
Threads of Infinity: Group Chat Across Endless Dimensions

[ Ding! ] [ System Error ] [ System Requesting for Reboot ] "A-Access..... Gr-Granted..." [ System Rebooting is Interrupted ] [ System Upgrading! ] [ System Upgrade Success! Dimensional Group Chat Activated! Administrator Confirmed! Promoting the Host to Group Admin! ] [Sending Invitation To Random Beings In The Multiverse. ] [ Queen of Nightmare has joined the Group Chat! ] [ Ancient Wisdom Lover has joined the Group Chat! ] [ Turtle Hermit has joined the Group Chat! ] [ Temporal Demon Spirit Successor has joined the Group Chat! ] [ Gambling Addict has joined the Group Chat! ] [ The Curiosity Dynamo has joined the Group Chat! ] "What the..." [ All members have arrived! ] [ Welcome To The Threads of Infinity! ]

HastySeptemberPH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Greetings Travelers of the Multiverse!

Sorry for not updating for nearly or more than 2 months as this Author is busy with studying. Fortunately for you Trainers, This Novel will be back this December! (Though, I'll try to upload at least once or twice a week this month and November but no promises yet.)

For December, This Novel will be updated every Thursday and Saturday because I also need to upload Chapters from my other novel every Wednesday and Friday. Though, I'll upload 1 chapter in Sunday because I'll also upload an additional chapter on Sunday in my other novel. That's all guys and I hope you enjoy! And Travelers, See ya!

The Chapters in the future will be:

Chapter 7 - To the Vermilion Port!

Chapter 8 - Meeting the Elite 4! Alder?

Chapter 9 - To The Unova!

Chapter 10 - Ki? Soul? Life Force?

Chapter 11 - Pokemon Immortal Fusion Technique! Harmony of the Eighteen Realms Technique!