's mostly about that Ash Ketchum and the other story about Hikaru, it's still quite shocking!"

Nie Li: "I wanna read books about you guys too! Also, I want to know my story too!"

Hikaru: "It's hard to find books about all of the people out there in the Multiverse. Yours is probably quite unknown as the Sage Emperor is sealing that realm, making the ideas about that place not very known."

Nie Li: "I think so."

Master Roshi: "I've also bought a ton of Comics about fictional characters to Real Characters in here because you never know, right? I've also asked Bulma about the Dragonballs and I'm also in touch with the other Z-fighters. Well, As much as I hate to, I've learned the Sky Hovering Art so that I could fly and I'm planning to go talk to the Immortal Korin and ask to be train in the Lookout."

Hikaru: "Woah! That's a very good news! Hope it ends well in you there as I don't Goku to die."

Ruri Gokou: "Don't let Goku die and let him learn Kaioken and Spirit Bomb! That'll be hard."

Nie Li: "True that"

Cynthia: "Did you ask her about some technologies there? I want a Hoi-Poi Capsule."

Chitanda Eru: "Second class is done! On my way to my third class then lunch! By the way, I'm just curious, did you ask that Big Sis Bulma about the Heart Virus of Goku?"

Master Roshi: "Yep! done that already. She already is starting to create one. I have a lot of Hoi-Poi Capsules here. Just grab this in here."

[ Ding! Master Roshi has sent 'Hoi-Poi Capsules!' ]

Cynthia: "Thank you. I can continue my excavation in this ruins."

Hikaru: "Thanks! Now I don't need to carry a big bag when I go out later!"

Ruri Gokou: "I can finally buy a lot of clothes without needing to carry it!"

Chitanda Eru: "Yay! Unlimited Storage!"

Nie Li: "It's the same as a spatial ring though when food is placed within, it would never spoil, and it had an effect of always maintaining freshness. It would even be alright even if food was stored within for hundreds of years. but this is much more convenient to use for now."

Master Roshi: "Something like that exist?!"

Hikaru: "Oh yeah, I forgot about spatial ring. Give a lot of those in the Group Chat once you are rich, Nie Li!"

Nie Li: "On It!"

Hikaru: "You are hunting Horned-sheep right?"

Nie Li: "Yes, Why? You want some?"

Hikaru: "Did you meet someone there?"

Nie Li: "Not yet"

Hikaru: "Oh, then never mind. I just wanna ask if you can cook."

Nie Li: "I think so. I've cooked before in my past life."

Hikaru: "Then, can you send your knowledge of cooking here?"

Nie Li: "Hmmm, I did already write it in a spare notes before as I probably needs to use something to impress Ye Ziyun. I'mma send it to you."

[ Ding! Nie Li has sent his 'cooking recipes!' ]

Ding! Nie Li has sent his 'cooking experience' as a video! ] -10 points deducted

Master Roshi: "That's possible? Wait, there's points?!"

Hikaru: "That's not my fault, right?"

Cynthia: "That's unintentional. Plus you can always return points when you have enough."

Chitanda Eru: "I agree to Big Sis Cynthia!"

Ruri Gokou: "Then, how can we get points?"

Hikaru: "Well, ehem, as your admin, I shall tell the rules on the points once again! Look at your top right side corner in your Group Chat System and you can see your points. There are only three ways to get points. One is to use the daily attendance and you can get a random amount of points ranging to 1-100 points! Second is by doing quests initiate by the system. Third is to borrow points from group members. Points can also be obtained from rewards of quests. The reward quests gave and the fixed amount of the points given when you finish a quest is different. You can use points to buy skills, buy something to fixed side effects, to buy technologies, to go to other worlds and to help other group members and friends. Did you guys understand?"

Nie Li: "Loud and Clear! I've gotten 76 points! Minus the deduction earlier, I have 66 points!"

Ruri Gokou: "Not bad, I've gotten 55 points."

Chitanda Eru: "I got 90! My luck is good!"

Master Roshi: "I've got 27 points. It's still good, I guess."

Cynthia: "I got 100 points."

Nie Li, Ruri Gokou, Chitanda Eru & Master Roshi: "......."

Hikaru: "Ehem, guys, no need to be envious of her."

Master Roshi: "How many points have you gotten?"

Hikaru: "Umm...."

Master Roshi: "It's still good if you got lower than me, you can just take quests later."

Hikaru: "I have 100 points."

Master Roshi: "....."

Chitanda Eru: "Too ruthless!"

Nie Li: "As Expected from the Boss!"

Ruri Gokou: "Loved by the System!"

Cynthia: "Nice"



Master Roshi: "Well, have you guys learned from the 'Ki training' I've sent you yesterday?"

Chitanda Eru: "Reporting to the Master Grandpa Roshi! I've learnt it and I feel quite good!"

Cynthia: "I've also learnt it. It's quite good and mix with what Nie Li has sent, I can punch rocks in the ruins now."

Ruri Gokou: "As expected from the Sinnoh Queen! I've also learned it! I can feel the surrounding Ki!"

Nie Li: "I did learned it too though it's the Turtle Hermit Technique. It's very effective in training the body and I think I can already defeat those who are silver rank."

Master Roshi: "As expected! The theory of that other-worlders can use it much effectively as from this world is true! What about you, Hikaru?"

Hikaru: "Still not starting, I'm quite busy in the real world due to some meetings from the Former Champion of Unova came running here in my region."

Cynthia: "Who's that?"

Hikaru: "Alder"

Cynthia: "Who's the Champion now?"

Hikaru: "My Childhood friend Kasumi"

Cynthia: "That 'Charming Fury' from the past? I thought she wants to defeat me but she challenge the Alder and win. That's nice for her."

Ruri Gokou: "The Anime is different! Why did it not said that your Childhood Friend became a Champion?!"

Hikaru: "Because I reincarnated in here? That's probably it."

Master Roshi: "I'll go for now. I need to go to lookout later. Talk to you guys when I am up there! I'll also consult about what Nie Li has sent earlier to Kami and Mister Popo."

Ruri Gokou: "I gotta go too! I'm going to class also. Talk to you guys later!"

Nie Li: "Gotta go now too, I've heard someone in some area. Gonna take a look to it."

Hikaru: "Ho, ho!"

Nie Li: "?, Anyway, I'm going now."

Chitanda Eru: " At Third Class."

Hikaru: "Then I'll also go now, I'm on my way to bring Kasumi to Vermilion City as She needs to go to a plane to go to Unova."

Cynthia: "Then I'll stay in this Ruins for now. I'll meet you soon as I need to talk to you about those Pokemon - Trainer combination skills."

Hikaru: "Okay! Take care everyone!"

