
This Little Light

Born into a new life, she has to find her place in this world, but a lurking corruption stands in her way.

paulreg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


4 Years later...

The past few years were hard, Duw recognized her situation due to being much more mature than someone of her biological age and was able to adapt faster making it easier, but she was unique, white firm skin and a young body attracted the worst kind of attention, she found out the hard way that this race could still have sex but that it no longer could result in pregnancy, she received several beatings a week, sometimes several a day, but was better off than the other new slaves as she learned what to say and do.

Her new 'home' was a tiny room not even large enough to lie down in, the walls were unpainted bricks and there was a reinforced thick wooden door with a flap where she would be given her food which was never very much, at the other end was a small window just big enough for her to put a hand through, this confused her at first what was it for?

She learned after a few days that it was for her to cast healing spells through, she learned that if a healing spell was cast on someone who didn't need healing it had an affect similar to taking a drug hit, a feeling of euphoria and well being, although it wasn't addictive, sometimes she would be brought out and placed in a luxurious room with puffy expensive furniture, walls decorated in gold and fine marble, and a soft large bed.....

Most of the time though she was bored, locked in that tiny room all she could do was look out the window, the room beyond was full of gambling tables, plush furniture, sexy dressed girls who seemed to be unaware of the slavery around them, rich yuppy assholes, and guards, but the one thing she could just about see were the doors leading outside, she dreamed about walking out of those doors, with the severed head of the owner in her hand.

The owner was a nasty little man, short and squat like he spent most of his life bent over kissing the rears of the rich and powerful, he scurried after them catering to their whims and kissing up to them whenever he could, the odd thing is that she didn't really hate him although she didn't know why, she had a distinct feeling that something was off about him.

Not all the guards were scum, some were simply stuck in debt and had nowhere to turn, these were the ones who would sneak her and the other girls food when the could since the slaves were only fed just enough to live, the only 'good' thing was that they were kept decently clean, they had clean underclothes and their buckets were emptied every day, but this wasn't kindness, they just didn't want their vending machines stinking of waste.

Duw was one of the longest slaves to be there due to her magic still being active, some of the other girls had lost their magic and then were gone, Duw was moved twice into the vacant rooms, each time she entered a room of a girl who had gone she felt a shiver like a small electric shock but didn't really care about it.

Night was the worst, some girls would cry themselves to sleep sat down since they couldn't lie down, some would wake up suddenly shrieking for their mommy or daddy only to find the dark imprisonment, and tonight was one of the bad nights, a girl woke from her nightmare and didn't stop screaming until they heard her stop followed by a subtle *thud* *thud* thud* *thud* then the sound of something sliding and the deafening silencing of the night welcoming in another lost soul.