
This Little Light

Born into a new life, she has to find her place in this world, but a lurking corruption stands in her way.

paulreg · Fantasy
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17 Chs


Many names were presented to her, most of which were either dull or over complex in her opinion, names like Selenica, Leudinaned, Helnetinis, just awful names and she began to worry that she wouldn't find one, what would happen then?

It was then she came across a short name 'Duw' (pronounced Dew), that resonated with her so much that she felt like it was already her name and she didn't know it, she immediately walked to her mother and spoke for the first time in perfect language,

"Hello mummy, I'm Duw,"

Her mother of course hugged her and began to cry while everyone else began to toast her name, Yelina's mother looked shocked and happy as that was the name she picked, and so Duw and Yelina were often brought together to play.

It was about two years later when school started and Duw was excited, this would be the place she could truly learn about this world and how it worked, while Yelina hated school because it meant she had less time to have fun.

Lessons were basic but she was enjoying learning about her new world which was named Neled (pronounced Nell-Lid) , like earth it had large oceans and frozen poles, trees, animals ect. the continent she was living in was Soi, part of the lands of the Church of the dawn, they were living in a rural food producing part of the country that was governed by the city of Enas, pretty much everything else wasn't too useful just simple things she had already worked out.

After her 'Land studies' class came the one she was looking forward to 'Basic Magic', the teacher was an older man with wrinkled skin with white fingers and white skin around his eyes, he started off explaining the basics of the magic everyone could use, healing magic, although most people could use it the most they could do individually was heal surface and bruise injuries, to heal more serious injuries they would need to be able to use stronger magic he asked who knew how that could be done and was surprised when Duw spoke,

"Sir, to use stronger magic you must awaken your element core," she said eagerly,

he smiled, "Well done! 10 merit points!"

he then spoke about how this could be done, he explained that some people were born with cores which were much easier to awaken, while others would have to form their cores by gathering enough pure elemental energy and ingesting it, it was a dangerous process that had to be done with the aid of many expensive materials, Duw knew she had 2 cores but couldn't remember how she found this out and listened intently how each person would be changed by their cores, pointing to a boy on the right side of the class who had a slight tinge of pink on the top of his ears and the tips of his fingers explaining that this was a sign of fire elemental power, he also explained the some people gave no outward signs of their element but they are rare, Duw was so intent she didn't notice some kids glance at her.

The next class was P.E.