
Threads of Infinity: Group Chat Across Endless Dimensions

[ Ding! ] [ System Error ] [ System Requesting for Reboot ] "A-Access..... Gr-Granted..." [ System Rebooting is Interrupted ] [ System Upgrading! ] [ System Upgrade Success! Dimensional Group Chat Activated! Administrator Confirmed! Promoting the Host to Group Admin! ] [Sending Invitation To Random Beings In The Multiverse. ] [ Queen of Nightmare has joined the Group Chat! ] [ Ancient Wisdom Lover has joined the Group Chat! ] [ Turtle Hermit has joined the Group Chat! ] [ Temporal Demon Spirit Successor has joined the Group Chat! ] [ Gambling Addict has joined the Group Chat! ] [ The Curiosity Dynamo has joined the Group Chat! ] "What the..." [ All members have arrived! ] [ Welcome To The Threads of Infinity! ]

HastySeptemberPH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 5 - A Fictional Character?!

Author's Note: I'll upload the additional Chapter tomorrow.


As Hikaru wake up early in the morning due to the early flight of Kasumi to Unova, He saw Eevee's style of sleeping is a very unique one. Eevee's entire self is in the face of Hikaru and was even drooling, making him speechless with his Pokemon's habit. He shook his head as he put his Eevee down in the bed and slowly get out from the bed so he wouldn't wake Eevee up. He then checked the system given by Arceus and there's still no movement from it yet, making him confused on what his missions suppose to be. He then went to a bath early as he got a lot of meetings for this day, making his head hurt a bit.

' I just got reincarnated but I already have problems.' Hikaru thought as he sighed.

After he went to eat breakfast, he quickly grab his phone to camouflage his Dimensional system in front of him. As he looked at the Group Chat, he saw a lot of messages in the group, and some of the messages are tag into him, making him shocked for a second.

"Hikaru! The foods getting cold." His mom, Helen, reminded him.

"Yep! I just got a message from one of the Elite Four." Hikaru quickly said.

Intrigued, he clicked the Group Chat to asked what they are tagging to his name.



Hikaru: "Why are you guys @-ing me? What happened?"

Master Roshi: "You Damn Kid! You got a lot of Woman around you! I'm envious right now! My student just got married then I read your story, just, uggh!, I wanna cry now!"

Nie Li: "You got it hard in life but in the end, you still got the Imperial Harem in the end, huh"

Hikaru was very confused by Master Roshi and This Nie Li that joined suddenly. But he remembered yesterday that Temporal Demon Spirit Successor said his name is Nie Li and that he'll change the name after school. He was surprised as this Group Chat finally got its first Main Protagonist.

Hikaru: "Why are you envious about me? I did not say anything about me in the Group yesterday. And Yeah, Nie Li, what got it hard in life? What Imperial Harem?"

Master Roshi: "Ho, ho, ho! The Master is here! Teach this unfilial disciple on how to chase girls effectively. (Bow emoji)"

Nie Li: "The Master is here! Teach this unfilial disciple on how to chase girls effectively. (Bow emoji) +1 P.S. I need help to court Ye Ziyun."

Scratching his head, Hikaru did not know why this both Masters in their own field suddenly called him Master and they call themselves unfilial disciples. They even ask him how to court girls effectively! I did not even know how myself. How can I help you?!?!

Hikaru: "Why did the two of you called me Master?"

Nie Li: "Don't pretend my friend! I mean, Master! I've seen all your deeds from what @Queen Of NIghtmare have sent yesternight!"

Master Roshi: "Yes! Yes! Master! I thought that with my 300 years of experience that I'm a Master in wooing girls but you, who only lived for 18 years! You defeated me in that area! I've seen the Anime! Animes don't lie!"

Cynthia: "Ummm, I've seen those. I did not know that you are like that. Would I get wooed if we meet?"

Hikaru: "...."

Cynthia: "Be right back, I'm solving a puzzle right now in the ruins."

Hikaru: "..."

Hikaru was really dumbfounded big time by this people and couldn't help but to checked what Queen Of Nightmare have sent last night. Once he saw it, he couldn't helped but be shocked.

