
This Little Light

Born into a new life, she has to find her place in this world, but a lurking corruption stands in her way.

paulreg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


The city of Zolm was not that a big of a city it had homes, shops, inns, a casino and a chapter of the Word of the light order, these were the highest order of this continent and they protected the people from many things such as criminals and the beasts that exist in the world, they also provided most of the healers to the world who would assist in curing the sick and injured as well as the mixing of life energy and eventual birth of children, their church also served as barracks for the local paladins who would assist in battling monsters.

The Zolm church was a simple building, above the large double doors it held the symbol of the order a book with light emanating from the pages, sat on the steps outside that lead up from the street was an older man in simple clothes his longer silver hair was smooth and well looked after as it flowed down to his shoulders, his slightly wrinkled face still held the lines of a handsome strong man, the white highlights around his eyes covered most of his face and his hands were white up to the forearm, his eyes were closed as he enjoyed the sun on his face, he sighed and pushed himself up as he heard the sound of commotion from inside, apparently he had to work,

"Master!" the young page ran from inside and down the stairs, he tried to kneel in respect but the older man stopped him in case he fell down the stairs,

"Careful young man, what is all the commotion?!" he asked,

"Master Alaan, the divine compass has reacted strongly, your needed inside!",

the old man headed inside immediately, the diving compass was an artifact left behind by the goddess herself they spent years studying it and were able to make copies which had been the distributed throughout the world, including to the other element orders as the compass could be attuned to the other elements as well, a strong reaction meant that a powerful core had awakened and they had to act fast as sometimes a powerful awakening could kill the person enduring it if they were not strong enough to withstand the extremes of the power unleashed.

As he approached the doors he was shocked, they were glowing! the reaction was so powerful it lit the entire room and even made the wooden doors glow, he opened the door and had to cover his eyes,

"What is happening? is this just from the reaction alone?! do we have a location?" he asked,

"Yes Master, the reaction is so strong this is the result AFTER i diminished the energy going to the compass!"

"WHAT?! get a location NOW!"

"almost there, the compass is settling on the map.... done!"

the light died leaving them all dazzled and rubbing their eyes, now that the glare was gone the room was middle size with a number of small desks and some chairs, papers everywhere, in the middle of the room was a large table with a city map spread out on it, a crystal with gold lines and sliver runes on it had come to rest on a now blackened part of the map,

Master Alaan pointed, "where is that?!"

One of the paladins spoke up unexpectedly, "I know where that is, it's the casino, we have suspected it of slave trafficking for a long time but couldn't find any proof, oh my lady! if the new paladin is one of the slaves they will kill her and escape,"

Master Alaan's eyes grew wide, "GO NOW! TAKE ANYONE AND EVERYONE YOU NEED!!"

The paladin dashed out of the room, tapped several others who were walking or reading on his way out of the building, they stopped what they were doing and followed weapons ready.

People on the streets scattered out of the way seeing a platoon of Paladins in heavy armor rushing through, behind them two priests followed closely, concern etched on their faces, a new little sister was just born and was in possible danger nothing would stop them.

The approached the casino, it's gaudy sign lit up with elemental gems, the walls smooth and clean with gold inlayed decoration, two large ornate white wood heavy doors stood in their way, for about two seconds as the two lead paladins charged them with their shields raised, the left door was flattened off it's hinges while the right one broke apart scattering wood all over the expensive carpet and furniture inside, they looked in weapons ready expecting a fight but instead they saw a thin young girl nearly naked led on the floor, blood leaking from many splits in her skin and the owner of the casino holding her, his eyes wide and red tears flowing like a river,

"Please, I can't help her, please save her!" two paladins restrained him with manacles while the priests rushed up, all the time he kept repeating "Don't let the lady die!"