
This Little Light

Born into a new life, she has to find her place in this world, but a lurking corruption stands in her way.

paulreg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


This was the part she was apprehensive about, after all she still had the mind of a 50 year old human man and was worried about getting changed with a bunch of underage girls and the life experience she had told her this was all kinds of wrong, although for this race gender didn't mean much anymore and she was literally a little girl herself the instincts and behaviors of her last life still far outweighed this life and she was sweating bullets as she went in.

Fortunately her worst fears didn't appear, police didn't suddenly burst in, girls didn't point at her and scream, they simply changed into sports clothes, walking out with her classmates Duw felt stupid to have worried about that she took a deep breath and put it out of her mind as the class began, it was a short lecture about sports and most of the games seemed similar to the ones on earth except they had much less rules and were a little simplistic, after the short lecture they started the first game which was essentially rugby, the ball was placed in the center of the feild and to score all you had to do was get it into the opponents goal, simple right?

Duw took up position at the left and slightly behind the girl who was to fight for the ball, her brain began to make connections, no padding, no helmets, and everyone could heal minor injuries how would that effect.......

The ball was fought over and Duw's team won and the ball was passed.... to the left.... Duw was still in her train of though when she saw the ball coming at her and caught it out of reflex, she began to run but an opposing player headed straight for her and SLAM! Duw was slammed to the ground by the other girl's shoulder and the ball was torn from her grasp, her chest throbbed and she lay there stunned for a moment until one of her team picked her up and the pain vanished as the girl's magic healed the injury, by then the other team had scored.

Duw asked the teacher if she could just watch for a while explaining that knowing the rules and playing the game were different and she hadn't seen this before,

"Ok Duw, but only for a while, you need to participate as well," She said,

Duw nodded and thanked her and began to watch, it didn't take her long to notice that it was basically grab the ball and run, only passing when they were left with no option, there were no tactics at all, although not a sports fan in her last life she did know some things, after returning to the game she just observed as much as she could, although she did get the ball and get slammed twice more she had worked out how the game was played and there were no tactics at all it was simply a running fight as far as she could tell.

Over the next week or so she researched, she attended games from the older years and also watched the 'professional' games on the 'viewer' a crystal TV set up at the local community center, a building like a mall it had a few shops, a pub, and a restaurant, the viewer was set up in a central plaza where patrons could bring food and drink to watch games and competitions, there were no programs like on earth, mostly it was sports or recreations of famous events such as wars or the emergence of heroes ect. what she learned was that this sport was played the same as her school, players were chosen for power either magic or physical to overpower the other team, she couldn't understand how this was the case and began to think long and hard on it, why would the ignore the obvious that speed was best in this case, other sports would be more suited to power but this one was blatantly speed focused so why?

It was walking home one day when the answer came to her, as she walked down the street, passing numerous buildings she saw a man cross the street, he didn't check to see if there was traffic just stepped out, and he was hit by a vehicle and sent flying he skidded several feet leaving skin and blood on the road, his leg was bent at an angle but the most surprising thing was only the driver seemed to care no one else even seemed to notice,

"you ok? do you need healing?"

the man on the floor picked himself up the skin regrew and the leg snapped back into place as a white glow came from his body, "no thanks, i'm good, did i scratch you conveyance?"

Duw realized what she had overlooked, this society was different to humans, they could heal themselves and so avoiding injury was less important, in sport humans wore protective gear and learned ways to avoid and dodge opponents, but these people didn't they had no need to, at least to the extent humans would, cuts and bruises were things that vanished within moments whereas humans had to suffer them for possibly weeks, this changed their thinking and could have lead to them placing more importance on power than speed and less on safety.