[ Ding! Queen Of Nightmare has sent the Anime "Pokemon: Final Days" ]


Hikaru was shocked and dumbfounded at the same time and his body began to shake when he saw the title. He calm himself down as he said to himself that, 'Why did I suddenly tremble when I saw that title. I know that I'm not part of any fictional characters, right?' He decided to download the said Anime and watch it to check if he really was there or not.

Watching the first episode, he couldn't to looked at the surroundings and saw that he was running from someone and saw the little girl that looks like Kasumi who is nagging to him why he is running away from her. Continuing watching, he saw that this was 9 years ago when he got his first Pokemon, Eevee and decided to have a journey in the whole Kanto Region with Kasumi. From the following episodes, he saw the adventures that they had been through. As they save towns, Cities and the Region, they met allies who helped them to defeat the so-called notorious organization, Team Rocket. From there, as they travel region to region, they met a lot of Characters and of course, due to him and Kasumi's heavenly appearances, they met quite some romance in the way but Kasumi ignores them and just stick with Hikaru. As for Hikaru, his nose couldn't help but twitched when he saw that there are really tons of women who chase after him even now as he reincarnated, though he only unlocked his memories. As he closed what he's watching, he couldn't helped but to cover his face in shame as he knows that even unintentionally, it can still be called that he flirt his way to those women who he met on the way. He thought to himself, "Am I really destined to have a Harem in this life? Though I don't mind but, yeah, stop this thoughts for now."

Hikaru: "I, I know that this is me but I just recently reincarnated. I did not know how to flirt here or there."

Nie Li: "Master! I mean, Boss! You really are fierce aren't you?"

Hikaru: "I hope that I don't do that again."

Cynthia: "Well, I hope so too. But really are handsome."

Master Roshi: +1

Nie Li: +1

Chitanda Eru: "What are you guys doing? +1"

Hikaru: "Oh! You're here again Chitanda Eru. You are offline for a whole day."

Chitanda Eru: "Oh! I'm at school right now! They are talking about clubs or something."

Nie Li: "He's flirting?"

Maser Roshi: "Teach this subordinate how to flirt without getting slap."

Cynthia: "I thought you are a wise old man but you really are a pervert."

Hikaru: "I'm not flirting but asking. And Yes, don't be fooled by that old man. Though he gave us some Techniques but he's still a damn pervert."

Nie Li: "Oh man! A pervert!"

Chitanda Eru: "Oh, Grandpa Roshi, don't be too perverted. It's bad for your health."

Hikaru: "HAHAHA"

Cynthia: "HAHAHA"

Nie Li: "HAHAHA"

Master Roshi: "..."

Chitanda Eru: "By the way, did you guys knew that the system can be transform into a phone? This phone is so much better than my current phone."

Cynthia: "I knew that already. I also do that as I don't want to look weird as I click something in the air."

Master Roshi: "Oh, let me change to a Phone too."

Nie Li: "What's a phone?"

Chitanda Eru: "You guys don't have Phone there?!?!"

Cynthia: "A surprising confession!"

Master Roshi: "This old man is curious too."

Nie Li: "Well, from what I see from what you guys have sent, your crafts have advance to a high level one. My world is not like that."

Hikaru: "Oh! I forgot to tell you guys. Nie Li's world is that those what you saw from the past about Dynasties or those who still have an Emperor. His world is like that. As for the status of there world, well, the human race there is in the brink of extinction due to the Demon Beasts from all over the world. Most humans there lived on some hidden places or small realms but their place, which is called the Glory City, are out in the open and can be destroy in a blink of an eye."

Master Roshi: "So Serious! Even Demon King Piccolo and his demons from demonic realm back then are not that fierce!"

Cynthia: "So it's all of us who have problems in each world. But Nie Li's world is much dangerous amongst all of us."

Chitanda Eru: "Ummm, My world is very peaceful as of now."

Nie Li: "True that. The most safest world is at Chitanda Eru's world."

Master Roshi: "This world is at peace right now though it'll change 6 years later."

Cynthia: "Our world too is safe in the surface but those people with Supernatural powers and those who have ambition to rule the world is still lurking in the dark."

Hikaru: "Agreed, we must all be careful!"

Hikaru: "By the way, how did you guys knew that Chitanda Eru's world is safe?"

