
This Little Light

Born into a new life, she has to find her place in this world, but a lurking corruption stands in her way.

paulreg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Duw woke up the next morning and the noise she expected appeared, a guard cursing, the owner shouting, and the cell opening.

They cleared the corpse of the dead girl like it was just some turd a dog had dropped, she had no more respect than that, Duw knew what would happen now, they would order a new girl to be taken and the girls including herself would be shifted around, and as expected several hours later it happened and Duw was dragged out and tossed into the cell next door which was slightly smaller and the little shock happened again, but this time the tingle didn't stop as the guard slammed the door.

It was about a year ago she had re-discovered her status screen, and it looked a little familiar but she wasn't certain if she had seen it before, she opened it quite often and read the small amount of information there :

Name: Duw

Age: 14

Core Light(incomplete), Unknown (dormant)

The rest was greyed out and she couldn't look at it at the time but maybe it would show something now that she felt strange?

Name: Duw

Age: 14

Core: Light (complete, awakening), Unknown (dormant)

Wait awakening? when did that happen? as soon as the question came to mind a prompt appeared, enable notifications? YES

A massive amount of notifications rushed past her eyes at such a speed she couldn't even count until it stopped and she read the last few,

Note: Light Element font absorbed core 99%

Note: Light Element font absorbed core 100% beginning awakening.

Light Element font WTF was that? was that the sensation she felt when she entered the cell? the tingle in her skin was growing more intense and more difficult to ignore.

Note: Light core upgrade received, beginning evolution.

Wait what?! evolution? why was she getting hot? what was happening?

Duw glanced down at herself and her skin was now glowing slightly, a distant memory came to her, something about cores being dangerous during awakening, she glanced through the window into the main room, it was mid week and the place was empty except for the owner who had fallen asleep on a table fairly near to her, then the memory came into focus, a core awakening could produce pure energy which caused normal matter to break down if it was intense enough, and it also artificially made the person much more powerful during it, she hugged the wall where the window was, maybe she could escape.

Note: Light core upgrade received, beginning evolution to Perfect core.

Wait perfect? from what she learned in school cores could only be simple, advanced, or evolved, was perfect something different....? was she on fire? YES SHE WAS ON FIRE!?

Duw looked at her arms in shock as golden flames curled off them, but there was no pain, in fact it felt incredible, her skin was taking on a slight golden luster and she noticed the wall she was up against had the consistency of wet toilet paper and was just that easy to push through, so it was true, core awakenings could disrupt solid things.

She tore the wall open and dashed up to the owner of the place span him around and lifted him off the ground by the throat, he didn't have time to make a squeak before he was unable to make a sound as she cut off his air supply.

She stared at this loathsome little man, it would be so easy to snap his neck now he couldn't resist as he was a normal person without any powers, just one flick of the wrist and he was gone from this world....

Before she acted a face from her past surfaced in her memory, a man older and greying on the sides bald on the top, in her last life her was her GranCha (Grandfather) and although a serious man he was always kind, making funny noises as his wife would tell bedtime stories to her two grandsons, and something he said popped into her mind,

"just because it's easy, doesn't mean you should do it,"

Now looking at this pathetic twerp in her grip she couldn't feel anything but pity for this worthless excuse of a man, and it wasn't her place to kill him despite all he had done she had never seen him kill anyone,

Note: Condition met, Unknown core identified and awakened, unique skill: Soul Vision created, unique skill: Soul extract created, Unique skill: Soul repair created.

She could now see differently with a blink she could see golden clouds everywhere, and from this little man a black miasma was emanating, and it seemed concentrated in a ball at his chest, she reached out fascinated and took hold of it, not noticing her hand actually passed, ghost like, through his chest to do it and as she pulled it out his face went slack and she dropped him forgotten as she studied the thing in her hands,

Note: Corrupted soul detected, would you like to repair?

she furrowed her brow and thought YES

The black miasma began to be drawn into her pulled off his body and off the strange ball in her hand, it wasn't painful or anything and didn't seem to harm her, the ball in her hand began to shrink until all the blackness was absorbed and what was left was a beautiful small ball of twinkling lights orbiting a central light in the middle,

Note: Soul redeemed, soul energy collected, returning soul to rightful body...

The ball of light drifted from her hand and returned to the little man who opened his eyes,

"oh gods... what have I been doing?" he looked up at her tears in his eyes "I'm so sorry,"

Suddenly she was overtaken by an extreme exhaustion, oh gods she waited too long,

"are you alright? my lady are you ok?"

as she passed out the entrance door was smashed off it's frame and slammed to the floor.