
This Little Light

Born into a new life, she has to find her place in this world, but a lurking corruption stands in her way.

paulreg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Despite having the mind of a 50+ year old man, a milestone was still a milestone, finally gaining enough muscle control to hold certain biological needs back was oddly exciting no more having to scream and shout to be... assisted, soon she was able to crawl under her own power and exploration began but mainly to relieve boredom, as for speaking she held off for a while and listened to the adults talking trying to comprehend what they were talking about and pickup words but thanks to having a young and forming brain understanding came quickly, what was most interesting was seeing adults use magic some could use fire, some earth, some wind, some water, and some could use light healing magic, apparently the use of light magic for children was a biological trait that the whole race shared.

The thought of using magic was very attractive obviously and she tried every day, she assumed that as a biological trait it should be something that would not require training but nothing happened until she was being nursed by her mother, who's name she had learned was Alana, as she was still trying her mother yelped and stated she stubbed her toe and while she was distracted the baby's hands glowed for a moment.

Before her eyes (the baby) a status window appeared much to her surprise it had a ? as her name and 1 as her age and under that it listed something called 'core' she had two one was light and the other was unknown and both were labeled the unknown was (dormant) while light was (incomplete), she tried to manipulate the window but all that came up was a notification saying that it was locked which was just another frustration, she thought the notifications would be annoying and a new window appeared:

Disable notifications?


and that was it no more notifications appeared, she then closed the window and eventually forgot about it.

Things were fairly normal from then on, basic learning via pictures and such began even learning how to read was started and she soaked it up like a sponge especially reading as she knew that best was to know about this world was reading, they didn't have books printed on paper they were actually enchanted crystals that held the information and projected pages this told her that their science was heavily influenced by magic, but she quickly got lost in the books she was able to sneak away, her mother and father thought she was playing with the pretty books and didn't realize that she was reading them all.

On her second birthday they threw a big party for her as this was when she would get to pick her name, the family would submit names anonymously and she would pick one, her family was quite small though, only two grandparents as her mother's had perished in an accident of some sort, she had an Uncle wo was childless and so having so little family they asked friends to participate including a girl who was three years older than her 'Yelina".

Yelina's mother was an acquaintance not a friend but since she had a daughter they invited her, they thought Yelina may become their daughter's freind and being older could help protect her like an older sister, it then came time for the naming.