Chitanda Eru: "@Queen Of Nightmare sent it last night with your Story too. Well, the story in my world if you compare it to the Anime, we are still like, entering the first episode. Like, I'm still on my way to the Classic Literature club and will be meeting the Protagonist Oreki and his friends."

Master Roshi: "Ahhh, Youth."

Nie Li: "Woah! Another romance!"

Chitanda Eru: "I don't have a romantic interest in Oreki even in the Anime so why do I have romance now?"

Nie Li: "True that."

Cynthia: "So, who is this Oreki the main character?"

Chitanda Eru: "Fu, Fu, Fu!"

Hikaru: "She's the Main Character"

Master Roshi: "She's the Main Character"

Nie Li: "She's the Main Character like me."

Chitanda Eru: ".... Why!!! I wanna say it though!!"

Cynthia: "Don't bully Eru!"

Chitanda Eru: "Thanks Big Sis Cynthia! Oh! The next class will be starting. I gotta go now!"

Hikaru: "Bye!"

Master Roshi: "Study well, Young one!"

Nie Li: "Have some fun in school!"

Cynthia: "Learn well there!"

Nie Li: "So Hikaru, you know my identity, right? Can you send me my story too?"

Hikaru: "I know your Identity but it's in my past life and I also research in this world but there's no story of yours here. But you know, we did have the same experience."

Nie Li: "Agreed. You reincarnated and I regress back in time."

Master Roshi: "You two are reincarnators?!"

Cynthia: "Master Roshi, I think what they mean are different."

Master Roshi: "I know that. I know some techniques about that but it's to use when you are dying or something."

Cynthia: "So, we got 3 Main Characters in here?"

Hikaru: " I'm technically the protagonist before the next generation's protagonist was born. So I'm now a Main Character and a Former Protagonist. Nie Li is the Protagonist of his story and is also a main character alongside his friends that he'll meet along the way. In Chitanda Eru's case, she is a main character but it's still Oreki who's the Protagonist."

Master Roshi: "I'm confuse."

Cynthia: "I understand what he said. Let me explain it in basic terms. In your world, it'll be Goku who's the Protagonist and also a main character. The other main character in the story will be that Vegeta, his one and only rival. His son was supposed to be the next protagonist but gave up his training to a scholar and was reduced to a supporting character alongside you all."

Nie Li: "So you gotta train hard Master Roshi! You must maintain the status of a Master! When I got enough resources here I can send you all beginner soul crystals to test your aptitudes, natures, soul sea and soul sea's forms and attributes!"

Hikaru: "Oh I know that! Wish I could learn the Void God Technique!"

Nie Li: "You know that Technique? I'll send it to you if you are compatible with it."

Master Roshi: "I can wait for your techniques. When I master the Ultra Instinct, I'll send my comprehension in here."

Cynthia: "What help can I do? I only have artifacts in here and Pokemon."

Hikaru: "Same here. Oh! Cynthia! From the world before I was sent here, You can combine your power with Pokemon."

Cynthia: "Is is safe?"

Hikaru: "Very safe! I plan to teach you the "Pokemon Immortal Fusion Technique". This unique cultivation technique allows trainers to fuse their own life force with the powers of Pokémon. It was created by someone but did not complete it. I finished it 3 months before I, you know, reincarnated here. I also created a technique so you can harness the power of the 18 types of Pokemon. It's called the 'Harmony of the Eighteen Realms Technique'. This advanced technique allows trainers to seamlessly tap into the powers of all 18 Pokémon types, granting unparalleled versatility and mastery over various elemental energies. But it's different from their techniques as this cannot grant you long life but only battle skills. We did not invented it yet back in our world."

Cynthia: "Send it to me now. I want to test it to my Garchomp."

[ Ding! Hikaru has sent the "Pokémon Immortal Fusion Technique"! ]

Ding! Hikaru has sent the "Harmony of the Eighteen Realms Technique"! ]

Hikaru: "Learn it secretly as we don't want those organizations to know that. I think some of them already created something like this but it's still unsafe and only at the beginning phase 9 years ago. We destroyed those who started that in the Kanto region before but I don't know if they've started again."

Cynthia: "Okay, Thanks! I'll also investigate here in Sinnoh."

Master Roshi: "I've downloaded it too, I might get a Pokemon if I travelled in your world someday."

Nie Li: "Downloaded it too! I can probably dissect this technique so that it can be compatible to demon beast back here."

Hikaru: "This can only be use to your partners and can't be use forcefully as it needs your life force to be combined with your partner."

Nie Li: "On it. I'll try to improve this also."

[ Ding! Nie Li has sent the "Soul Harmonization Technique"! ]

Nie Li: "Learn this for now guys. Soul Harmonization Technique is a foundational cultivation technique. The Soul Harmonization Technique focuses on harnessing the power of one's soul and cultivating spiritual energy to embark on a path of growth and enlightenment. It'll help you in your life force also as the soul is connected to a lot of things. I'm gonna go out for now. We need to hunt some sheep for cash."

Master Roshi: " Thanks again! Good luck in your hunt!"

Cynthia: "Thanks too! Wishing you success!"

Hikaru: "This will help a lot! Good luck in the hunt. Heal it well!"

Nie Li: "Thanks! What heal it well?"

Hikaru: "Nothing. Just do your best!"

Queen Of Nightmare: "Oh! There's a lot of good stuff!"

Hikaru: "Can you change your name first?"

Kuroneko: "Is this okay? Or do you want the real, real name?"

Master Roshi: "The real, real name"

Ruri Gokou: "Is this good now?"

Cynthia: "What a cute name you got!"

Master Roshi: "True that!"

Gambling Addict: "Is this group really real?"



This woman, Gambling Addict, is a tall, statuesque woman with an athletic and curvaceous figure. She has pale skin, amber-colored eyes, and long blonde hair that falls freely around her shoulders. Her current outfit consists of a low-cut, form-fitting purple bodysuit and a green haori with the kanji for "Gamble" on the back. She completes her look with black sandals and exudes a commanding presence with her confident and powerful demeanor. She had just woken up from a deep slumber due to drinking a lot of alcohol and was surprised by this "Group Chat". She thought that she saw a screen before but when she wake up, she saw a small, rectangular device that fits in the palm of her hand. She then operate it and learn a few things about it which somehow annoyed her as she is a lazy person. But when she read the contents of the Group Chat.....


At that night, she was drunk and kept looking at a screen in front of her who she keeps punching and slapping but can't get rid of. She then saw a flow of messages flowing and decided to touch the letters in to ask if this is some kind of jutsu or is she drunk and after a few while, she sleep without any care if the screen is in front of her or not. Without knowing, she clicked onto something before she close her eyes completely.

As she opened her eyes in the morning, she saw that the screen became smaller and was contained in a small device. She then grabbed it curiously and check out the contents and learn a few while about this device. Though once she touched it, it's like she knew how to use it since her birth. She then take a look at the Group Chat and the previous messages in it and saw some kind of announcement and instruction given by this 'system' and was shocked in the contents of it.

She saw that in the group, there was something about 'Ki' that was send by Master Roshi who she knew was a pervert as she looked at the messages. She take an interest in this 'Ki' as this was kinda similar to 'chakra' that they use in the this world. She also saw that they have send some techniques and decided not to bothered about it for now and was more interested in the Anime about Pokemon: Final Days and Dragon Ball.

Dragon Ball was the same as his world but the destructive level is very outrageous and can destroy a planet if they want to. And the Hyouka was the world of Chitanda Eru is a peaceful world were she found very comfortable to watch. There's also the Pokemon: Final Days, which is very awesome and the Main Character is very handsome she thought.

However, she was attracted to their earlier messages about the Future of the world and that they were stories in other's world.

'Future, huh.'

She then decided to joined the Group Chat and talk to the other people in here.

Master Roshi: "You finally decided to joined this Group Chat!"

Gambling Addict: "Shut up, Perverted Old man!"

Hikaru: "What is your real name?"

Cynthia: "I'm curious as you are a female too but Gambling Addict, are you really Addicted to Gambling?"

Master Roshi: "I know some gambling places here in my world!"

Gambling Addict: "I'm not that addicted to gambling. I just want the thrill of it."

She answered Cynthia and Ignored Master Roshi. She then turned back to Hikaru's question and said, "My name is Tsunade. Can you tell me the future of my World?"